Chapter 4

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Kim Jiwoong POV

My school is going to plan a graduation for my class, I was one of the top students so I was entrusted to set up many things for the graduation. I was entrusted to organize the performance for the graduation, I already picked a suited song for the event. I looked at the list of my classmate that was suppose to help me arrange it, I check one by one to see who already arrived,

- Kim TaeRae

- Wang Zihao

- Sung Hanbin

- Zhang Hao

- Park Gunwook

- Ricky Shen

- Lee jeonghyeon

- Yoo Seungeon

- Jay

- Kamden

Ricky got picked to perform? I hope he doesn't delay the schedule, I waited until every single one of them arrived and began to start teaching the choreography. Surprisingly I saw all of them learning very fast, the practice was a success and not only that but I got to see a different version of Ricky, yeah the guy I'm annoyed at...

He seems to have a better personality than before, I guess.

After a few hours of practice, I dismissed them since it was time to go home. When everyone was gone I went ahead and turned off the lights and air conditioner, before I left I saw a book laying in the corner of the room. I picked it up and realized it was a diary...but most importantly it was the Ricky's guy diary, I put it in my bag and then left.

=Kim's Home=

I went in my room and looked at the diary that I found earlier, I decide to peak just a tiny bit(I tried to not read it, but my curiosity got ahead of me). I open a random page and read the contents,

-April 12th 2023-

I think I'm too deep in love with him, I can't even focus anymore in class. I got scolded again by my teacher since I was late(what's wrong with me being late because I want to impress my crush), the teacher wouldn't understand though!! I SAW HIM GLANCE AT MEE, I felt like I just won life.

-June 15th 2023-

I got rejected 2 days ago but I think I've already begun to accept it!! Wish me luck to move on fast, I also didn't come to school late anymore. I guess getting rejected has a good outcome for me and my studies!!

-June 17th 2023-

I met Gyuvin again at the internet cafe, he complimented me and my style!! I feel so happy ahaha. I think I had the most fun today. He's also surprisingly super funny, I guess my thoughts about him being like his older brother was wrong! (but I'm glad it was wrong haha)

I closed the diary, since I think I read too much than I was supposed to originally. There was a lot going on in my head, I'm now confused on what the real Ricky's like...

Ricky POV

When I was about to write in my diary, I realized it wasn't in my bag, I began to rethink all the places I went, school, classroom, WAIT THE PERFORMANCE!! I left it in the room, I must've had. Gosh! I hope no one steals it. I went to sleep early and set my alarm really early.



I arrived at school at 06.00 am, I put my bag in my locker this time to not lose any of my stuff again. I ran to the classroom and looked around to where I put my bag yesterday. I looked around for some more and I couldn't find it anywhere, I looked at the time and it was 06.30 am already, my head was starting to hurt from thinking about all the negative things that could happen. I heard the door being opened so I ran and hide behind one of the chairs,

OMG, Kim Jiwoong was here, yeah that's not the most important thing though. The most important thing was that he was holding my diary, I saw him putting it back at the corner where I sat yesterday. After a few minutes he finally left and I grabbed my diary and dashed out of the classroom, I put my diary in my locker and then went to the bathroom. I had to calm myself and my thoughts in the bathroom

Kim Jiwoong POV

I went to the classroom again after getting some cola, when I entered I realised that the diary I had put back was GONE, someone must've taken it, I began to feel guilty about not just giving the diary straight to Ricky. My mind was stressed out that the bell already rang, I checked everyone was here except for Ricky so I instructed them to practice again and I excused myself to find Ricky.

I found him inside the bathroom crying, he must've known he lost his diary, I wanted to comfort him but I was too shy to even show myself in front of him. I ran back to the classroom trying to look normal, and a few minutes later Ricky entered the classroom he apologised for being late and then joining the practice.

My eyes kept staring at Ricky since yeah he looks great but it was important because I felt guilty and if I was brave enough to just give it to him, this would've never happened. And throughout the whole practice he looked stressed and spaced out, the guilt was starting to get worse for me, so I began to think of a way to say sorry to him without him getting too upset with me.

That's when an idea of maybe treating him to a cafe or restaurant would be nice, there I could explain everything to him and we both can look together for his missing diary, I agreed to myself that this was a pretty good plan.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now