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There on the bed, lying down on her side, scrolling through her phone. The curtains were closed shut so no amount of light was able to come through and shine into the room. The faint black lines of the mixture of tears and mascara that was falling from her face had gone dry. Her eyes were bloodshot with visible eye bags .Slight sniffles and hiccups could be heard as she jerked her body when she did. Her nose was red and runny making her breathing unsteady and a bit difficult to breathe. Her hair was messy, tangled and hair strands poking out at random places from the lack of brushing it.

She hadn't slept again.

Could be many reasons why but in days like this, it was because of family. Her father, Alador Blight, is an engineer and technician who had been working day and night for his family to be fed and kept under a roof. He had always stayed in his lab to work and fix. Her siblings who were twins, Edric Blight who is male and Emira Blight who is female—which makes her the youngest of the family—would be out somewhere getting drunk or high then coming back on a Monday morning. Her mother, Odalia Blight, would be taking care of their family's wealth or name. By that, she would force she children to be the perfects ones. The well-rounded ones. Any little mistake that could ruin the name just by a dent, she would throw a huge fuss. Now that the oldest ones have done that, she's been pressuring the youngest one to keep the name in the spotlight.

But what the youngest Blight doing now? She is crying in her room curled up on her bed scrolling through her phone. Why? Her mother had abused her mentally to the point she couldn't take it anymore. She laid there on her bed for 3 consecutive days. Barely eaten anything but the snacks she would usually keep in her room secretly if her mother would not let her have dinner.

It's the same everyday. Wake up, eat, school, home, study, sleep. At some point, her friends would call her out to hang out which she would gladly accept—no matter where they went—so she could escape the hellhole she called home.

Home was supposed to be a place where you are loved and cared for. No just a roof over your head, it's a place where someone would care for you no matter what you do.

The Blight Manor is not home. It's just a gateway to hell. No one in this place—aside from Alador—cared about anyone. Her siblings would be drunk when they come home—if they even do. Most of the time it's just her and Odalia left in this wretched place. Alador would be busy in his lab to even know what's going on, on the outside world unless he had finish his project or he had to go on trips around the globe.

No one would support each other in this household. No one would listen to your problems. Blights are taught to endure it and to not show weakness. In other terms; suck it up. But one can't hold in the pain and sorrow they've had forever right? It's like putting in more mentos into a bottle of Coca Cola. The more you put in and try to hold it in, it's going to pop. The more mentos, the stronger the explosion of the carbonated flavored drink would be.

At some point where one would just give up on life and just jump off a building, hang yourself or just take a nice, sharp, shiny knife and stab yourself. At a different view, one would just end up going insane that they would murder anyone they want. Commit murder or better, when you're in a building filled with people, one would burn it down committing arson.

The youngest Blight, Amity Blight, had been through so much but she didn't do anything insensible. She would just lie on her bed under the covers and cry for hours into her pillow.

How she wishes her life would change into something else. How desperately she wanted to have a better life. She would beg to the man upstairs for one, hell, she would even beg to the devil himself too. To the man, it comes with no price, yet, she had been begging for her wish to be true for years to the point she had given up. She beg to the devil to do something like an accident that would kill the woman who claims to be her mother.

Tonight before she went back to slumber, she said, "dear god, or the devil. I don't know anymore. God, I've been asking for your help for years and I have yet lived a better life. I still have hopes from you. Maybe it's my sinful acts that I ask help from the devil. For one final time I ask both of you to please change my life. Anything will do. Anything that would get me away from the witch that stays in this household. Send me a demon to take me away to a hidden place. Send me an angel to take me to a safe place. Anything to get me away from here." She pleaded.

Idea and written by:
(A/N: For some reason Wattpad put the prologue in my draft like bro wtf?)

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