Chapter 12

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Ricky POV

Today he didn't have anything to do, he didn't have any plans today, and he had already finished the book he bought just recently. Usually he would just hang out with Jiwoong, but since they have been hanging out together a lot recently, he doesn't want to bother him too much.

After pondering for a while, he decides to start a new painting. He hasn't painted in a few weeks since he was busy with his new friend.

Half way through his painting, a knock interrupted him

"Come in" Ricky said as he put down his paint brush

"Heeyy Ricky, can you help me with my homework?" Yujin asked his older brother after entering his room

"You want me to help you?!" Ricky answered in surprised, since his brother has never asked him that before

"Well this one is difficult, and plus I have no other people to ask other than you!" Yujin said as he sigh

"Alright, I'll help you" Ricky said as he was getting up from his seat

"Hehehe thanks!!" Yujin said as he ran back to the living room



"What is it about?" Ricky said after arriving in the living room

"Euhmm, it's just making jokes!" Yujin said

"Jokes? I thought you were naturally good with those?" Ricky said as he was holding his laughter

"It if was like that, I wouldn't have asked for your help!" Yujin answered back, "There's rules to it" Yujin said as he pointed the rules from his book

"Ohh!! These kinds of things are easy Yujin!" He said as he taught and helped Yujin understand the rules



Ricky finally finished helping his younger brother making those jokes,

"Ah! There you go, it's already finished" He said before laying on the sofa

"Thanks!" Yujin said before running off to his room

Ricky ignored his brother leaving and turned on the TV to watch something that hopefully could help his state of boredom.

Yujin POV

Yujin went to his room after his brother finished helping him make all the jokes, he began texting his friend Kim Gyuvin

Gyuvin 😮

>Vinnnnnn! Have you done the homework the teacher gave today???

Nahh, too lazy to even get up right noww 😒 <

>I have done it hehehehe 😛

Did I ASKED Han Yujin? 🥱 <

>Nahh, but I figured I just had to brag about it to you! 😇

OHH?! How nice of you Yujin 😐 <

Anyways! You got any gossip on those two?!!! 😉<

>Who? 😏

I thought you could read my mind, since we are close friends!! 😤<

You betrayed me 🤡<

>Ok ok, I was joking it's Ricky and Jiwoong right?! 😗


>Why are you so invested? 🤣

I'm bored!! I got no love life, unlike my brother 🤭<

>HAHAHA same though, but we're so lazy

No but do you have any news about them!! I'm so bored 😣<

>Nahh, except the fact that Ricky said he finally has someone that enjoys the books he enjoys 🧐

OH! That's how he's playing 😏 <

> 🤣

Anyhow, wanna play games together to cure all of my boredom 😀 <

> Joining right now!!

Kim Jiwoong POV

He had nothing planed to do today, he was just sitting down on his desk before he remembered the other book he had bought yesterday. He pulled it out of the drawer and cringed at himself "How to get close to someone (FAST)" he cringed just by reading the title, his younger self wouldn't believe his older self would buy stuff like this. He wanted to put it back, but he was curious to see the contents inside, he began reading it

After a few pages he dropped the book and laughed at himself for reading this kind of book, he stopped his laughs when he heard loud shouting from another room, and obviously it was the one and only Gyuvin's. He left at what he was doing, and went ahead left to go to his brother's room.

"Gyuvin what's all the noises about?" Jiwoong asked while knocking

"Uhhhh!!! Nothing!!!" Gyuvin said as he was panicking

"Really? What are you doing in there huh!?" Jiwoong asked once again before opening the door to his younger brother's room

Gyuvin looked at his brother's direction, as he was covering something that was covered by blankets and pillows

"Aish! What's those things behind you" He said while trying to get through his younger brother defense

"No noo!! You can't see it!!" Gyuvin defended

After a few tries, Jiwoong stilled failed to get Gyuvin to backed away, he then stepped on his brother's foot and lifted the covered mess

"My god Gyuvin! You sneakily took back the computer that I confiscated" He said as he facepalmed himself




"Why do you keep needing to scold me!!" Gyuvin asked while whining about the fact his brother was going to still confiscate his computer

"Because, I don't want you to not realise your mistake" Jiwoong said as he was about to take away his younger brother's computer

"I'm already old enough! I know the things I should or should not be doing! And playing games doesn't harm anyone!" Gyuvin said

"Really?" Jiwoong asked not believing his rebellious younger brother

"Yes! YES! I have grown!!!" Gyuvin said as he was trying to stretched the biggest smile he could

"Fine, I'll give you one more chance" Jiwoong said as he didn't continue his plan

"Hehe~! Thank youu!!!" As he hugged his brother and went back to sit on his desk

"Yeah" Jiwoong said before leaving


"I wish you and Ricky's have a forever lasting relationship!" Gyuvin said

"What?" Jiwoong shouted as he couldn't completely listened to his brother words just now

"Just saying more thank you to you!!" Gyuvin said as he continued playing games


sorry for late updates, I will try to be motivated with ideas and write more next time!

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now