You're the Hero, Not Me

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Kara watches from the side as Lena begins her pre-written speech. Her voice rings out clear and professional. There are dozens of cameras and journalists trying to capture the story, crowding the lobby of LuthorCorp. Despite helping Lena the past few days, Kara's unsure of how this relationship will proceed. With the newest revelation that Lena intended to hurt her when she lied to protect her, it's been difficult for Kara to fully trust Lena again. Of course, she loves the raven-haired woman, but without trust, what kind of relationship would it be? Would she ever be able to trust her again?

"Kara?" She snaps her eyes to the emerald ones staring at her, flashes of the cameras still going off, trying to capture the LuthorCorp CEO. "Everything okay?" Lena walks closer, her heels clicking on the linoleum of the lobby.

"Yes, of course." She forces a small smile. "Let's go before they start asking questions." Lena nods, allowing Kara to guide her outside into the bright morning. "How are you feeling?" Kara asks. They begin walking toward Lena's penthouse.

"Nervous," Lena admits. "I just wish I knew who leaked the information." She sighs, running a hand through her dark curls. As if on cue, Kara's phone rings, Winn's name flashing across the screen.

"Winn?" Kara answers, pausing. "What did you find?"

"Come to the DEO, I'll explain everything there." Kara hangs up the phone before looking at Lena.

"Winn found something," she says, already guiding Lena into the closest alleyway. "We have to get to the DEO fast. Wrap your arms around my waist." As soon as Lena's arms are securely wrapped around her, Kara launches into the air, flying high above the city in case someone happened to look up and see them. She lands on the helipad at the DEO and Lena releases her grip. Unsteadily, she grips the rail and takes a deep breath. Kara steps forward. "You okay?"

"It's a bit different than flying in a helicopter. Just a little unused to it." Kara nods as Alex steps up to the two women.

"Kara. Lena, I saw your press conference. Good work." Lena chuckles drily.

"I've done enough press conferences to know what they want to hear. It's easy to avoid the questions and keep yourself in the positive light." Kara notices that Alex crosses her arms, suppressing an eye roll. Before Alex can reply, however, Winn calls out to them. Kara, Alex, and Lena hurry to the main room in the DEO, finding Winn and J'onn hovering near a computer.

"What did you find, Winn?" Kara asks. He taps a few keys on the keyboard before a picture pops onto the screen. Both Kara and Lena's mouth fall open.

"A-are you certain?" Lena's face has gone pale. "But she's worked for me for years. I don't understand." Winn nods, face sullen. "Clearly, I need to work on loyalty within my company and friends," Lena says bitterly.

"I'm so sorry, Lena," Kara says softly. "What do you want to do?" Lena throws up her arms and shakes her head. There's silence among the group, Eve Teschmacher's smiling face on the computer screen glaring back at them.


"Are you sure you want to do this, Lena? You'll ruin her career."

"She almost ruined my entire life, Kara!" Lena snaps from behind her desk. Kara casts her eyes to the ground. Since learning about Eve's betrayal hours before, Lena's anger, fueled by hurt, hasn't relaxed. "This is the only way. A public announcement of her betrayal is certain to keep my reputation." Kara bites her lip, fidgeting in her seat across from the tech genius. Despite her not agreeing with Lena's plan, seeing her like's kind of hot.

"Why not talk to her first? Let her explain why she did it?" Kara tries to reason with Lena, sympathetic for the young woman that typically sits outside this office. Lena sighs exasperatedly, looking up from her laptop.

"What exactly would that accomplish, Kara? I'm not like you."

"Like me?" Kara echoes, confused. "What does that mean?" She tries to keep her composure, Lena's tone disapproving of someone like her.

"A hero. Soft. Empathetic. Sees the good in people." Lena stands and turns to face the window. "I'm not like that. I'll never be like that."

"Well, now's your chance, Lena." Kara also stands, heading toward the door. With her hand on the handle, she pauses. "There's nothing wrong with being compassionate." Then she leaves without taking another glance at Lena, closing the door with a soft click before hurrying toward the elevator. Pulling off her civilian clothing, she takes off from the alleyway behind LuthorCorp, using the higher elevation to clear the thoughts from her head. Within moments of her flying away, Kara's phone rings. Without having to check it, she knows it's Lena.


"Why did you leave?" Lena's voice wavers. "I didn't mean to – "

"It's fine, Lena," Kara interrupts. "I think we need some time apart. You need to handle Eve and the media while running two companies. I have to focus on my part at CatCo and being Supergirl."

"But Kara..." Lena trails off, unsure of how to continue. "What about us?" Kara takes a moment, landing on the roof of a nearby skyscraper and takes a deep breath.

"Lena... I can't. There can't be an us."

"Why not?" Kara's heart squeezes at the sadness in Lena's voice.

"Right now, I can't trust you. I can't trust that you won't make another choice to hurt me. You intentionally made choices to hurt me because I lied to you about who I am. I understand I shouldn't have hidden my true identity, and I am so sorry for that." Kara pauses, pushing back the tears threatening to escape. She wills her voice not to crack as she continues. "I can't be with someone who needs to hurt someone else because they hurt." Kara closes her eyes, letting a few tears escape.

"Kara..." Lena's voice comes through quietly. Kara doesn't expect the next question that comes out of Lena's mouth. "How do you know I won't tell the world who you are?"

"I don't."

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