Chapter 4: Welcome To Hell

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When Amity finally woke up, she saw she wasn't in a familiar room and it was a bit cold. She rubbed her eyes so she could see better or if her eyes were deceiving her but no luck, she was still in a different room. Almost everything about the room was red. The walls, cabinet, dresser, door, blanket, carpet. It was a decent looking room but it wasn't her room. No windows or any source or exits other than the only door across the room from where she was. Lights in every corner of the room.

She tried to remember how she got in the place in the first place. And when it all came to her, she shoot up from her bed and ran straight towards the door. She turned the knob but it was locked from the outside. She kept trying and trying but it wouldn't budge.

She sat on the floor starting to panic. Her breathing became quick and unsteady. Her hands were on her face covering it. "No no no no no no! This can't be happening!" Tears were pricking her eyes. "It's just a dream you'll wake up." She quickly pinched herself on the arm really hard but nothing changed. She was still in the room and her arm felt painful after she picked it. "Help!" She screamed banging on the door. "Let me out!" She screamed again but no avail. She kept pulling and twisting on the knob to open the door but only held the same result.

Remembering that Koby and tricked her into following him. Chase bringing her to where she was now. What made it worst is that when she saw what she wore she felt like crying even more. She was half naked and all she had on was her panties and bra. "Did they strip me?" She curled her knees together and buried her space in it. Her heart going thousands of miles a second. She couldn't think with all the negative thoughts in her head.

"Am I gonna die?" Was one of the biggest questions. About a few minutes or so, she calmed down but still sat in front of the door when the alarm clock near her bed—which she hadn't realize there was one—let out a loud beep, startling her. She slowly got up and walked over to it. '7:00 pm' it reads. She wasn't sure how long she had slept but all she knew is that it was night.

She stood there for a few minutes when the sound of the door unlocking startled her. She slowly retreated into the bed and covering herself in the blanket. As the door opened a man who wore an animal mask—that looked like an elephant—that covers his nose and eyes, opened it. "Oh, you're awake," he said. He got in and closed the door behind him then walked towards Amity which scared the poor girl even more. He got closer to Amity and stopped when he was only inches away from the bed. Amity was pressed up against the wall as the blanket was wrapped around her like a cocoon.

"W-who are you? W-Why am I h-here?" She stuttered out. "Change into this. You have some clients. When you're done exit the room and go down the hallway to the right and you'll find a room with a blue door. Get in the room wan wait there with the others." He passed Amity a duffle bag. "And don't think to try and run off. The boss wouldn't be to pleased with that. And don't think about not going there. You wouldn't wanna know what he does with those who don't listen." He walked out the room and closed the door.

As soon as he left, Amity grabbed the bag and looked inside. "Oh fuck," she muttered.

By the time she was done changing, she felt disgusted looking at herself in the mirror. She wore such lewd piece of clothing. It showed so much of her skin and she felt like bursting that very moment. She planned to stay in the room when a knock was heard on the door startling her again. This time, a man using a tiger mask opened it. "Evening Miss Blight. I hope you're ready for your client. You have 5 minutes to get in the blue room." He closed the door and Amity was questioning what everything was.

"What the hell is a blue room? What client? And there are others?"

She knew that these guys means business but she has no clue on what was going to happen to her. All she knew is that from her clothes was that it wasn't going to be good. She walked over to the bed and grabbed the white cat mask and put it on. Like the other mask, it cover everything but her mouth. Then grabbing the robe and putting it on.

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