Chapter 16: Watch The Stars And Eat Pizza

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♥𝗟𝘂𝘇'𝘀 POV༄

No way.

No fucking way.

I only meant it as a joke.

Did she really just kiss me?

After that happened I chased after her. She kept walking until we reached the car. I unlocked it and both of us entered in. My face was still flushed after the kiss. Of course that made her happy. "What's wrong Noceda? Where'd all your charm go? How can a simple kiss make you all flustered." She laughed at I rolled my eyes at her. "I thought you said you weren't gay, stupid," I mumbled. "I heard that and yeah I said I wasn't going to be gay. I just did that to shut you up. Besides, that was a platonic kiss," she smirked. Damn you. "Kisses on the lip can't be platonic Blight." As I said that, we drove out of school campus. "It can be if it's your intention of it being platonic," she shrugged. "Whatever Blight."

I mean at least she's happy then I'm happy.

We sat in silence in the car as I drove back home. When I parked the car she quickly got out and rushed towards the door. How childish. I unlocked the door and the next thing I knew, she flopped onto my couch. "Tired?" I laughed. I just heard her hum. "You wanna go out? We could grab some dinner too." She perked up and looked at me. She mumbled something but I it wasn't audible. "You're gonna have to speak louder than that Blight." Her face grew red. What's she shy about?  "Can we have pizza?" She asked shyly. "You never had pizza before?" She shook her head. "We always ate food like caviar and other stuff I have idea what they are," she rambled. "Then pizza it is." She perked up with a smile and I saw her ears fwipping. "Aww they're doing it again," I gushed. She covered her ears with her hands, preventing me from seeing them. "Noooo. Don't hide them, they're so cute." She huffed and let go of them.

"Alright, go take a bath while I find something for you to wear." She groaned and walked upstairs to take a bath. It took me so long but I found something probably her size. I left them on the bed when I heard her come out of the bathroom. "Oh hey, just left some clothes for you. It's on the bed. I'll be heading out." She nodded her head and I walked out. I should probably take a bath too. I sat in the living room looking through my phone when Eda texted me.

Hey kid
Sorry to bother you but are you free tonight?

Sorry Eda
I'm taking Amity out to have some dinner

The Blight kid
Oh well. I tell Hunter to help me then
Have fun at ur date ;)
I suggest you take it slow since it's her first time ;)

Eda!! Gross wtfff

I cringed at Eda's text. She really has no filter sometimes.

I heard footsteps of someone coming down the stairs so I turned around to be met with Amity. My face flushed red seeing her. Since I didn't have much clothes for her to wear, I gave her one of my clothes that I wore when I was 14. The purple white cropped cat hoodie she wore fits her perfectly. The leggings and jean shorts wasn't too long or too short for her. She was saying something but I didn't hear her. All I heard was mumbles and mummers before she hit my head with a book.

"Ow! What was that for?" I hissed rubbing my head. She placed her hand on her hip and shifted her weight. "You were staring," she said nonchalantly. "Is it wrong? You're really cute in those." Her face blew up in red. "Thanks," she murmured. "But stop staring. You're making it weird."I playfully rolled my eyes. "Al menos no te llamé feo," I huffed. "What?" She asked. "Nothing. Just Spanish," I grinned. "What did you say?" She glared at me. "Nothing." I looked to the side and shrugged. "Connard. Tu as de la chance je suis de bonne humeur," she mumbled. "What?" I turned to her. She just shrugged and walked out. I followed along her and we both walked to my car.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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