The Thought Of Losing You...

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"K-Kara?" Lena steps tentatively forward, closer to Kara and Alex. The two women stare at each other for a moment. Kara's eyes wander down Lena's body, her long, tight, black dress slightly wrinkled as if she had already worn it. Her long, raven-coloured hair is tied tight into a top bun and Lena's usually bright green eyes are slightly faded from sadness. Alex clears her throat, startling Kara. She blushes, quickly tearing her eyes from the CEO.

"I'll get you some water, Kara," Alex says softly, squeezing Kara's hand gently before leaving the room. Kara watches as Alex leaves and tries to sit up once more. Wincing, she only manages to get so far before the pain becomes too much and she cries out.

"Wait, Kara..." Lena says, worriedly. She walks over and begins adjusting the pillows for Kara to lean against. "How's that?" Kara nods, resting against the pillows, unsure of what to say. There's a slight tension in the air between the two women, both uncertain of how to progress from here. Kara thinks back to the last conversation they had when she told Lena she couldn't be with her. She winces from her harsh words, regretting them now.

"Lena..." Kara begins, her voice still raspy from the lack of use. Her throat feels tight, the tears and emotions beginning to swell again. Lena sits in the chair next to Kara's bed, hands folded politely in her lap. The emerald, green eyes meet piercing ocean blue, relief flooding through them. "L-Lena, I'm sorry." Kara's voice cracks, tears spilling over, and she can't stop them.

"Shhh, Kara, it's okay." Lena leans forward, brushing Kara's hair from her face, wiping at the tears as they fall down Kara's face. "It's okay, Kara. We don't need to talk about that right now." Kara swallows hard as Lena's thumbs gently caress her cheeks. She can tell Lena's also holding back tears with the way her jaw is clenched. Kara reaches up, ignoring the sharp pain in her arm, and grabs Lena's left hand in hers. Pressing it against her face and closing her eyes, she leans into it.

"I'm sorry, Lena," Kara whispers without opening her eyes. "I-I can't tell you – "

"Kara, please," Lena interrupts her. "I should be the one apologizing. I've messed this up the entire time." Kara opens her eyes, watching Lena's face contort with the pain and regret of her actions. "I shouldn't have treated you the way I did, Kara. I'm so sorry..." Lena's voice cracks, a few tears escaping down her face. "I'm sorry I hurt you and regarded you as I have with everyone else. You are different than anyone else, Kara. I overreacted when you told me about your identity and became so engulfed in the idea that you saw me as a villain when in reality, you were doing it to protect me." Lena heaves a long sigh, trying to compose herself. Blinking the tears from her eyes, Kara reaches for Lena's face, cupping it in her hands.

"You are not a villain, Lena. You are an amazing, brilliant, talented, and successful woman who's dealt with a lot in her life. Despite our tumultuous relationship thus far, it's the one I've loved the most. You make me feel like the most beautiful and special woman on this planet, no, in the universe." Lena chuckles lightly, wiping a few tears from her face. Kara opens her mouth to say more, but there's a sudden movement by the door. John, James, Winn, Kelly, and Alex rush into the room.

"Kara!" There's a chorus of exclamations of her name and her well-being. Despite the chaos in the room, Kara notices Lena slip out the door. Her heart sinks, unsure of why she's leaving. "Kara? Are you feeling okay?" Alex rests a palm against her forehead, feeling for a fever. Kara shakes her head, brushing Alex's hand away.

"I'm fine, Alex. I'm kind of tired, that's all," Kara admits, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by her friends and family. She doesn't want to sleep in case she becomes sucked back into the place she saw her mother, but her eyes begin to feel heavy. As Alex herds everyone out of the room, Kara secretly hopes that Lena will come back. After a few moments, the silence is deafening and before she can help it, Kara succumbs to her fatigue.


Kara wakes with a start, her mother's face burned into the back of her retinas. She swallows hard before reaching for the glass of water Alex left for her hours before. As she grabs it, she notices Lena awkwardly sleeping in a chair in the corner of the room. With her heels off and her hair down, the raven-haired woman looks almost peaceful when she's asleep. Sipping her water and sitting up with a small groan from the pain, Kara tries not to stare at the beautiful woman. Instead, she tries to remember what happened with Lex. She forgot to ask Alex several important questions, especially if Lex was caught for his actions. Kara assumes Alex wouldn't have stopped looking for him based on her condition.

"Kara?" Lena's voice interrupts her thoughts. Glancing over, she offers a small smile to the tech genius. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" Lena asks worriedly. Kara shakes her head.

"I'm okay, Lena. Just... thinking." Lena stretches and yawns before apologizing. "It's okay, you need to rest." Kara hesitates. "Have you been sleeping much?"

"No, not since I heard about what Lex did to you," Lena confesses. Kara bites her lip, feeling guilty. "It's not your fault, Kara."

"I feel like it is, Lena. Being a hero...I'm bound to upset some people. Don't you remember all the criminals from Fort Roz that sought revenge on me because of my mother? I always make enemies," Kara exhales softly. Lena stands and walks over to the bed. Kara bites her lip, shuffling over to make some space for Lena to sit.

"Kara, look at me." Lena's voice is soft but stern, but Kara blushes, turning her face from the woman. Lena's smooth fingers gently lift Kara's chin, forcing her to stare into the emerald green that pierces her soul. "Kara, it's not your fault. I...It's mine." Kara frowns as Lena shifts uncomfortably. "Lex... Lex came to my office a few days before he attacked you. He started asking questions about you – er, Supergirl, and I couldn't figure it out. Maybe if I had known..." She trails off, clearly trying to hold back more tears.

"Lena, how could you have known?"

"I don't know, I should have known! It's Lex, Kara. He's always up to something," Lena cries out, starting to move off the bed.

"Wait, Lena," Kara says, catching Lena's waist. Her fingers tingle from the contact with Lena's body. A light heat creeps up the back of her neck. "It's not your fault Lex came after me, Lena. He told me that you didn't tell him my identity. Somehow he figured it out." Kara shrugs, the memory flashing through her brain.

"I would never tell anyone your identity, Kara. I could never do that to someone I love." Kara's eyebrows raise. Lena's cheeks tinge pink but she holds Kara's gaze. "I love you, Kara. I was so scared that I lost you. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you..." Lena's voice falters, the pain evident from her body language.

"I love you too, Lena Luthor." Kara leans up, ignoring all the pain in her body. Worriedly, Lena begins shifting off the bed, but Kara catches her waist again. She pulls Lena closer, her hands grabbing the sides of her face. "May I kiss you?"

"Please, Kara..." She closes the gap, capturing Lena's lips with her own. Lena deepens the kiss, sliding her tongue along Kara's bottom lip, begging for entrance. Pleasure pulses through Kara's body as Lena's tongue mingles with hers, exploring her mouth. Kara tries to pull Lena closer, but the pain in her arms and chest becomes too much and she has to break the kiss to cry out. "Fuck, Kara. Are you okay?" Lena starts fussing over her. Kara swallows hard, nodding.

"I'm fine, Lena. Just got too...excited. I guess I need a few more days to rest." Lena nods, tucking a stray hair behind Kara's ear.

"Of course, Kara. I'll let you rest up." Once again, Lena tries to shift off the bed to the chair.

"Wait, Lena..." As the raven-haired woman glances at her, Kara blushes. "Will you stay a-and cuddle with me?" Kara scoots to make room on the bed for Lena and pats the space.

"Of course, my love." 

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