Chapter 13: Issues

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There they sat in the office in front of the desk of an officer. Odalia, Amity's mother, sat beside her daughter. Luz sitting on the other side of Amity. Amity in the middle. The officer was in front of them arranging some documents before he looked up to speak.

"Mrs Blight, we're glad you are available to sign some documents regarding your daughter's reappearance," he spoke smiling. "Aha, yes. I'm glad to see my daughter is alright. I can't thank you enough for finding her for me Miss Noceda." Luz gave a smile. "No problem Mrs Blight. Amity is a great friend to me. Her absence was painful for a lot of us. But I'm glad she's back." Odalia hummed. "So Miss Noceda here stated that she was wondering around the outskirts of town when she saw your daughter. At that moment she saw Miss Blight she went up to bring her back when she had found out she had been held as hostage."

"Is that really what Luz said? Geez that's a horrible lie," Amity thought.

The officer continued his rambling before he finished. "So is this true Miss Blight?" Amity nodded. "Well I'm glad that you're safe now, Amity." With that said Odalia and the officer did some paperwork while Amity and Luz waited outside.

Amity yawned feeling tired already. Luz walked in front of her and kneeled down a little to be eye level with Amity. "Feeling tired already huh?" Luz chuckled. "You could say that. This entire month had been hell." She felt her eyes getting heavy. "I see. Well after this why don't we get a rest. How does that sound?" Luz said to which Amity just hummed. Luz smiled and patted her head. "If you treat me like a child, why not treat me like a baby then?" Amity mumbled. "What are you suggesting?" Luz asked as she raised an eyebrow. "Well if you're gonna treat me like a child why don't you just treat me like a baby. Carry me around, play with me, spoon feed me," Amity rolled her eyes. "So you want me to treat you like my baby?" As Luz said that Odalia was already out of the office. "What is going on?" Odalia asked. "What this about calling my daughter your baby? Are you two dating?"

"What? No!" Amity screamed, Luz snickered. Odalia hummed, unconvinced. "Now how bout we have some tea back at my place. I'd love to have a chat," Odalia said sweetly. "Oh, uh, I was about to finish up some work I have left over from last week. Haha...maybe next time? Besides I wouldn't wanna trouble you," Luz lied. She just wasn't comfortable talking to Odalia much. "Oh please, it's no trouble at all." Luz was about to decline the offer once again when Amity tugged on Luz's sleeve. Luz turned to look at Amity. "Please? Don't go just yet." Luz saw the pleading look in her eyes. "Fine," Luz caved in. "Wonderful."

Amity decided to ride with Luz because she didn't want to be left alone with her mother. Knowing what will happen, she wasn't ready to face her mother. Odalia wouldn't have any pity on Amity, instead, she would hurt Amity once again, and that was what she was afraid about. The drive to the manor was quiet. "Luz." Amity's voice was nearly inaudible. "Yeah? What's wrong?" Luz asked taking a short glance at the girl in the passenger's seat. "Am I burden to you?" She spoke in a whisper. Luz took another glance again. "Why would you say that? No you're not," she answered. No response was given, the only thing she heard next week sobs. "Amity? Hey, what's wrong." Luz let go of the gear—the other hand on the wheel-and took Amity's hand in her's. Rubbing the back for her hand with her thumb while giving a soft squeeze. "Where's this all coming from hmm?" She spoke in a soft voice. "It's just, you've done so much for me. Even before that catastrophic event of me getting kidnapped. You've always been there to deal with my problems. I can't even protect myself. I've left you to deal with whatever shit I have. You saved me from that place, took me in to rest. Hell, I even tried to kill myself! I put you so much trouble just because I can't deal with my own problems," Amity cried. Luz patiently listened to her, not saying a word.

"You should've left me to die at that lake."

Luz pressed the break hard causing them to jolt forward by force. Amity nearly hitting her head—due to not using her seatbelt—if not by Luz's hand that held her back. "Amity Blight, do not say that!" Luz scolded making Amity flinch. She had more tears threatening to pour out. "I'm sorry," she choked. Luz let out a sigh and parked at the nearest parking lot. "Look, I didn't mean to yell at you." Amity didn't look at Luz but kept her gaze to her lap. "Amity?" Ignored. "Amity," Luz said in a stern tone but Amity has yet to turn to her. "Amity Blight will you please listen to me?" Luz spoke in a pleading tone. Knowing that Luz only uses her full name when she's serious, she turned to Luz with bloodshot eyes. "What's wrong? You can talk to me remember?" Amity bit her lower lip reframing herself from crying once again but failed to do so because she ended up crying into Luz's arms. "I'm tired of everything, Luz...I can't take it anymore," she sobbed. Luz gently stroked her hair not caring that her shirt is getting wet from the tears, it was better for Amity to let all the pain she held in out that to have her hold it in. She knew it wasn't good. She wasn't sure what Amity was going through but she was sure to stay with her through it all.

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