'forgotten' (Bill Kaulitz)

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Me and Bill are really close friends and a couple months ago i started to like him, I could never tell him though because i was so scared to loose my friendship with him. Though recently we met this new girl, Avery, shes gotten pretty close to bill over the past month and im not sure how i feel about it. I know me and bill are only friends and that he can have other girl friends aswell but i couldnt help to feel jealous. Shes nice but she never really talks to me, just to bill and sometimes the other guys.

Its my birthday today, I threw a massive party and invited lots of people, obviously including the guys. Im really popular at school so ofcourse everyone came, Most people got me presents which i was super excited about but i decided to open my presents later that night with the guys since we were having a little after party with just the 5 of us. Its been 3 hours since my party started and all the guys were here except for bill, i thought it was weird because he also hadnt texted me at all today. I just shrugged it off even though it made me really sad, So to lighten my mood i decided to take some shots with tom.

Another 2 hours pass and im starting to feel a little tired, Some people are very very drunk and i think i even saw like 3 people that were passed out. I decided to end the party now because i didnt want to end up with a bunch of passed out people in my house.

After everybody left i noticed that Bill never came, i was very upset and nad about that but i thought that maybe he was going to suprise me? i dont know..
After me and the guys tidy my house we all huff out as we collapse onto the couch tiredly but about 30 minutes after we rest a little bit all our energy comes back. We all changed into comfy clothes and were just talking, I decided to bring up the fact that Bill hadnt showed up to the party and he wasnt even here now. Gustav and Georg shrugged as they both had no idea what bill was doing, Tom said he hadnt talked to bill since the morning because bill was going out. I was really disappointed in bill for not showing up at all but i just thought maybe he was super busy and something really important came up. Something more important than his best friends birthday party.

After a few hours gustav and georg headed home and Tom asked if i wanted to stay at his tonight which i obviously agreed to because i needed the company. After packing my bag and all that we made it to his house, As soon as we walked in we saw Bill and Avery in the kitchen together, eating.
They both looked up at me and tom, Bill smiled and said hello but Avery just looked back down at her food. I just ignored them both and started taking my shoes off when suddenly bill comes up to me with open arms, I furrow my eyebrows and look at him for a second before pushing past him not acknowledging his indication for a hug.
I walked towards the stairs before shouting out to tom,

"Tom im gonna head up to your room now" I looked back at him as i said that and he nodded, I took a look at bill and he looked confused and a little upset. We made eye contact and he smiled at me but i just rolled my eyes as i continued heading upto toms room. I didnt feel bad shout ignoring bill because he didnt show up to my party, our after party for just the 5 of us, he hadnt texted or called all day and he hasnt even acknowledged that it was my birthday!

I was laying on toms bed when i heard a knock, I yelled that whoever was there could come in and thats when my eyes locked with bills. I groaned and rolled my eyes,

"what do you want bill" i said coldly as i sat up, he looked upset and i started to feel a little bad.

"Whats your problem Y/N? why are you ignoring me and rolling your eyes at me?" He asked with an annoyed tone but also a sad one as he sat next to me,

"Are you serious?" i scoffed out and he just looked at me confused,

"oh my god bill, really?! You didnt come to my party or even my after party with the guys and your wondering why i have a problem?! you completely ditched me and the guys for what, to hangout with Avery?" I say angrily, Saying all of this out loud made me realise how upset i actually was about it.

"Woah what do you mean? I didnt ditch you guys, What party and after party are you even talking about?" bill scoffed out slightly.


Bill had forgotten?! how could he?!

"No fucking way..Did you seriously forget?!" i shouted at him as i stood up in a hurry, he looked even more confused.

"Forget what?!" he said as he also stood up, he now seemed a little more annoyed than confused.

I scoff and roll my eyes,

"wow bill..really just..wow." i sigh out, i feel my eyes water but i dont care. I had to get this anger and sadness out somehow,

"Its my birthday, bill! my fucking birthday and you forgot! I thought that maybe you had just gotten extremely busy with something really important, but no! The reason you hadnt texted me or called wishing me a happy birthday or even bothered to show up to my party let alone my after party was because you fucking forgot and instead spent your whole day with Avery!" I screamed at him as tears started to stream down my face.

I could only just see his face through my tears, he looks guilty and sad and ashamed all at once. He just stood there, didnt apologize or anything. All he did was stand there and look at me with shame and guilt and sadness and disbelief. I rushed out of the room and down stairs, immediately running to tom. I hugged him tightly and cried against his chest before mumbling to him,

"How could he forget..How can i still love him after this.."

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