Chapter 11

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Kim Jiwoong POV

He went into his room after his younger brother's accusation, he was sure baffled after knowing his younger brother found out and misunderstood him and Ricky. He decides to entertain himself by playing more games that Ricky likes. He wants to get better at it so next time he won't disappoint Ricky, even though he knows Ricky doesn't take it personally at all.

After hours of playing the game by himself, he eventually got bored and exhausted, he shut off his computer and threw himself onto his bed. He lay on his bed for several minutes just staring at his ceiling before, going to grabbed his phone, opened his contacts and texted Ricky's number,

Ricky (my friend) 🌞

>Rickky!! Are you also bored?

I just finished reading a really good book!<

>Aw that must be nice, but are you free right now 😿

HAHAH the emoji's so cute!<

Plus I'm free right now! do you need something?<

>Hmm wanna play games together right now??

>I just trained not too long ago, so I must not let you down! 😁

Wow, you even trained?!<

Okay then let's play<

>Join me 🙃


After playing the game together for quite a while, they both ended it, they left the game and called it quits for today. Jiwoong stretched all his limbs before getting up from his seat and he went out of his room, he opened his door to see his younger brother Gyuvin snooping around in front of his bedroom.

He grabbed his younger brother's collar off his shirt and asked "What are you even doing here?" I asked my suspicious younger brother

"Ah, um!! nothing!" He said trying to run off from his brother's grip

"Yeah, you were snooping around, weren't you!" Jiwoong said before dragging him to the living room




"Okay, I'm sorry! I was just so curious of you and Ricky's relationship" Gyuvin said guilty

"Huh? Me and his relationship!? what are you talking about!" He signs at his brother stupid imagination

"Aww c'mon! You would be curious too if you found out someone you are close to has a crush!!" Gyuvin said while giving a smile

"It's not a crush, don't make things weird between me and him" Jiwoong said before going to grab his car keys

"Hey! where are you going?!" Gyuvin said shocked to see his brother going out on weekends

"To the book store" Jiwoong said before leaving

"Wha- are you transforming into a nerd for life?" Gyuvin said shocked and plopped himself on the couch

=Book Store=

After driving for a little bit, he arrived at the nearest book store from his house. He entered the shop and began looking for the book Ricky recommended for him.

After walking down a different aisle, he found the book he was looking for. He went to the cash register to purchased the book he wanted, he then saw a book displayed near the cash register it was called "How to get close to someone (FAST)" he looked at it in disbelief and turn to another direction, but then after a few seconds of thinking he grabbed the book and paid for it also.

He went home feeling proud of himself, he arrived home to see his brother napping on the couch, he ignored his brother and went to his room.

He then began unwrapping the book he just bought, he put the other book away and started reading the one Ricky recommended for him.

=School (Cafetaria)=

Jiwoong gave the usual Strawberry chocolate bar and his favourite strawberry milk, he sat across Ricky as usual and began eating his lunch.

He couldn't help himself to share his experience about the book, and Ricky also joined in the conversation. They both talked a lot for the first time without feeling any bit of awkwardness. They both shared their own thoughts about the book and walked towards their class together.

Ricky POV

Ricky couldn't help going home feeling happy he got someone to share his hobby of reading books, and by the conversation he had earlier with Jiwoong he figured out Jiwoong favourite hobby was bowling. He texted Jiwoong inviting him to go bowling together, he himself is not too experienced with bowling but he still enjoys it.

= Home =

He arrived home to his younger brother playing games with 'Gyuvin'?

"Didn't Gyuvin's computer got taken away by his brother?" Ricky asked curiously

"Well yeah it did, but he managed to find where his older brother hid it. Now he secretly plays it when his brother isn't at home. Can you believe he succeeded in faking his sleep when Jiwoong arrived home?!" Yujin said sounding rather impressed by Gyuvin's action

"Wow, that's quite impressive!" He said, "I'm gonna go cook some ramen" he said before going to the kitchen to cook himself some Ramen for lunch

"I want one too!" Yujin said to his brother while still focusing on the game

"Noted" Ricky said to his brother

Ricky then went ahead and cooked Ramen for him and his younger brother Yujin.

While eating dinner his brother Han Yujin asked him,

"What's going on between you and Jiwoong?" Yujin asked impatiently waiting for an answer

"Ah! Me and Jiwoong? We're friends now! Can you believe that!!" Ricky said while smiling as he collects the dirty plates and went to the sink

"I can't believe that actually" Yujin accidentally said loudly, he was thinking too much about Ricky and Jiwoong relationship

"Hm? Why not?" Ricky who was washing the dishes was confused by his younger brother sudden words

"Ah! Nothing, I was thinking about something else, I'll go and do my homework now!" he said before running away,  he quickly recovered from his mistake and manage to cover it up

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now