'Racing for you' (Tom Kaulitz) pt1

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I grew up around motorcycles because my parents loved racing, But especially my dad. He loved racing more than anything, Except his family of course, and he was pretty good at it too.
Hes been racing since i was 5 and he would always let me come watch his races.

I remember telling him to do his best and be careful before every single race, until one time when i was 13, i couldnt find him in time before the race to tell him. I just shrugged it off and went near to where the finish line was and waited for him.

I watched as one by one, a racer would pass the finish line, but i never saw my dads bike. I was confused but tried to shrug it off, I just kept waiting and waiting for his bike to pass but it never did. I looked around for him but couldnt find him anywhere, Suddenly i spotted my mom crying. I ran upto her, extremely confused,

"Mom, Whats wrong? Have you seen dad?" I asked her, being confused and a little worried for my dad,

"Hun..your dad crashed, And he..he doesnt have a high chance of uhm..surviving..." She stuttered out with her voice cracking, choking on her tears. Immediately, i felt my heart drop to my stomach and my breathing get shaky and heavy. I tried to ask how he crashed, How bad it really was, where he was..but i couldnt get anything out, i just stood there in shock as tears filled my eyes. I mustve spaced out for the next few minutes because everything around me went blurry, i could hear people talking, screaming, gasping but it was all faded as i just stared at the ground.

The next thing i remember was sitting in between my dads sponsor, Hunter, and my mom in the waiting room of the hospital. I felt my heavy breathing pickup pace as a doctor comes up to us and asks,

"Are you here for Y/D/N Y/L/N?"
the doctor keeps his focus on his clipboard. My mom says yes and then the doctor continues,

"I am very sorry for your loss...he passed due to serious head injuries."

His words ran through my head like bullets, i wanted to scream out loud, tug on my hair and smash everything in sight but i couldnt..instead i sat there in silence as tears streamed down my face and i gripped onto my jeans tightly.

I had just lost the person i loved most.


After my dads passing my mom was different, she became a very closed in person. She had shut me out and it broke my heart but i knew she was still trying to deal with what had happened, But one day she came down stairs all dressed up.

"You look nice mom, is something fancy happening tonight?" I ask with a small smile as i scan her outfit,

"Yes actually, I met somebody..and hes coming over for dinner." She admits with a wide smile. As her smile grows mine drops, Shes met somebody..?

"What.? You...You met someone..?" I asked in disbelief, feeling a little hurt that she could move on from my dad so easily.

"Yeah i met someone, His names Logan and hes very nice. He actually like motorcycles aswell, maybe you two can bond over tha-" She started but i cut her off before she could finish the last part of her sentence,

"No. Im not bonding with some stranger over something that dad got me into. Racing is mine and dads thing, Not mine and that random guys. And it never will be." I interrupted bluntly, in a cold tone. I watched as an angered expression took over my moms face,

"Y/N you dont even know Logan yet, And your dad died 3 years ago its about time we both move on! Hes not here anymore, And its not like he can come back so its not yours and his thing anymore. Just yours." She replied back, raising her voice and as soon as she stopped talking my heart dropped.

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