'My one and only' (Bill Kaulitz)

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Me and bill have been dating for 3 years now and its the most perfect relationship, hes everything I'll ever want and need. Everybody says i am extremely lucky but i wasnt so sure if i really was, I mean sure i had the most perfect boyfriend and i was really close with the rest of the band but I want to believe that its fate instead of luck. Anyways, obviously since im his girlfriend i go on tours with the boys and to all of their concerts, Each times the same, I have lots of fun and I stay backstage or front row cheering as loudly as i can for them.

So like always, I was backstage cheering for them, dancing to the beat. As the song ended the crowd errupted into cheers which made me so happy that people supported them so much.

"Thank you so much everybody for supporting us this much and without you guys we wouldnt be here right now!" Bill said into the mic, pointing out to the crowd while I just smiled and admired him.

"But I want to give the biggest thanks to Y/N," He pauses as he looks over at me with the widest smile ive seen, Im very shocked but im still happy. I smiled back at him when suddenly he started running off stage towards me, I was confused but i soon grew nervous as he dragged me back onto the stage with him. I stood there, nervously but excitedly gripping bills hand as he continued to speak,

"Y/N. You have stayed with me through everything, You have supported me and loved me and comforted me no matter what. I cant explain how much love i feel for you, from the first moment my gaze landed on you i felt star struck. I knew at that moment that I was destined to be with you, And as we grew to know eachother i fell in love with you harder than i thought was possible." Bill says as he looks at me with the most loving and caring look ever, My eyes were starting to water from his sweet words.

"Each day i fall more and more in love with you, I want to stay with you for the rest of my life. Y/N M/N L/N," he pauses, A look of confusion washed over my face as he took his hand away from mine. He reachee into his pocket and slowly got on one knee, I gasped quietly as the crowd started screaming loudly.

"Will you marry me?" He opened the box showing the most gorgeous diamond ring ever, his eyes wear watering and he had the biggest smile ever plastered across his face, Tears immediately started running down my cheeks as i put my hands over my mouth.

"YES!" I screamed loudly, Bill stood up quickly and i instantly jumped into his arms. We held eachother tightly and shared a passionate and long kiss not caring that over 10,000 people were watching. As we pulled away he took the ring out of the box and slowly slipped it onto my ring finger, it fit perfectly. He then looked back at Georg, Tom and Gustav who all looked so proud of him.

Bill looked at me again, with a gentle smile before looking back to the crowd He took the mic in one hand as his other hand stayed wrapped around my waist,

"Thank you so much everybody, Have an amazing rest of your night!" He yelled into the mic happily with a trembly voice. Not to long after he said that we all headed backstage, Without hesitation i pulled him into another kiss. He held my close to him as he kissed me back, After we pulled away once more he buried his face into my shoulder.

"I love you so so so much, My gorgeous girl" He mumbled against my neck softly which made me smile widely, I kissed his cheek gently before whispering into his ear,

"I love you so much more, Baby."

I know now that i really am extremely lucky, Especially to have met bill and gotten so close with the band. But i also know that this all happened for a readon, that it really was fate and that me and bill were bound to be.
That Bill Kaulitz,

Is my one and only.

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