... Is to have a good night

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"How was the making out?" Eleanor asks Jaya as Fabiola texts Devi.

Fabiola is glad that Jaya is distracting Eleanor.

"Hot," Jaya admits. "Very hot. I let him touch my boobs the last time."

Eleanor beams. "Oh, my God!" She giggles. "That's awesome! But I need help with a change. I wanna just be Eleanor. No more bright colors. Beige."

Paxton: Wanna be friends again? I'm sorry.

Jaya smiles.

Jaya: Of course I wanna be again. I forgive you. How'd it go with Devi for Kelsea & Rebecca?
Paxton: It went good. Both girls are very happy. We'll talk soon. See you at school.

"Hey, Lil' Jay!" Trent cheers as Jaya enters the classroom for History.

"Hey, Trent," Jaya greets. "Happy birthday, Ben Gross."

Ben and Jaya are Facebook friends so she knows it's his birthday. Jay sits behind Jason and he shows Devi her pictures while Ben tells everyone he's throwing a party because he was almost jealous of Jason and Devi.

Jaya comforts Eleanor at school since her meds are working and now Eleanor is sad. Devi tried apologizing but it didn't work. She chose Jason over them and Jaya chose Eleanor over Paxton. Paxton even understood. So Jaya understands why Fabiola and Eleanor wanted a friendship break from Devi and Jaya is on their side.

Jaya is going to Ben's party. Nalini knows that despite Jaya being her ward, she can't tell her what to do because she's not her daughter. She just told her no drinking or doing drugs or having sexual. Jaya won't do any of those things anyway.

Jaya has just finished getting ready and she goes outside to catch a ride from Kamala

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Jaya has just finished getting ready and she goes outside to catch a ride from Kamala. Devi lied to Nalini and she's going to the party. Jaya didn't lie, Nalini let her go because she knows that Saavani would have.

"Wow," Ben gasps when he sees her at his house. "You look great, Jaya."

"Thanks, Ben," Jaya replies.

"Holy crap," Fabiola, whom of which is dressed in a white pantsuit, gasps. "You look amazing! This is Eve. Eve, this is Jaya Singh."

"Hi, Eve," Jaya greets and she shakes her hand.

"Hey," Eve greets in return. "Fab's right. You look great."

Jaya goes outside and Jonah fans himself when he sees her. She laughs and she curtsies. Jay gets a club soda because she doesn't drink. People weren't as happy to see Devi as they were to see Jaya.

"Am I overdressed?" Jaya asks Jonah. "Why is everyone staring?"

"Because you look hot," Jonah replies. "You're not overdressed."

"Hey, Jay," Paxton greets as he walks over.

"I'll be off now," Jonah says. "Keep looking fabulous, Jaya Singh."

Jaya smiles at Paxton and says hi back but then the punch Fabiola was about to drink goes all over her because of Devi. Eleanor grabs a napkin.

"What the hell, Devi?" Fabiola exclaims. "This suit is Anjelica Huston for Kohl's. I spent all my science fair winnings on it."

"I'm sorry!" Devi pleas as she walks closer to her. "Trent put his balls in - "

"I don't care," Fabiola cuts her off. "I don't want to hear another weak excuse about why you're acting crazy."

Devi scoffs. "What does that mean?"

"Fabiola, let's just go," Eleanor says.

"No!" Fabiola declares. "I'm popping off. I just wanted one night where I wasn't sucked into your drama, and now I'm drenched in it. Not everything is about you and your problems!"

Jason walks through the crowd leading to the pool area. He spies Paxton standing near Jaya and a few other popular people. His focus goes to Fabiola and Devi.

"I'm so sorry that it's such a inconvenience to you that my dad died,' Devi says.

"Yeah, I know he did, but that doesn't give you a free pass to treat us like crap," Fabiola says. "Jaya lost her mother, Devi, and she's still treats us like we deserve."

"I don't treat you guys like crap," Devi defends.

"You've turned into this fake person that only cares about popularity and Jason," Fabiola says and Devi hesitantly glances at Jason, who's casually standing there and listening, "and doesn't give a shit about her real friends or maybe even her own cousin, when when Eleanor's mom abandons her, or I say that I'm gay!"

People start murmuring now that Fabiola has just outed herself in front of everyone in attendee of Ben's party.

"Dammit," Fabiola curses when she realizes what she just did. "You just came come out to our whole class!"

"We just miss our old friend," Eleanor says as Jonah comes out but everyone already knew he was gay, "and right now, you're not her."

"Where's the Devi that wouldn't leave my side after my mom died until I forced you to?" Jaya asks from beside Paxton. "Where's that Devi?"

"You seem... lost," Eleanor says to Devi.

"You know what? I should have just let you drink Trent's ball juice," Devi says. "And I'm not lost. I know exactly where I am." She ends up backing into the pool.

Jason jogs over and he helps her out of the pool.

"Can you drive me home, Pax?" Jaya asks him.

"Yeah," Paxton replies as Jason makes sure Devi is good.

Paxton and Devi go out to Paxton's car. But he pushes her gently against his car and he kisses her again. Jaya melts and she kisses back. He smirks as he backs away. They get into the car and Paxton starts it up.

Paxton keeps stealing glances at the gorgeous Indian in his passenger's seat as his hand rests on his leg. He drives her home and he gives her one more kiss.

"Goodnight, Jay."

Jaya smiles, blushing. "Goodnight, Pax."

Jaya gets out of the car and she goes to her room. She changes into some pajama shorts and a brown tank top from India and she brings her dress to the laundry room so that Nalini can wash it.

Jaya buries her face into her pillow and she squeals. He finally kissed her for the first time in a while. She didn't even see her uncle, Nalini's brother in the kitchen.

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