'Guys my age' (Bill Kaulitz)

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!!!!QUICK A/N!!!!

Y/N is spanish in this story so she will use spanish words at some parts, At the bottom of the story it has translations to what every spanish word means. Also if you are uncomfortable with big age gaps then i suggest either skipping this story or you can pretend that the age gap is smaller if that makes you feel better about this story. Also I am currently working on 3 other stories right now so it might take a while for me to post them.

I was never really interested in relationships, i didnt believe that a true love existed. I dated a few boys but it never felt right..They were either to clingy and obsessed, To stubborn and confident, To distant and dry, To possessive and jealous or to crazy. I started to think that maybe my standards were to high, maybe i just dated the wrong guys? Or maybe it was because I didnt want guys my age. Not to long after i turned 18 I met my boyfriend, Bill. We instantly clicked and i soon realised that he met my standards perfectly. He was sweet and gentle, Protective but not in a crazy way, he was a little clingy but not to clingy, confident yet vulnerable when he wanted to be. He was absolutely perfect, and ontop of that he was gorgeous. About 3 weeks after we met we realised that we really liked each other and started going out, and thats when i knew that true love was real.
A few months into the relationship i met his family and they welcomed me with open arms, And then it was time for Bill to meet my family. There was one problem with Bill meeting my family though..My parents absolutely hated our age gap, I was 18 and Bill was 26. It was an 8 year age gap but me and Bill didnt mind because we truly loved eachother, My parents on the other hand minded very much. They thought he was to old to be with me, That his career as lead singer of Tokio Hotel wasnt stable enough, That overall he wasnt good enough to be with me.
Bill knew my parents didnt like him very much but he tried his hardest to change their minds, He would bring them gifts every time we visited them and would be extremely nice so seeing my parentd be so rude in return made me so upset. Today, he insisted that we visited my parents. I didnt want to because i knew how cold they would be towards Bill but he didnt care, he thought it was important for me to see my parents every chance i could. We finally arrived at my parents house and i took bills hand in mine,

"If you get uncomfortable, we can leave, Okay Amor?" I say softly to him and he smiles, leaning down to cup my cheek and kiss me gently.

"Thanks baby" He whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead before knocking on the door. After a few seconds the door swung open revealing my mom with a wide smile,

"¡Oh mi dulce hija, te extrañé tanto!" My mom coo'd as she held her arms out to me, I smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Hola mamá, yo también te extrañé." I replied as i patted her back for a second before pulling away with a gentle smile. She nods and then turns to Bill,

"Hola Bill, me alegro de verte." She hummed in a surprisingly sweet tone, She pulled him into a hug which surprised him, he hesitantly hugged back.

"Hola Mrs L/N, Uh...Encantada de verte de nuevo también, Cómo estás?" Bill asks, pausing every few words to make sure he got the words and pronunciation correct. Bill has been learning spanish for about 2 months nown and was actually very good at it, He wanted to learn so he could know more about my culture and language which made me fall even deeper in love with him. After hearing him say that sentence in spanish perfectly i smiled proudly, My mom smiling aswell and nodding, happy that bill had learnt some spanish. Maybe she was starting to like him?

"I am doing well Estimado, Gracias for asking. Now come in, come in!" My mom hummed happily as she took my hand and dragged me inside before doing the same with Bill. Soon after we came in my dad came down stairs,

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