The Apology Dinner

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"Wait, you and Lena what?? Alex crosses her arms, staring at Kara.

"It wasn't planned, Alex!" Kara couldn't believe that her sister is acting like this. So what if she and Lena kissed? "Lena just opened up to me in a way she never did before, and she sought comfort. That's all it was." Kara had kept telling this to herself all night. Lena just kissed her because she needed someone to confide in and have some comfort. Alex rolls her eyes.

"She used you, Kara."

"No! She wouldn't do that to me." Alex raises an eyebrow.

"The woman who practically shoved another woman in your face at a pub... you're telling me she wouldn't use you? Right," Alex scoffs. "She's literally messing with your head, Kara. Sending you mixed signals, playing games, and half-ass apologizing. Why did you forgive her anyway?" Kara can feel the prick of tears at the edges of her eyes. She's never been good with confrontation from Alex.

"I..." She falters, the tears beginning to trickle down her face. She looks at the floor, attempting to hide her tears and lack of conviction. "I don't know." There's a small sigh then arms engulfing her as Alex wraps her in a hug.

"You really love her, don't you?" Alex plants a small kiss on top of Kara's head. Not trusting her voice, Kara nods. Her love for Lena has no boundaries, which is why she forgave the woman and kissed her. She missed her soft lips and the way she made Kara feel. Despite the things Lena has done to hurt her, Kara still wants her. Wants to be with her to hold her, kiss her, and touch her. It's all she can think about. "What happens now, Kara? Have you two talked about that yet?"

"No, we haven't. She sent me the editor-in-chief contract though," Kara says, wiping her face. "After the kiss, she didn't really want to discuss anything else. Just asked if I had changed my mind. Which I haven't!" Kara quickly adds, seeing Alex's questioning face. "I'm just worried if I take the position, then we decide to restart our relationship, how will that look to the public? I slept my way to the top?" Kara's starting to spiral, the thoughts leaving her mouth faster than she can fully process them.

"We'll cross that bridge if or when it comes, Kara. Just focus on the position for now." Alex smiles at her. Nodding, Kara knows Alex is right. Taking everything one step at a time is the best way to handle everything on her plate. She's about to tell Alex that when her phone begins to ring. Lena Luthor's name flashes across the screen. Kara frowns.


"Hi Kara," Lena says, her voice soft and careful.

"It's Saturday. Is everything okay?"

"Y-yes...I'm sorry. Uh," Lena pauses. Kara can hear the uncertainty in Lena's voice. There's a bit of shuffling on the other side of the call as if Lena's readjusting herself. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight. I'm cooking." Kara's eyes widen. Lena's cooking? She glances at Alex, who's watching Kara's reactions while pouring herself a drink.

"Oh, uh, I'm not sure... I was planning to hang out with Alex tonight," Kara tells Lena. Alex throws her hands into a surrender motion. 'What?' Kara mouths to Alex. 'Go!' Alex mouths back. Kara cocks her head, confused. "But I think she'll understand if I cancel." Lena breathes a sigh of relief. Alex gives her a thumbs up.

"That's great, Kara. Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, that's fine. It'll be quicker if I just..." Kara trails off, unsure if Lena would be okay with her mentioning her powers. There's a small pause.

"Okay, Kara. I can't wait to see you. Come around 8 p.m. and use the balcony." Lena hangs up the phone, leaving Kara alone with Alex once again. There's a small smirk on Alex's lips. Kara shakes her head, walking to her bedroom to figure out what to wear.


Kara smooths the wrinkles from her navy blue, skintight dress she chose to wear for tonight's...dinner with Lena. It's not a date. Still, Kara decided to wear her black, lacy panties with the matching bra. In front of the mirror in her bathroom, she applies a bit of mascara, blush, and adds a hint of color to her lips. Before Alex left, she helped Kara curl her hair so that it hung in long blonde waves down her back, bouncing every time she moved her head. Once the makeup is fully dry, Kara puts her glasses on, despite Lena knowing about her identity. She selects a simple pair of black ankle boots. She forgoes a jacket since it's a warm evening in May and glances at the time: 7:45 p.m. Almost time to go. With one last look at her reflection in the mirror, she flicks off the light, making her way into her living space. Kara double checks to make sure the stove is off, the door is locked, and the windows are closed before stepping onto her balcony.

Taking off into the night, Kara's hair swirls gently around her face as she takes her time. It's a beautiful night with the sun just sinking out of view, casting little light upon the city. A bright, full moon begins reflecting the light onto the city, making the several skyscrapers stand out in the darkness. As she flies closer to Lena's penthouse, Kara's palms begin to sweat, the nerves kicking in. At last, Kara lands gently on Lena's balcony, spotting the raven-haired woman busy with the dinner in the massive kitchen. She makes a small sound, making Lena's head snap up, catching sight of the blonde. With a small smile and a little wave, Lena rushes over to open the door.

"Kara, hey." Kara enters Lena's penthouse, brushing past the woman and catching a whiff of her perfume. Her stomach flips pleasantly, sending fire to her core. "I'm glad you could make it." Kara looks around the space. Nothing's changed, except for Lena actually using the kitchen.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner," Kara says shyly, her eyes meeting Lena's. "I wasn't exactly sure what to expect between us after...." She trails off, leaving the rest hang silent in the air.

"I know, Kara. Our relationship has been..." Lena searches for the word. "...rocky, to say the least. And a big part of that is my fault." Lena begins walking back toward the kitchen. Kara takes the moment to run her eyes down Lena's body, realizing she's wearing Kara's favourite: the dark purple pantsuit that hugs her curves deliciously. Kara sucks in a breath, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. Lena dons an apron, tying it around herself before diving back into cooking. Kara smiles, the intoxicating scent of potstickers filling the air. She moves closer to the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the four white barstools that tuck into the counter.

"It smells delicious, Lena." Kara watches as Lena expertly flips the crescent-shaped dumplings using chopsticks. She's mildly impressed considering she's never seen Lena cook before or hold chopsticks.

"Let's hope it tastes just as good as it smells," Lena chuckles. The sound warms Kara's heart, she's missed it. She's missed this. She's missed Lena. Wait, this is NOT a date, Kara. Focus. She blinks and takes a breath, steadying herself.

"Soooo, why exactly am I here, Lena?" It's momentary, but Lena's hands pause over the stove, her shoulders slumping ever so slightly. Kara's heart thumps against her chest.

"Well, I thought we might eat first, but I guess I should have expected that," Lena admits without turning around. The sound of the dumplings sizzling on the pan fills the air as a silence settles between the two women. "I guess...I guess I wanted to talk to you. Without interruption or whatever from work and such," Lena begins. Kara waits, leaning her elbows on the counter. It takes Lena removing the potstickers from the pan and transferring them to the plates waiting on the counter before she speaks again.

"When you first revealed your identity to me... I was so angry. I was so hurt. I felt like you couldn't trust me. I felt like a villain. I couldn't bear the pain of my heart breaking every day without you, Kara. So, I lashed out. I did some things I'm not proud of with the intention of hurting you." At this point, Lena has come around the counter to stand in front of Kara, her raven colored hair framing her face. "Initially, I became interested in CatCo to use the media to drive L-Corp sales. But after finding out you were Supergirl, I bought CatCo to hurt you. And at the pub..." Lena's head hangs in shame. "The woman was no one important, a one night stand to throw in your face. I just...I wanted you to hurt the same way I hurt. And for that, Kara. I am truly sorry. About everything."

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