The True Evil Luthor

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"What if she decides to reveal your identity to the world, Kara?" Alex asks, pacing around Kara's living room. It's been mere hours since Kara left Lena, her eyes red and puffy from the non-stop crying. Silently, she shakes her head, wiping the few tears that are currently falling down her cheeks.

"If she does, my decision to end things with her was the right call." Sniffling, she repositions herself on the plush couch, wrapping herself tightly in a blanket. Every breath hurts, her chest feeling like it's splitting in half, her heart squeezing painfully at any thought of Lena. "I can't be with someone who feels the need to hurt others to feel better about themselves. That's not who I am." Alex nods, gesturing for Kara to move her legs.

"I'm sorry, Kara. I know how much you love her." The two women fall into a comfortable silence, the only sounds coming from Kara and her sniffling. She can barely keep the tears from falling. Soon, the late afternoon turns dark from the evening, the moon glowing brightly and casting a silver light into Kara's apartment. Kara must have fallen asleep at some point because she woke up to the sound of rustling. Shooting up and glancing around, she spots Alex and Nia in her kitchen, unwrapping bags of food. Her stomach flips unpleasantly at the smell of the greasy food.

"Oh, you're awake, Kara. Nia brought your favorite from Noonan's."

"I'm not hungry," Kara mumbles. She stands unsteadily before shuffling into the bathroom. Locking the door and sliding against it, she tries to keep herself from falling apart. There's a small knock on the door. "Go away, Alex."

"It's Nia." Kara shuffles away from the door after unlocking it, allowing the younger woman to enter the space. Sitting next to Kara, Nia places a reassuring hand on her arm. "I'm sorry, Kara. I know you are hurting and probably don't want to hear this, but you will get through this. This pain is only temporary. The heartbreak is temporary. You deserve someone who will treat you like the queen you are. You are a good person who has an amazing personality, Kara. That's what makes you a great hero." Kara wipes her face again, cursing herself for being unable to stop the tears from falling.

"H-how did you become so wise?" Nia chuckles, handing Kara a tissue.

"Learned from the best." She bumps Kara's shoulder playfully. Kara smiles ruefully. "Now, how about some potstickers?"


Kara flips through the news channels on the TV in her living room, waiting for Lena's exposure on her assistant Eve Teschmacher for revealing that she's adopted. Oddly, Kara hasn't seen anything regarding the woman or how she betrayed Lena. Glancing away from the screen, she stares out across the expanse of the city. She feels antsy. With a sigh, she removes herself from the couch, heading toward the bedroom. There's a small thump that catches her attention by her front door. Spinning, she rushes out to find a stocky, bald man standing there with a rather interesting contraption wrapped around his left arm.

"Lex?" Kara frowns. "How... what are you doing here?" She's weary of his presence, unsure of why the notorious Luthor is in her apartment.

"Hello, Supergirl." Kara's eyebrows furrow. "I can't expect you to know much about me. Lena has a tendency to forget that I exist as her brother." He chuckles dryly. "Well, brother on paper anyway."

"What are you doing here, Lex?" Kara clenches her fists, ready for him to strike.

"Paying a visit to my adopted sister's...plaything." Lex steps closer to Kara, beginning to close the distance between them. So many thoughts are swirling through Kara's mind right now.

"Does Lena know you're here? Did she tell you who I am?" Kara spits out the questions, wondering if her ex-girlfriend has already revealed her identity to others. Lex chuckles again, inspecting the device strapped to his arm.

"No, no. Lena's too involved with you to understand how much of a threat you pose to National City. She doesn't know I've figured out your identity, Kara Danvers. Or should I say Kara Zor-El?" An evil gleam in Lex's eye that makes Kara's gut twist uncomfortably.

"A threat to National City? I've done nothing but protect this city," Kara says evenly. If she loses her temper now, who knows what Lex will do? An evil grin plays on Lex's face as he begins to fiddle with something on the device. Suddenly, it begins to whir and click with a bright green glow emanating from it.

"Seems like Andrea knew something after all. Just needed a little more power," Lex says, levelling his arm with Kara's chest. She tenses, already feeling her energy draining from the close proximity to the Kryptonite. "I will finish what she couldn't. I will kill you, Supergirl and save National City."

"Wait, Lex." Kara finally speaks, holding up in hands in surrender. "You don't have to do this. We can figure this out. Let's talk about this..." She inches backward, trying to remove herself from the radius of the Kryptonite. It's pulsing green energy slowly sapping her strength.

"No more talking. All you ever want to do is talk." The device powers up and he pulls the trigger, releasing an enormous blast of green toward Kara. She ducks and tries to move out of the way, but she's too slow and it hits her just off the center of her chest. Kara gasps in extreme pain, falling to her knees, the Kryptonite flowing through her veins. Lex grins, stepping forward and pressing the device directly to her chest. "Any last words, Kryptonian?" Painfully, Kara cranes her neck to stare at the ruthless Luthor.

"Y-you. W-will. P-pay." Lex releases the second blast of Kryptonite into Kara, hurtling her through the wall. She lands on her back in her bedroom, her vision fading fast. Blurrily, she catches a small wave from Lex. "Lena..." 

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