Chapter 3

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The school just ended I packed my books and before I left I heard someone called my name,

"Ricky! Thanks for driving my brother yesterday!" I heard Jiwoong say

"Your brother?" I start to rethink the events from yesterday

"He's Kim Gyuvin, the one friends with Yujin" Jiwoong said

"Oh! It's no big deal" I replied back and started walking away wanting to avoid more awkward conversation

I was confused at the sudden conversation since it had never happened before, but I quickly brushed it off and drove to the nearest internet cafe.

=Internet Cafe=

I went in and walked over to the empty place, I sat there and turned on the computer.

"OH MAN, COME ON!! I DID MY BEST...UGH!" The guy next to me said

"WAIT?! RICKY??????Yujin's brother?" The guy said surprised

"Huh?" I turned my head and saw "Kim Gyuvin?"

"Yeah of course the one and only! What are you doing here bro?" Gyuvin asked curiously

"Just wanted to play games without Yujin annoying me, what about you?" I replied and asked back the same question to him

"Woah! Well the big snitch Jiwoong told my parents about me staying up late to play video games, and my gaming pc got confiscated. But I mean I'm happy to be here, since I can hang out with my friend's cool older brother!" Gyuvin told me happily while grinning

"I'm glad you thought of me as cool, well do you wanna play a game together?" I felt really happy while waiting for an answer

"YEAH! Give me your username, I'll invite you" Gyuvin said while typing out my username

After a few hours of playing together, it was getting late so they had to both go home. Before they parted ways, they both exchange numbers with each other. They said their goodbyes and Ricky went home feeling happy.

=At Home=

<+0128-998-3245 (Random Number)

>Heyy!!! It's Gyuvin

You home?

Gyuvin? Hey<

I'm home, are you at home?


Btw, I just got lectured by Jiwoong again!!

Oh? Why? Did u come home too late?<

>Yeah that and also he's just an ass saying nonsense!!


HAHAHHAHA you're really funny! Aren't you late for your bedtime anyways?<

>Bedtime, nahh I don't do those anymore! Does Yujin still follow that?

Yeah, apparently more of a good kid than you<

>Aww man, but atleast now I can tease him about it!! HAHHAHAHAH

Don't hurt his feelings too much!! Warning you he might punch you<

>Thanks for the info, I'll wear the strongest piece of clothing I own then

No prob, anyways gotta go to bed<

>Okey, bye byee goodnight rikii!!

You spelled my name wrong, but goonight<

>It's on purpose!!!

Since the day we met each other at the internet cafe, we started to bond and become close to each other. We now even hangout everyday with Yujin too, I think having both of them makes me feel happy and I think I don't feel as upset about the rejection and I'm slowly accepting it plus moving on from it.

And now Kim Jiwoong acting all 'nice' to me? He's been greeting me every day, is it because I became friends with his brother? My mind was so confused that I didn't realise that someone sat next to me.


"Hey.." I replied to Jiwoong both confuse and awkwardly

"Can I eat here with you?" He asked while he began to start eating

"Sure.." How can I refuse when you already started eating

The lunch was quiet, boring, and plain. It didn't feel any different from when I ate alone and when I'm eating with him, I finished my lunch faster than usual, bowed my head to him and walked to my next class.

Kim Jiwoong POV

I once again lectured my younger brother Gyuvin for coming home at 09.00Pm, and I told him to not get too close with Ricky that's when he started becoming more defensive

"Ricky's not bad you know we played games together, he was nice! He's not that spoiled brat of an image the you imagine him with" Gyuvin replied strongly disagreeing with his older brother comment of Ricky

"He's probably doing all this to get close to me or to get attention or something, he must be doing it to get something out of it!" I said still believing the image of Ricky I built in my head

"Whatever you say! Did you forget when you told me you'll "try to have some faith in him"? Gyuvin shot back a replied reminding I had once told him that

"Yeah, well he's not here so how's he gonna know?" I said before walking off to my bedroom

"Night woong! Sorry for stressing you out!" Gyuvin yelled

"Night vin, don't stay up too long!" I yelled back at him while smiling

"Yeah, yeah!" I heard Gyuvin replied annoyed


I started to write in my planning book about how am I going to try to prove Gyuvin imaginary image of Ricky is wrong and that Ricky's only a rich kid with nothing else. I began to think what's his reason for getting close to his younger brother these days? Was it because he rejected him? Because he wanted revenge? Is he now interested in his brother??!! THAT WOULD BE THE WORST REASON

I brushed off his thoughts and began to write his first plan,

1.Make him feel close to you, eat lunch with him everyday(if possible). Get him to hang out with you at a cafe and then confront him about how he is getting close to my brother! And then let him know that his trick is not gonna work on him, because he already found out what kind of person he is!

YES PERFECT! I said closing my book and head to bed.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now