Maybe, If Things Were Different

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Two weeks after Kara confessed to Lena about her identity, she drags herself to work, needing the distraction that it brings. Her mind feels fuzzy, clouded with the dozens of memories of her and Lena. Laying in bed 24/7 reliving them has become too much. As she walks into CatCo, Kara immediately notices Nia hovering near her desk. Approaching slowly, Kara nods a greeting to the younger woman.

"I'm so glad you're back, Kara," Nia begins excitedly. Kara hums non-committedly. "I just wanted to thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Kara mumbles.

"For the recognition you gave me for helping on the Lena Luthor interview article? Cat says it's most likely going to be nominated for a Pulitzer!" Nia practically squeals, bouncing on her toes. Kara's heart squeezes at the mention of Lena. She offers Nia a weak smile.

"That sounds... great." She collapses into her chair, heaving a sigh. This is going to be harder than she thought. Kara watches as Nia's face falls, the initial excitement draining at the subdued reaction she's given. She feels terrible, but she can't seem to help it. Swallowing hard, she keeps her eyes trained on the wood grains of her desk, willing Nia to move away to allow her to wallow. Eventually, Nia walks back to her desk across the room. Hours later, Kara notices a crowd has gathered near Cat's office, her coworkers chattering amongst themselves. Joining them and looking into Cat's office, she stifles a sob as she sees who's sitting in the chair across from Cat. Why in the world is Lena Luthor here? Oh, Rao, she looks amazing. Why does she have to look like a raven-haired goddess? Kara stands there, mouth agape, mesmerized by Lena's presence.

"There's a rumor that Lena's interested in buying CatCo." Kara's startled out of her gawking as James appears from thin air.

"Cat's selling?"

"She says she needs to experience the world," James says, nodding. "Knowing Cat, she'll be back here soon enough. I'm not so sure she can let go of her empire." Kara doesn't reply. She's thinking about the possibility that Lena would purchase CatCo. When did Lena become fascinated with the media? The tech goddess never mentioned anything to Kara. Realization hits Kara like a brick. What would it mean for her if Lena was her boss? Suddenly feeling sick, Kara runs to the bathroom, throwing herself into a stall to retch. Nothing comes up since she's barely eaten, but the action makes her stomach ache. Taking a few deep breaths, Kara flushes the toilet and then moves to the sink to splash water on her face.

"Oh." Kara turns to see Lena standing in the doorway, pausing halfway in to decide whether to continue entering the bathroom. Kara bites her lip. Lena decides to enter the space, walking past Kara to the other sink. Kara's heart thumps against her chest, Lena's perfume filling her nostrils. The air is tense, the only sound coming from the tap Lena's using to wash her hands. Kara inches toward the door. "Kara." Lena stops her.

"Y-yes?" Kara prays her voice doesn't sound as scratchy as it felt.

"Can we talk?" Lena wipes her hands with a paper towel before turning to face Kara. "I won't forgive you...can't forgive you. But I'll hear you out. Come by L-Corp this afternoon." Without waiting for a reply, Lena stalks out of the bathroom, leaving Kara staring at the space where she just was. Wait, what? Kara's head reels. Why did Lena suddenly want to talk?


Kara stands in front of Lena, ages later, legs shaking. The raven-haired CEO faces her, arms crossed and leaning against her desk. The long, forest-green dress stops mid-calf and Kara tries to keep her eyes off the exposed skin. Kara just can't help her attraction to this woman. In the soft glow of the sunset, Kara fidgets, avoiding the emerald eyes boring into her skin. Since walking into the office, only pleasantries have been exchanged. Kara hates the awkwardness between them.

"Lena..." Kara starts, her mouth dry. "I'm sorry."

"For what exactly?" Lena snaps. "For lying? Or for treating me like I'm not better than my brother, Lex?"

"I'm sorry for lying to you and hiding myself. I trust you, Lena. It never crossed my mind that I wouldn't tell you because you're a Luthor." Kara pauses, attempting to keep the tears at bay. "I'm sorry for hurting you." Kara's words linger in the air.

"I accept your apology," Lena finally says. "But I can't forgive you, Kara." A few tears slide down Kara's cheeks and she quickly wipes them away. She casts her eyes down. But she won't give up on the woman she loves.

"Is there anything I can do?" A look of confusion flashes across Lena's face. "What can I do for you to forgive me?" Lena shakes her head.

"Nothing, Kara." Defiance flares inside the Kryptonian woman. She takes a step closer to Lena.

"There has to be something."


"I love you, Lena," Kara interrupts. "I'm not letting you slip through my fingers." Silence. Kara's heart thunders in her ears. A minute passes. Then another. And then another. Kara licks her lips, the rising anxiety sucking every ounce of moisture from her mouth. After waiting for several more minutes, Kara sighs, turning to leave. She makes it to the office door before a hand on her arm stops her, the touch sending sparks straight to her core.

"Kara, wait." Lena's voice is soft and contemplative. She turns, catching bright green teary eyes. Lena's hand is still on her arm, the warmth oozing into her body like the first sip of hot tea on a winter's evening.

"Yes, Lena?"

"Never mind, Kara." Lena removes her hand from Kara's arm and walks back to her desk without a second glance at the Kryptonian. Kara's heart, which has been in her throat this entire time, sinks into her stomach. She stands there anxiously, unsure of what to say or do now. "I need you to leave, Kara," Lena utters. Kara swears she hears the crack in her heart split further with Lena's dismissal. She chews the inside of her cheek to refrain from crying. However, once she steps foot onto the sidewalk, she allows a few to escape, trickling down her cheeks. It's over. Lena will never forgive her. Never want her again. Never trust her. With her heart broken, Kara manages to make her way to her apartment. She closes the door softly, stifling a sob. Placing a hand over her mouth, she collapses against the door, sliding to the floor in a heap. If Kara knew the pain her decision would bring many months ago, she probably would have done things differently. She would have told Lena after the alien detection device would have pinged red. Or Kara would have told her when Lena begged for an explanation when she went to retrieve the voice recorder. So many opportunities. She would have done everything differently. Maybe then, she would be okay, happy even. Maybe then, Lena would have loved her.

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