Chapter 1

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Ricky fell in love with Kim Jiwoong when he sang in front of the whole school, since then he changed his personality to become more "attractive", to him it was probably rich, tall, young, and handsome since Jiwoong himself was all that.

He would glance at Jiwoong when he saw him, and maybe doing his hair more than before usually it would take him 15 minutes but now it would take him 30 minutes, usually he would come to school on time but now he was late since he wanted to dress up good for his crush, and choosing different perfume to wear to school everyday.

He realised that Jiwoong still looked at him like a stranger just like before, so he decide to write love letters. At first it was anonymous but that obviously still doesn't change anything. He braced himself for the worst and confessed to Kim Jiwoong...

"Kim Jiwoong, I love you very much..I'm here to ask you if you ever felt even slightly the same to me..?" I braced myself holding on tighter to the bouquet flowers I bought.

"Sorry Riki? Ricky? Whatever your name is, I'm sorry, I can't return your confession. I hope you can respect my decision and we won't be on bad terms." He said looking straight at my eyes giving the same smile and response to me just like he did to everyone else who had confessed to him.

"It's not your fault, thank you for your clear answer" I said before running away, I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom to hide myself. I'm sure I cried until the lunch break ended. Before I left the bathroom, I wanted to throw the flowers away but I changed my mind, l didn't want to waste these beautiful flowers.

The whole time at class I was feeling down, I knew it was gonna end like this but a part of me couldn't believe it. I was thinking a lot in class, I didn't even know what was the teacher teaching, I felt like everything I did was useless it didn't changed the result, he kinda wished he was rejected badly by Jiwoong rather than his same personality to everyone else, it felt like Jiwoong never knew he existed or did he ever could know everything that he did was to get his love. He wanted to hate the other but he knew it's never the other's fault but it was his own fault for trying.

It felt like eternity in his mind but the class finally ended, he grabbed his books and bag and left school faster and ever.

=At Home=

He threw his bag to the floor before crying again, a part of him still can move on, he picked up his journal and began reading his journey of falling in love with the one and only Kim Jiwoong...

-March 14th 2023-

I saw the guy Kim Jiwoong perform the best cover of the song_____, I think I'm in love haha, he looked amazing on stage. I felt like the world stopped when I looked at him, I want to watch him sing again for the first time!!

-April 4th 2023-

I think I'm not joking anymore with liking this Kim Jiwoong guy, I saw him giving a speech to the whole class gosh! I don't think I've ever been this focused before..haha! I'm just now realising he looked so handsome, have I been blind this whole time?!

-May 22nd 2023-

I just sent my first anonymous love letter to him, I just hope he doesn't hate it!! I even drew him in class!!! I THINK I'M CRAZY IN LOVE!

Ricky read some more until he finished his journal, he smiled thinking of his foolish old self for thinking Kim Jiwoong would ever notice him. He calmed himself down from all his tears, he wasted a full box of tissue, he cleaned all the mess he made and he had a long bath to calm his emotions down. He changed to his favourite pyjamas, and he finally accepted that he failed to be with Jiwoong just like the other students did.

He put his books for tomorrow in his bag, he put away the books from today. He found the bouquet of flowers that was withering, he decided that he was gonna create something out of it!

It took him until 09.00 Pm to finish his little painting display for the flower


"Brother! I just ordered pizza, wanna come eat it with me?" His brother Yujin yelled from his room.

He looked at the time before answering "Sure Yujin, wait for me!!" I smiled at the amazing art work I just did.

"Brother, what's taking you so long!?" Impatient Han Yujin yelled to his older brother.

"I'm running!" Ricky yelled back to his young brother and immediately ran out of his room to go to Yujin room.

"Brother! You're very slow" Yujin said while eating his pizza.

"Your brother was just doing work alright! You need to learn to be patient Yujin" He said before reaching to grab a slice of pizza.

"Wait! Brother can you do me a favour please?" He said after snatching the whole pizza box.

"And what do I get if I do your favour, and what's the favour that you want and IT CAN'T BE DANGEROUS okay?" He signed at his younger brother's action.

"It's not dangerous I swear! It's just me and my new friend Gyuvin wanted to go to an arcade together tomorrow, but his brother was too busy to give us a ride so now I'm asking you...and for what you get...hmmm you can have the whole pizza box" He said smiling while mouthing 'please'.

"Fine, but give me the whole pizza box" I said, staring at the pizza box.

"Here!" He gave the pizza box before snatching another slice of pizza,"Now get out of my room!!" he pushed me out of the room and slammed the door shut.

"HEY! I just promised to do you a favour" I signed and looked down at my pizza box "what a scammer" there were only 3 slices of pizza left.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now