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"You ready, Winn?" Lena asks, glancing once more at Kara's sickly face. This better work, Lena thinks. She's not one to typically pray or turn to religion in times of crisis, but she throws a quick one into the air just in case the science fails her.

"Yes, the new suit is good to go." Lena turns to the large computer screen in front of her, clicking several keys before nodding to Winn. He presses on the symbol on Kara's chest, activating the suit. In a matter of seconds, an astronaut-type suit encapsulates Kara's entirety. As the bubble-like face shield closes around Kara's face, Lena lets out a small sigh, anxiety burning in her chest. The thought of losing Kara... the thought of not having Kara in her life...

"Is it working?" Alex's soft voice breaks into Lena's thoughts. Lena blinks, her eyes blurry from the tears beginning to form.

"I-I don't know," Lena says quietly. "If it is, Kara should be awake in a few hours. Kryptonite free." Alex nods, moving around to the side of the bed. She takes Kara's covered hand in hers, squeezing gently.

"Come back to us, Kara. Please..." Alex's head falls against Kara, sobs racking her body. Lena turns away, her own emotions threatening to spill. There's a hand on her shoulder, startling her. It's Winn, with a sad smile plastered on his face. The unspoken hope in his eyes briefly lessens the burning pain in Lena's chest. Maybe Kara will pull through this after all.


She's been wandering around in the darkness for what seems like forever. Searching for a way out, a way to come back to Alex and Lena. Kara heaves a sigh. What if she's never able to leave this perpetual darkness? What if she'll never see Alex again? Or hold and kiss Lena... Kara gasps, her chest feeling like it's splintering into millions of pieces. Bending over and clutching her chest, Kara drops to the ground, tears streaming down her face. She can't stop now; she's sobbing uncontrollably from all the pain and the possibility of never seeing Lena again. Kara's never been afraid of death, but rather what she loses when she leaves. After a few minutes, Kara manages to pull herself together, wiping her face on her sleeve. Looking behind her, Kara can barely see the speck of white that once beheld her mother or rather an apparition of her. If Death is behind her, Life must be somewhere in front of her.

Kara must have fallen asleep because she jolts awake. Opening her eyes, she quickly shuts them again, the light blinding her. Slowly, she tries again, squinting against the harsh brightness. No. No. She's not back here with her mother again. Oh, Rao. Kara lifts her arm to her face. Or attempts to. It feels heavy, sore, and weak.

"Kara?" Her eyes fly open to see Alex peering at her, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Oh, Kara, you're awake!" Alex squeezes her eyes shut, crying softly.

"A-Alex?" Kara's voice is raspy like she hasn't spoken in several weeks. She clears her throat. "W-what's happening? What happened? Where am I?" Kara tries to sit up, but the immediate pain in her body forces her back down. She cranes her neck around, trying to understand her surroundings.

"Take it easy, Kara. Just relax, you've been through a lot." Alex sniffles. "Do you remember anything about what happened?" Kara tries to rack her brain, but anything right before seeing her mother is blank. Tears begin to form in the corner of her eyes. She shakes her head. "It's okay, Kara. It's okay."

"Tell me what happened?"

"Are you sure, Kara? What you went through..." Alex trails off.

"Yes, Alex. Tell me."

"Okay, Kara. I'm not sure if you remember, but you were in your apartment when Lex Luthor came by. He...he tried to kill you using the same weapon Andrea had." Alex pauses, the tears running down her cheeks. "Lex upgraded the weapon, making the kryptonite five times more potent than what Andrea hit you with...y-you almost died, Kara."

"I saw my mother," Kara says after a moment of silence. "I almost went with her... I almost left you behind. I almost left..." Kara trails off, her mind singling out a single person. She tries to sit up again, needing to find her, needing to see her.

"Wait, Kara. Just relax, you need to rest."

"No, Alex. I need to find her. I need to see Lena!" Alex gently presses Kara back down on the bed, holding her shoulders.

"Kara, listen to me. I already contacted her. Lena's on her way." Kara stares at Alex, her heart thumping. "Lena's coming, Kara," Alex reiterates. Alex's voice sounds far away like she's in a tunnel or underwater. Suddenly, Kara hears the hurried click of heels coming toward them. She turns her head to ward the door just as it opens, revealing Lena staring at her, mouth slightly agape.


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