Two Sides of the Same Coin

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When Lena pulls away from the kiss to breathe, Kara quickly stands, backing away from Lena, panting heavily. With her heart pounding and her palms sweating, Kara looks at the raven-haired woman still sitting on the couch. She catches the flash of hurt that crosses Lena's face before ducking her head, her face burning.

"I'm sorry, Kara. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. If I misread the situation, I am truly sorry." Lena's voice is soft and careful, like speaking to a wild animal without spooking it. A single tear runs down Kara's cheek and she wipes at it, trying to brush it away without Lena noticing.

"You didn't." Glancing at Lena now, Kara bites her lip. Confusion crosses over Lena's face as she stands, her heels clicking against the floor as she walks toward Kara. Instinctively, Kara steps backward, hitting the wall of Lena's office.

"Kara?" Lena stops, her arms falling limply at her sides in defeat. "I don't understand. If I didn't misread the situation, what's wrong?" Kara bites her lip again, the coolness of the wall seeping into her skin through her blouse. Suppressing a shiver, Kara opens her mouth to explain or say something that isn't stupid, but her super hearing catches an explosion on the other side of the city. Kara groans inwardly as Lena, in all her glory, stands there, green eyes searching Kara for an explanation or even something to come out of her mouth. Kara swallows hard.

"I'm sorry, Lena. I have to go." Kara moves quickly, stepping around Lena to grab her things from the couch. After closing the door and running down the hall, Kara sighs heavily. Shaking her head to clear it, she scans the floor for anyone else. Noticing it's clear, she enters another office space that has a balcony. Faster than humanly possible, Kara changes into her super suit, and takes off from the balcony, heading toward the explosion she heard.

"Alex? J'onn? Can you hear me?" The wind whips through her blonde hair as Kara flies down to the docks of National City where a steady fire is burning from an explosion.

"Supergirl," Alex answers almost instantly. "What have you got?"

"An explosion of some kind at the docks. I'm going to check it out." Kara walks closer to the flames, using her X-ray vision to scan for anything that might seem out of the ordinary. Nothing. However, the fine hairs on the back of her neck prickle. Moving cautiously, Kara circles the cargo boxes that are engulfed in flame. A small flash of silver catches her eye. Stepping closer to get a better look, Kara doesn't notice the figure to her left, just out of her peripheral. Kara blows out the flames with her cold breath before moving forward to grab the silver object laying on the ground. Just as her fingers touch the silver disc, a blast of green comes from her left as the figure pulls the trigger on the gun they are holding. Kara goes flying, the blast throwing her over 50 feet away from the disc into more cargo boxes. Groaning, Kara tries to stand. Her legs fail her. She's so weak. Kara lifts her hands to her face and notices a green tinge in her veins. Shit. Kryptonite. She rolls her head towards where the silver disc. The figure stands there, holding the device in their hands. They're dressed in black, a hood and mask covering their face, the gun dangling at their side.

"Supergirl? Everything okay?" Alex's voice comes through the comms. Kara can't answer, the pain from the Kryptonite blast pulsing through her body. "Supergirl? Kara?" Alex becomes more frantic as Kara doesn't answer. Kara can only watch as the figure walks towards her writhing form.

"Poor Kryptonian." The voice is distorted from the mask. "So helpless without her powers." The person laughs.

"You won't get away with this." Kara spits out. The person laughs again.

"I already have." They disappear from Kara's view. Kara barely remembers what happens next after J'onn and Alex show up. She can only recall seeing Alex's worried face before she blacks out.

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