'I hate you' (Tom Kaulitz)

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Im best friends with tokio hotel, We all lived in the same house because we thiught it would be so much fun, which it was. Me and Tom are also dating and we have been for a few months, We've had a few arguments but we worked through it. We've recently gotten into a huge argument and he left the house in a rage, It was a stupid argument anyways. He was tired from being at the studio all day and working on new melodies on guitar so when he came back home i tried to comfort him and he went off on me, I got upset and told him not to take it out on me but instead of apologizing he called me clingy and annoying.

It had been 3 hours since Tom left, he hadnt called back or replied to anybody. Not even Bill. They were all getting worried and honestly so was I, we may be arguing at the moment but that doesnt mean i dont care about him still. I was pacing around my room worriedly as another 47 minutes had passed and tom still hadnt answered anybodys texts, Eventually the boys had gone to sleep thinking he would come back later that night or something but i just couldnt fall asleep. Suddenly i heard a gentle knock on my door, I rushed over and opened it immediately. It was Tom, I sighed in relief as i felt my eyes water.

"Tom.." I whispered in a shaky voice as i hugged him tightly, he hugged me back just as tight and buried his head into my shoulder. I started to sob quietly,

"Im so sorry baby..Please forgive me, I was just really really annoyed and tired from practicing all day and took it out on you, I know it was wrong but i just couldnt stop myself..I didnt mean a single thing i said, I promise. I love you so much" He ranted to me in a mumble against my neck and i just rubbed his back,

"Shh, Its okay love. I know you were just exhausted, I shouldnt of gotten so hurt by it because I know you never meant to hurt me. Im just glad your safe." I whispered to him as i continued to sob quietly, He held me even tighter and kissed my neck softly repeatedly.

"How about we go for a drive or something to calm down baby?" He asked me as he slightly pulled away from the hug but still holding me tightly with one hand as his other hand wiped my tears away, I smiled and nodded as i pulled away from him to go put a hoodie on. I decided to stay in my pajama shorts but chuck a hoodie on to be extra comfy, I slipped on my uggs and headed out to Toms car since he was already waiting for me out there. I got into the passengers seat and smiled at Tom who was already looking at me and smiling as well,

"Your so gorgeous N/N.." he whispered as he started his car up, I blushed deeply and smiled at him once more as we began driving. We decided to just drive around anywhere and everywhere we could as we sung along to songs and talked, We continued this for about 20 minutes when he started driving somewhere. I was confused but he said not to worry about it and that it was a suprise, I just shrugged and trusted him as he continued driving. About 10 minutes later we arrived at the beach, I smiled widely as my eyes lit up. I loved going to the beach, It was so relaxing and calming. I felt like all my worries went away at the beach, And Tom knows that because he brings me to the beach anytime he thinks im worried or upset about something which i think is very sweet. I snapped back to reality as i felt tom interlock his fingers with mine and drag me towards the shore, I giggled and followed along as i ran into the water, stopping as it reached my thighs barely. I look back and notice that tom has taken his pants off and was now running into the water to join me, I smirked widely as he got closee to me. When he finally reached me he engulfed me in a tight hug while spinning me around slowly, I loved it.

About 20 minutes passed and we were heading back to his car, I had lots of fun being with him tonight. I almost forgot that we were fighting before, As we finally reached his car i hopped into the passenger seat again. It was a little hot so i decided to chuck my hoodie in the back, And as i leaned into the back seat to put my hoodie in there i saw a....

....a bra...?! What the fuck??....

My eye brows furrowed as tom started driving, I picked up the bra and dangled it in my fingers instead of holding it properly. I pulled it into the front seat and raised an eyebrow as i watched tom glance at the bra and his face drops, He takes another glance at the bra and his expression changes to sn extremely guilty and ashamed looking one.

"What the fuck? Whos bra is this, Tom?" I asked angrily as i dropped it back into the back seat and glared at him,

"Y/N I dont know, I promise. Georg went out with his girlfriend last night and used my car, maybe its hers?" he stutters as his eyes dont look up from the road.

"Tom! Dont fucking lie to me, Georg was at home last night! Now tell me...Whos fucking bra is this??!" I raised my voice as i got even angrier, He tried to lie to me? What the fuck! We just had that romantic moment and now ive found a bra in the back of his car?!

"Baby im sorry I would never ever cheat on you! I promise!!...I was just...Just frustrated at you and I fucked up..Im so sorry" He blurts out as his girip tightens on the steering wheel, As soon as he says that my heart drops.

"Really Tom..Did anything we just did matter to you? did it honestly mean something to you or was it all just a sick joke?!" i yelled at him angrily, I felt tears come to my eyes as clenched my fists,

"Baby im so sorry, You really do mean everything to me i know i fucked up but i didnt mean to. Your my everything..I need you and I love you!" He replies back worriedly, I just scoff and roll my eyes,

"No..you dont love me, Dont you dare say you love me after i find out you cheated on me! God tom I love you so much but you keep hurting me! why? Why do you do this to me!!" I cry out and he just stays silent, his eyes were starting to water and it pissed me off that he would probably end up crying when he chose to fuck some random girl after getting mad at me.

"Your dead to me, Im so done with you and your bullshit. Im breaking up with you." I sighed heavily in defeat and he immediately parks his car and looks at me sadly,

"No baby...please, im sorry. You dont mean that! I know you dont!" he cries out as tears start rolling down his cheeks, It hurts me to see him like this but i cant let him continue to hurt me and play with my heart over and over again. I got out of his car and he followed behind me,

"Im not going to let you play with my feelings like you do to every other girl! Dont try have any contact with me because I truly am done with you." I said angrily, I began to walk away when he grabbed my hand and turned me to look at him. I paused for a second before roughly pulling my hand back and walking away again and saying,

"I hate you, Tom Kaulitz"

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