Chapter 14

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Kim Jiwoong POV

He had been doing the same routine for the past few days, he hadn't made plans to hang out with Ricky recently. It's because he had been very busy with his mind and feelings for Ricky, he would have never thought he would fall in love? Have weird feelings around him? He felt happy he got to hang out with Ricky and became his friend, but he recently figured out he wanted to get closer, of course he wouldn't and will not force the other to accept him.

He had been sorting out his feelings recently, he firstly gladly refused his thoughts and feelings. He kept rejecting and pushing away his own feelings for Ricky, he still doesn't want to completely believe it, but he does know that his feelings are completely real and he wasn't just loving him as a friend but he wanted to be by his side and live together and grow old together.




"Me? You NEED my help AGAIN?!" Gyuvin said almost laughing

"Look don't get too proud, I have no one else to talk about it" Jiwoong rolled his eyes as he responded

"Can't you ask Ricky for help?" Gyuvin said jokingly

"Well- I can't!" He signed

"Why not? Did you two fight, or something?!" He said as he stood up

"Sit back down Gyuvin!" He told his brother, "Look, I'm planning something for him!" Jiwoong tells his motives

"You're finally confessing your feelings to him?" Gyuvin said surprised at his older brother

"Wait-? How did you know that was my plan?" He asked his brother, feeling very confused

"SO WHAT I SAID WAS TRUE?! Look, I was just joking around like usual you know, I thought you were going to brush it off or whatever you do like the usual" Gyuvin said in disbelief, "But now that I know it's in fact real, tell me! How can I help you" He said as he smirks

"Ok, I just need your opinion!" Jiwoong said as he prepared himself to continue

"Okay, tell me about it!" Gyuvin leaned forward towards the sofa

"How do you confess to some and get accepted after-" Jiwoong said and as he wasn't finished Gyuvin cut him off

"I'm sure he likes you, be confident!" Gyuvin said reassuring his brother

"I wasn't done!" He said before continuing, "After I rejected him" He said while looking away

"You? Reject Ricky? I thought you liked him?" He said as he now was very confused on the current situation

"It was a while before I even knew him, you can't blame me! You didn't even know him then!" He said as he explained the situation

"So it was before everything?" Gyuvin asked

"Yeah! Now help me" Jiwoong replied

"Ok, wait- what was it? Can you repeat it" He said as he looked towards his brother and sent an awkward laugh



After what felt like hours, they stopped the discussion and went to eat dinner like usual, but then he started to regret telling everything to his younger brother. Since he wasn't the biggest help and now he was teasing him even more!.

He went to his room after dinner and looked for his calendar, he grabbed his marker and marked a date September 1st, 2023. The date when he will risk his relationship with Ricky, it could be a total success and they would start dating, or it might just be a huge failure.

~ Time passes by and the day for the performance arrived ~

Kim Jiwoong POV

He went to the school quite early, he checked on the preparation for the performance, he then looked around to behind the stage to see and talk to Ricky

"Hey, Goodluck on your performance!" he said while giving a big smile

"Thank you! I hope nothing goes wrong" Ricky answered with also a big smile

"Nothing will go wrong, don't worry too much!" he reassured the younger

"You're right! You're the one in charge of most things right, if it's you then I believe nothing will go wrong today!" Ricky said

"Well, let's just hope for the best right! Wait no- it's not like I organise badly, but- I mean I did organise most things and I am sure it will go well!" He said as he was just nervous and shy from the sudden complement

"I get what you mean, don't worry! I'll go get ready!" Ricky said as he waved goodbye



He sat on his seat and waited for the show to start, he kept fidgeting with his fingers from the time he sat down, he wanted to back away from his plans, but he also wanted to do it, today he wanted to do it today!. Before he could think more, the song that he was so familiar with started playing, he looked up to see the performance he had been preparing and organising. He smiled and looked towards Ricky's direction, he couldn't help but feel so much happier, and in that moment Ricky also performed while looking straight at him, it felt like it was only him and Ricky in this world, he realised he really adored him so much, his heart couldn't stop fluttering.

The whole show has ended, he said goodbyes to his former classmates and teachers, he looked around looking for Ricky. He found him sitting down by the bench, he walked up to him and offer to treat him to a special place, he agreed since he had nothing to do today and they both drove away to the place Jiwoong had prepared.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now