'its done' pt3 (Tom Kaulitz)

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Tom took my hand and led me outside so we could talk, Although i was a little nervous to finally have a proper chat with him about everything that happened i was a little relieved about it at the same time. And i would be lying if i said there wasn't a small part of me that wanted to give in and forgive Tom, But i wasn't going to.

He took me a little far away from the club but not to far where i would get lost, Once we finally stopped i sat down on the curb and Tom quickly did the same.

"So whats there to talk about? You cheated, Plain and simple." I blurted out as i stared down at my lap and fiddled with my fingers until suddenly he took my hands in his and intertwined my fingers with his own causing me to look up from my lap and into his eyes. He stared back at me with a sad and genuine look plastered across his face,

"Y/N please just let me explain.." He whispered with a croaky, broken voice as his eyes began to water. I bit my lip slightly as i thought about whether i should let him explain or not before taking a deep, sharp breath in.

"Fine..Explain yourself." I say to him which makes him smile. He turns his body towards me, his knees now touching mine and our hands still intertwined,

"I didn't want to cheat on you, I just..I had to.." He says in a small breath as he grips onto my hands tighter while i just stare at him with a confused expression,

"The girl you caught me with, Her name is Lucy. She's been obsessing over me for months and months and when she found out that i was dating you she got jealous, Then she somehow got my number and texted me saying that if i didn't break up with you and get together with her instead she'd...she'd hurt you." He rants to me with a shaky voice as a few tears begin to trickle down his cheek, His grip on me tightened as he looked down. I felt my heart drop, I wasn't sure whether to believe him or not but either way i felt a little bad seeing him cry. And without even thinking about it, I hugged him to which he immediately accepted and hugged me back just as tight, burying his head into my shoulder as he cried softly. I rubbed his back in an attempt to calm him down,

"Y/N please believe me, I am so so sorry but i just didn't want to risk her hurting you..And i didn't want to leave you so i thought i could just pretend i broke up with you but i didn't think it through properly..I really am sorry" He muttered through tears as i just continued to rub his back.

"Tom..It's fine, i guess." I mumble in his ear as i begin rocking us both side to side gently,

"No..It's not fine, I really am sorry. I was so stupid to even believe Lucy, I should've just reported her to the police or just tried to protect you instead or...Or something.." he cried out, Gripping onto me even tighter. I took in a deep breath as my lip quivered, I leaned my head on top of his as he cried into my shoulder.

"I..I even have proof  if you want it, I just need you to forgive me..I need you back in my life, Please..I love you" He begged quietly which for some reason gave me butterflies, Hearing him say he wanted me back in his life and that he loved me made me question whether i should forgive him or not.

"It's okay, I don't need proof. But...If you really want me to forgive you, you're gonna have to prove to me that you really do mean what you said." I huff out, pulling away slightly from his embrace to look him in the eyes. He looked up at me with tears on his cheeks, a red nose and puffy eyes. I pursed my lips and wiped the tears off his face, 

"I will prove it to you." He said with a small smile as he moved back from my arms and stood up, He held his hand out to help me up which i accepted. As i got steady on my feet again i felt Tom take my handbag, I watched him take my phone out in confusion and go on it. After a few seconds he hands it back to me and i look at it, 

"Ohhh" I hum out as i realised what he had done with my phone, He had unblocked his number and re-saved it as 'Tom xx'. I look up at Tom with a small smile and he looks down at me with a wide smile,

"Promise to stay in touch with me?" He says as he leans closer to me, I give him a small nod.

"I promise. And you're still gonna prove to me that you meant everything you said, Yeah?" I ask, followed by a small giggle as i feel myself leaning closer as well.

"Yeah, But you gotta come to my next concert to see me prove it." He says with a small smirk, I give him a confused look but i still nod in agreement. 

"Good.." He whispered as our faces got closer and closer, His lips were inches away from mine and before i knew it i could feel his warm lips make contact with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me in closer to him by my waist, We both slowly melted into the kiss. Maybe i was ready to forgive him and take him back.


It has been a week since I last saw Tom and we have been calling every morning and night and non stop texting, And now i was at his concert, The one he told me to come to so he could win me back and prove he meant what he said. I was in the front row, Screaming and cheering for them as they performed. They were amazing, Now their concert was coming to and end and Bill was saying a small speech to everyone but throughout their entire performance all i could focus on was how Tom would prove himself to me, i was confused on why Tom had decided to do it at his concert instead of just asking me to meet up..Maybe he had something special planned to prove himself to me? Suddenly i heard Tom's voice echo through the stadium followed by the crowds eruption of screams and cheers, I instantly snapped out of my thoughts when i heard Tom begin to speak.

"First of all, I would like to thank every single one of you that came here tonight as well as all of the fans that couldn't. You have all supported us throughout the years and got us to where we are today, We couldn't be more grateful for you guys!" He yelled into the microphone which made the crowd scream and cheer even louder, I let a wide smile spread across my face as he talked about how grateful he was for all his fans.

"But I am extremely thankful for one person in particular, Y/N L/N." He says as he points to me, My jaw drops immediately and i feel my heart beating faster and faster.

"You have been by my side and supported me through thick and thin, And i know i messed up but even after what i did you still comforted me when i needed you to. You are the best thing that's happened to me and I appreciate you more than you'll ever know, You changed me for the better." He said with a soft smile and i smiled back until suddenly i felt the security take my hand and lead me onto the stage, As soon as i got on stage i ran to Tom and engulfed him in the tightest hug i had ever given which he quickly accepted. We stayed in each others embrace for another few seconds before pulling away, He turned back towards the crowd, bringing the microphone back up to his face.

"I love you with all my heart, Y/N L/N!" He yelled into the microphone while looking at me, I felt my eyes begin to water as i gently cupped his face and pulled him close to me.

"I love you more, Tom Kaulitz" I whispered to him, my lips brushing against his. He chuckled softly before kissing me, I kissed him back as my arms slowly slipped around his neck. We both melted into the kiss and i knew right then and there that he meant what he said,

Tom proved himself to me.

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