Chapter 12: Full Day

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Their small journey to town didn't take too long. Just around ten to fifteen minutes. They sat in silence and just listening to the radio of the car playing random songs that probably no one listens to. Luz kept her eyes on the road while Amity was enjoying the nature's view that passed. The bright blue sky with little no clouds. It was a perfect weather to go to the beach. The warm sunny sky.

"Tickets for Taylor Swift's Concert had all been sold worldwide can you believe that? I mean I'm glad I-"

Luz turned off the radio since she got bored of listening to whatever those people were talking about. So both of them sat in silence. Driving as they passed people. It was. Monday morning, nearly noon, so the streets wouldn't be too crowded until around mid-noon. By that time people would be let out for lunch before continuing their jobs and work.

"So where we going?" Amity asked out of boredom. "Well I was planning to bring you to my Aunt's Diner. She serves good food." Amity hummed to let Luz know that she heard her. They fell back into silence since they had no idea what to talk about. "Hey Amity," Luz asked. The girl hummed. "Yeah? What's up?" She looked at Luz. "The sky but anyways. Do you wanna go back to school tomorrow?" She asked. Her grip on the steering wheel tightened. "That depends if you'll let me go. I mean you're putting me under your care for now." It was only temporary for Luz to watch over Amity before she had to send Amity back to the manor but why did Amity put it that way?

The thought of wanting to allow her friend to go back to school was something she was not fond about knowing that certain people there are the cause of her disappearance. The same time if she was going to allow her to attend school, she's gonna have to hand her over to the cops so she doesn't wouldn't be claimed as dead.


Said a voice which snapped Luz out of her thought. "Sorry, had something on my mind. Did you say something?" Luz asked. She felt a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down Luz, I'm not sure what's on your mind but calm down. You're gripping the stirring wheel to hard." She hadn't realized how tense she was when she let her shoulders drop. "Sorry." Amity had a small smile on her face. "You don't have to apologize for what you did ok?" Luz nodded and they enjoyed their car ride in silence. But Luz's mind was filled with much anger at the two boys who had the balls to do that to someone with high rank family. Not to forget that Amity is too pure for something like that. Well...kinda.

By the time they reached the diner Luz had talked about it was already noon. She turned off the ignition and both of them got out of the car and walked into the diner.

They sat down somewhere far and isolated from other people even if they weren't much, no one but Luz knew that Amity is still alive. "So what are you getting? I've never been here before," Amity said shyly pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Luz chuckled lightly. "I mean you've been stuck inside the house for too long. I can tell from there that you've barely eaten out." Amity's expression quickly changed from a smile to anxiousness. Luz stopped and placed her hand on Amity's. "Hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Amity looked back at Luz with a forced smile. It looked as if she was fighting back tears. "It's fine," she croaked. The tension filled the air and it was unpleasant.

The tension soon abated when a lady with a mane of grey silvery hair, golden fang, and pale skin walked up to them with a notepad. "Hey kiddo. How ya been? Who's your friend?" She said. Luz looked up and smiled. "Eda! It's been a minute. Still looking as old as ever," she said shooting finger guns and a wink. The lady who's name was Eda frowned. "I will not hesitate to hijack your car. Anyways who's your friend?" She pointed to Amity. Amity looked at Eda about to speak when Eda spoke first. "Wait you look familiar." She squinted here eyes to examine the girl who was gripping onto her skirt which became a habit when she would get nervous.

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