Chapter 8

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Kim Jiwoong POV

I went into my room after having a conversation with my younger brother, I turned on my computer and searched for the game that Ricky supposedly loves to play. I downloaded the game and began trying it for the first time, I didn't really get the hang of it as easily as I imagined, so I decided to keep trying until I succeed.

After a few hours, I already understood a good portion of the game, I closed my computer for today, and began doing my homework. Midway while doing my homework, I got confused by my sudden actions, I never tried to get close to someone as much as I do now. I've usually done things according to my parents' rule and judgement, I try my best to impress them with my accomplishments, but now I'm trying to impress a certain someone...?

=After School=

I waited in front of the gate for a certain blonde, he then arrived a few minutes later, we both went in my car and I drove to the park. We shortly arrived after a few minutes, we both went to my favourite ice cream store. Ricky went to pick a seat for both of them, while Jiwoong went to order the ice cream.

"Good Afternoon, what can I get you sir?" the worker greeted both of them

"Good afternoon, can I get one strawberry ice cream and one vanilla ice cream please" Jiwoong ordered

"Your total will be $8.37"

Jiwoong paid, said thank you and went to the seat Ricky chose. He saw a guy sitting in Ricky's seat and went over to check out the random guy.

Ricky saw Jiwoong and greeted him "Hey Jiwoong" he saw Jiwoong looking at the guy he is sitting with and immediately explained "Jiwoong this is my friend Ollie" he introduced his friend.

"Hello, I'm Kim Jiwoong but just call me Jiwoong" I introduce myself

"Hello! I'm Ollie, Ricky's friend" Ollie introduced himself back to him

He then gave the ice cream to Ricky, he was about to buy Ice cream for Ricky's friend, but he quickly denied and told him that he already ate one himself. They chatted, actually it was more Ricky and his friend Ollie that was talking, it's not that he's too shy but he just wasn't focused at the moment that Ricky told him his ice cream was melting.

After a few minutes of being in his own thoughts, they all parted ways he told Ricky that he is going to take him home, he quickly objected since he wanted to go to the Internet cafe with Gyuvin, he originally wanted to join in but for some reason he was in a bad mood this time around and he didn't want to be a bother for the two of them. So he drove home by himself


He felt quite weird about his emotions, he needed to sort his emotions out though. He picked a movie on Netflix to refresh himself and his mood. He felt better after watching the movie but the weird feeling in his emotions still lingered. He closed the movie and went to search on his computer about this weird feeling, the only thing he could find in the internet was a sign for being jealous for what the two had, or they suggest he might have a crush on that person. Maybe feeling jealous for your friend to have another friend makes sense, but him being in love with someone he rejected clearly doesn't make sense, but then again him and Ricky aren't really friends. He shut off his computer after not finding a clear answer and decided to take a nap instead.

Ricky POV

He said thank you and left after him and Jiwoong got ice cream together, he called an uber to take him to the Internet Cafe. He arrived after 15 minutes, he went in and immediately started looking for Gyuvin, he found Gyuvin sitting in the same spot but this time he spotted his brother Yujin? He went over to both of them

"Oh hey Ricky!" Gyuvin greets him

"Hey Gyuvin!" he turned his direction to his younger brother Yujin, "what are you doing here Yujin? Aren't you supposed to be working on your project again?" I asked him

"Uhmm, well this is a part of the project!" he quickly thought of an answer for his brother question

"Yeahh!! He's partnered with me!" Gyuvin quickly helped Yujin cover up his lies

"Okay then" Ricky can't do anything except be doubtful of his brother and Gyuvin

But he brushed it off since they are going to play games today and he doesn't want to ruin the mood of everyone else.

They won every single round of games they played together, just before they were going to play another round Gyuvin made an excuse to Yujin to get a drink and he dragged me with him

"Hey you need to talk about something private Gyuvin?" I questioned him

"Yeah actually, I've just been wondering if you know any reasons that could lead to my brother being weird lately" Gyuvin said

"What kind of weird?"

"Well he's been asking a lot about you! Like your favourite game, he even said he's trying to be nice to you!" Gyuvin said while buying a drink from the vending machine

"Really? Maybe he's just trying to be nice?"

"Well, he's not like that. He doesn't even ask for my favourite game alone!" Gyuvin could only sigh

Ricky and Gyuvin went back to their seat and played the last round for that day. Going home Ricky couldn't help but think of what Gyuvin said about Jiwoong.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now