Chapter 6

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Ricky couldn't help but smile at his little chat with Jiwoong, he immediately calmed himself down, brushing off his crazy thoughts. He decided to go to the Internet cafe at this time since he was all alone at home, because Yujin is having a school project at another classmate's house.

Ricky's POV

I got ready, and drove to the Internet cafe. I entered the place, I sat down at the same place I did a few days ago. I play casually playing my favourite game when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around surprised to see Gyuvin

"Hey Ricky, I didn't expect you to be here today!" Gyuvin speaks as he sat next to my seat

"Neither did I expect you to be here" I said copying his reply

"Yeah, yeah anyways wanna play a game together again!?" Gyuvin asked excitedly

"Sure, I'll invite you"

We both played for hours until we both got tired of it, we decide to go to the nearest street food place, we were eating peacefully until Gyuvin told me a little something he heard from his brother, me being the curious person asked Gyuvin to tell me the story

"Okay so here me out, I have a theory that my brother is actually pretending to be smart!" Gyuvin whispered nonsense to me

"What are you talking about, are you alright?" As I said that, I jokingly placed my hand on his forehead

"He smacked my hand away slightly, I'm being really really serious here okay?!!" He crossed his arm on the table

"Okay, tell me about you really really real theory about Jiwoong"

"So today the one and only Kim Jiwoong asked me a favour, can you believe that?" as he said that he rolled his eyes

"Well don't everybody ask for a favour once in a while-" he didn't even let me finish my sentence

"No no Ricky, I'll repeat to you again. Kim Jiwoong asked me for a favour!!"

"Okay then, what favour did he ask you?" I raised my eyebrows

"It's-..should I tell you?" he pretended to think before saying "actually, i changed my mind. I'm not gonna tell you HAHA"

I deadpans myself, we both finished our food, Gyuvin kept laughing that he choked on his cola. We parted ways afterwards and I left.

=Next day=

Kim Jiwoong POV

I walked to the ZROSE cafe that I planned to meet Ricky, I went earlier than supposed to. While waiting I got a sudden flashback about what Gyuvin said "anyways don't forget to buy him anything with strawberries, it's his favourite"

I walked up to the worker and bought a coffee for himself and a strawberry milkshake for Ricky, after a few minutes Ricky arrived he sat in front of me.

"Hey" he spoke first

"Hey Ricky...I want to give you this present" I hand over the present to Ricky, "Just open it at home" I quickly said, not wanting to see his reaction to my awful present

"Okay thank Jiwoong!" he smiled looking at the somewhat beautifully wrapped present

"So, I a want to say–" before he could finished his sentence, the worker arrived with the drinks

"Here's your coffee and strawberry milkshake sir!" "thank you"I replied

I pushed the strawberry milkshake to his side, "for you"

Ricky glanced at it and then picked it up, before he took a sip he asked " how did you know I like this drink?"

"Well, Gyuvin told me yesterday"

"You sure you didn't ask him for a favour?" Ricky spoke

He almost choked on his drink before speaking again "what? What did u say"


"Did Gyuvin tell you anything?" I asked again, stressed out that Gyuvin might talked embarrassing things about him

"We met at the internet cafe yesterday and the got some food, suddenly he started talking about you, Jiwoong" he smiled while recalling yesterday's events

"Tell what he said about me!?"

"He didn't continue the rest of the story, don't worry even if he told me. I wouldn't tell a single soul"

Before they knew it was already getting a bit late, Ricky said his goodbyes and left with the present Jiwoong got him.

Jiwoong was at home when he realized he forgot what he wanted to say to him the whole time, he facepalmed himself. He grabbed his phone to massage Ricky but ricky beat him to it

"Don't worry Jiwoong, I already knew. I forgive you as well" the text clearly stating that the other party already knew, but how? He was suddenly confused, he did not see Ricky in the room, he saw him in the bathroom crying.

After a few minutes he still couldn't figure out the answer, he could just text Ricky but he was too scared to do that, what if someone spread a bad rumour of him to Ricky? Would the other hate him now, but he said he forgave me...but he could have been lying, I felt myself thinking about every possible thing imagine.

That is when he got a text from Ricky

Ricky Shen-

>Meet me at the school's gate tomorrow Jiwoong


That was all he could replied since he was too scared to face or talk to the other party, even in text

He decided to take a break from all the stress, so he cooked his favourite instant noodles. He ate his instant noodles while watching youtube tutorials on the best way to apologise to people, he took notes on what he thought was the most important thing. He washed his plate and hands after he was done eating and went back to his room.

He memorised the notes he just wrote when he was eating instant noodles, after he finished memorising, he prayed that he would survive tomorrow.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now