The Truth Hurts

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Kara's anxiety skyrockets as they enter Lena's penthouse. She's glad Lena doesn't take her hand. Her palms are slick with sweat and shaking uncontrollably. Clasping them behind her back, she watches as Lena saunters into the kitchen.

"Wine?" Lena asks, holding open a cupboard door. Kara nods. Despite the lack of effect the alcohol brings, perhaps it could ease her nerves. As Lena pours the wine, Kara takes a moment to take a few deep breaths before stepping outside onto the balcony. It's a beautiful evening with the beginning to set. Kara closes her eyes, enjoying the slight wind on her face.

"Are you okay, Kara?" Lena's voice startles Kara. She takes the wine from Lena's outstretched hand. She takes a small sip before replying.

"Yea, sorry. I'm just thinking about something." She wraps both hands around the glass of wine before leaning on the railing and looking out towards the city.

"Thinking about...?" Lena prompts her to continue her train of thought. She takes another sip of wine. Her mind spins through approximately a dozen questions. What if Lena hates her? What happens to their relationship after? What will Lena think of her for hiding it this long? Maybe she shouldn't say anything just yet? Kara lets out a small, shaky sigh, turning toward Lena.

"Thinking about you, mostly. And us." Lena doesn't say anything, watching Kara intently. She swirls her wine before downing it in one gulp. Lena's eyes widen slightly at the sudden action.

"Did-did I do something wrong, Kara?" Lena looks confused, her tone sad. Kara's heart sinks.

"No, Lena. It's me. I..." She swallows hard. No turning back now. Lena deserves to know the truth. "I have kept something from you. Since the beginning of our relationship."

"Oh..." Kara takes a step closer to Lena. She sets the wine glass on the table nearby before taking Lena's hands. They're warm and soft. She rubs her thumbs across the back of them, contemplating her words.

"When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off-course and, by the time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman." Kara swallows and continues, avoiding eye contact with Lena. "And so I hid my powers until recently, when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. To most people, I'm an assistant at CatCo Worldwide Media. But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister for the DEO to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm. I am Supergirl." Kara tentatively looks at Lena, unsure of what to expect after her confession. Lena's emerald eyes are clouded with pain and anger. Kara bites her lip, anxiously waiting for Lena to say something. Anything.

"Get out." Kara almost misses it.


"Get out, Kara." Lena drops Kara's hands, turning her body away from her. Kara's mouth drops open. She expected anger or yelling, but a conversation at least.

"Wait, Lena..." She reaches towards the raven-haired woman, but she takes several steps backward, her gaze focused on the balcony floor. Kara tries to bite her lip to stop the tears from rising. "Lena, please." Kara hates the way her voice sounds. It's too high-pitched and whiny.

"Leave now, Kara. I don't want to see you again." The venom in Lena's voice is enough for Kara's legs to move on their own accord. She crosses the balcony, through the living room to the penthouse elevator. She clicks the button before turning back to Lena. The LuthorCorp CEO's back is to her, hunched over the railing in pain. Tears begin streaming down Kara's face, her heart breaking into millions of pieces. Why wasn't she just honest in the beginning?


Tissues litter Kara's bed like wrapping paper after Christmas morning. Her eyes and nose hurt from the constant stream of tears and snot coming from them. All her thoughts are consumed by Lena's reaction after she confessed her identity. The anger, Kara could deal with. The hate that laced her voice after, Kara could not. After she left the penthouse last night, Kara tried calling and texting Lena to no avail. Each unanswered text or call shattered her heart into more pieces. Now, her chest feels tight. Breathing is difficult. Blinking hurts. Moving is grueling. Even the few steps to the bathroom. Suddenly, her phone rings beside her. Lunging forward she answers without checking the caller ID.

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