'To drunk to function' (Bill Kaulitz)

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Bill and me are best friends but lately we've been flirting a little bit and it kind of feels like something more than just friends, Ive always had an attraction to bill but after the first time he flirted with me that attraction i had felt towards him turned into a small crush.

I was getting ready for a party that my friend, Aria, insisted i had to go to, although i didnt feel like it tonight i still went. I had already straightened my hair so now it was time for my makeup, I wanted to do something simple but still cute.

 I had already straightened my hair so now it was time for my makeup, I wanted to do something simple but still cute

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I checked myself out in the mirror for like the 13th time before finally heading to my closet, I had thought about the outfit i wanted to wear the night before.
I searched through my closet for what felt like hours but only ended up being 5 minutes until i finally pulled out the top and skirt i was wearing, I then grabbed a pair of boots to go with it.

I searched through my closet for what felt like hours but only ended up being 5 minutes until i finally pulled out the top and skirt i was wearing, I then grabbed a pair of boots to go with it

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I began checking myself out again in the mirror, 'I knew i was hot but damn.. this just proved it even more' i thought to myself with a small giggle escaping my lips. Suddenly i heard a knock at my door.. 'What the fuck? I know that Aria was picking me up but isnt it to early?' I thought to myself, I still grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs though. I was walking towards the door and i heard someone talking outside of it, I was confused on who it would be until i opened the door and was met with Bill and Tom. They both smiled at me widely before scanning my outfit, Tom just grinned and complimented me where as bill sort of froze. He was a shade of bright pink and he was just staring at my body, I clicked my fingers infront of his face making him jump a little with a small gasp. I chuckled to myself as i stood aside letting the twins come in,

"So what are you guys doing here?" I ask them as i close the door and begin leading them into my lounge. Tom immediately flops onto the couch, man spreading which must annoy bill because bill looks down at tom and groans.

"We're gonna take you to the party, If thats okay?" Bill says as he slumps down next to tom,

"Oh well, I'll have to ask Aria. She was supposed to pick me up but im sure she wont mind if you guys take me instead" I reply as i grab my phone from my pocket, I texted Aria saying that the twins wanted to take me to the party if that was okay with her and not even 5 seconds later she replies. 'ofcourse its okay babes, see you at the party! xx' I read, i smiled at my phone before looking back up at the boys,

"She said she doesnt mind" I say with a soft smile, putting my phone back in my pocket.


Me and the twins had finally arrived at the party, we were walking inside and we immediately got hit with the smell of alcohol and weed. Gross. I ignored it as me and bill made our way through the crowd of people dancing on each other and drinking meanwhile Tom probably found his way to the ladies, Me and bill finally found our way to the counter covered with bottles of alcohol.
We both grabbed a shot glass and filled it with vodka, I downed it and bill watched in shock at how i didnt make a face. I laughed and shrugged it off as i watched bill down his shot then cough immensely, I poured myself another shot and quickly downed that as well.

About an hour passes and im pretty drunk, i lost bill but i was to drunk to care. I was dancing with Aria outside since there was a few people passed out inside, Surprisingly there was a lot of people dancing and drinking outside aswell. Bill being one of them. Another few minutes pass and ive has a couple more drinks, im stumbling over my feet and slurring my words kinda drunk. Without even thinking i stand on a picnic table close to the pool and started trying to take my top off, Almost everyone stops and stares at me, most of them cheering at me.

"Lets go skinny dippingg!!" I yell loudly, stuttering and slurring my words as i struggled to stay standing straight.
A lot of people start jumping into the pool, some with clothes on, some with only underwear. I got down from the table and i had just gotten my shirt off when suddenly someone grabs my waist pulling me inside, I feel them drag me outside again and put me into their car.

"Whatt are you doing" I slurr as i look over at the person, i can barely see then through my blurry vision but i can makeout their black clothes and black spikey hair. Its bill, but my drunk mind didnt process that it was bill.

"Im taking you back to my house. You're really drunk, Y/N" He says as he drives off, taking a quick glance at me every now and then. I gasp dramatically and turn to him,

"Oh noooo! We forgot bill" I whine out drunkly to which he just laughs, I slump into the passenger seat as he continues driving.

"I want bill." I slurr in a huff as i cross my arms, Again, He laughs.
After what felt like the longest car ride ever he finally stopped the car infront of his house, he got out and made his way over to the passengers door, opening it for me. I immediately stand up and stumble into his arms as he holds my waist firmly with one hand while the other hand closes the door.
I hum softly as i lean my cheek against his shoulder when suddenly i feel him lift me off the ground by my waist, Im to drunk and tired to protest against it so i just let my arms snake around his neck while burying my head into his shoulder as my legs wrapped round his waist. His hand was holding me by under my thigh as his other hand was on my ass, holding my skirt down lightly. As he carried me inside i kept mumbling to him,
"wheres billyy", " i want bill", "is bill coming for me", which kept making him laugh until he finally spoke up.

" Dont worry N/N, im here." he whispers into my ear. My face immediately pulled away from his shoulder and i looked at him with the widest smile,

"Oh my godddd! bill you came for me!" i whisper yelled at him drunkly, Acting as if he just appeared out of nowhere and wasnt the 'other dude' that was carrying me before.
The only thing i could process from then on was him walking into his room as i ranted on and on tiredly and drunkly about how much i missed him and loved him, He then placed me on his bed and i snuggled into the covers immediately which made him laugh. He kissed my forehead softly which made me hum happily, But when he turned away to leave i whined out for him making him walk back to me.

"Bill..please stay" i whispered as i reached out for his hand.
Next thing I know i was snuggled into bills chest with his arms wrapped around me tightly, holding me close.

It felt like only a few minutes before my eyes fluttered open again and then i immediately felt my head throb harshly, making me groan. As i properly wake up i realise im in bills arms, not that im complaining or anything im just super confused. Suddenly he wakes up aswell,

"Good morning N/N" he mumbles happily as he cuddles me closer to him, i just smile and lean into his arms more,

"Bill what happened last night? why am i at your house?" I ask, followed by a yawn. He just grins down at me and lets out a light chuckle before answering my question,

"Lets just say..You were to drunk to function."

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