Chapter 7

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Ricky POV

I went home after meeting Jiwoong at the cafe, I went to my room and looked at the gift he gave me and opened it, I was surprised to find a unicorn book? Is he sure this is for me? I didn't expect this kind of thing. I saw a note and read the whole thing,

"Dear, Ricky Shen.

I apologise for taking and reading your personal diary. I read 3 pages of the diary, I feel guilty for my action and hope you can forgive me. I promise you that I won't tell anything that I read from your diary to anyone, I sincerely apologise to you...

from : Kim Jiwoong

After reading, I realized this gift was his apology for taking my diary, I felt relieved that he promised to keep this a secret, but I was wondering why didn't Jiwoong just confess his mistake and apologise face to face with himself? He wanted to hate him for reading his diary, but he knew, if that was him he would also look in the diary.

=Next Day=

I met Jiwoong at the School's gate as promised, I waited until it was not busy anymore to start a conversation

"Don't worry, I already forgive you. It's human nature to be curious anyway" I started the conversation

"I appreciate that you could forgive my mistake but, I still feel like I need to earn your forgiveness and trust" Jiwoong said to him

"It's okay, just keep the promise you made" I reassure him

"Okay, I will" he said after a pause

"Thanks for coming, I'll go now. Get home safe Jiwoong" I said goodbye before going home

"Get home safe as well..Ricky" Jiwoong said still feeling guilty

Kim Jiwoong POV

All throughout the conversation he just had with Ricky, he could feel a tension between them, it was such an awkward one as well. He recently discovered that Ricky isn't all that bad from his brother's words and after hanging out with him sometimes, but he feels that everyone can sometimes hold a grudge, he is confused on what to do. Should I just move on now? Should I try again?

After some thoughts, he grabbed one of his book in drawers, he opened the book to a specific page and changed some of his notes,

" 1.Make him feel close to you, eat lunch with him everyday(if possible). Get him to hang out with you at a cafe and then confront him about how he is getting close to my brother! And then let him know that his trick is not gonna work on him, because he already found out what kind of person he is!" he erased his old negative thoughts about Ricky's motives and rewrites it

" 1.Make him feel comfortable around you, eat lunch with him everyday(if possible), make him your friend not your enemy, understand the real him, make him happy." he writes his method to get to know Ricky, but this time it's to befriend him

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding you Ricky, I hope we atleast can become friends in the future." He writes it on a piece of paper and tape it on the wall pin board

= Next Day = (School)

I walked in the cafeteria and bought myself food and a drink, I didn't forget to buy strawberry milk. After paying, I started looking for a certain blonde. I saw him sitting at the far back of the cafeteria, I walked towards his seat.

"Hey, Ricky! Mind if I sit here" I asked while smiling

"Uh, Jiwoong? You? Okay sure, you can sit here" he said and then continue eating his food

I sat at the chair in front of him,I placed the strawberry milk in front of him,

"Here, for you!" I said and while staring at him

"Ah, thanks. You don't have to next time" Ricky said while taking the milk

"You're already expecting the next time? Yeah sure, don't worry. There will be many next time!" I said while chuckling a bit

"No no!" he said and rushed eating his food

"Don't choke, be careful" I reminded him

"Mhmm!!" he replied

= Practice =

I began taking attendance from everyone on the performance team, everyone had arrived on time. I instructed them to start and I sat in a chair watching to see if there's any mistakes. I wanted to focus on everyone on the team, but I couldn't stop myself from staring at Ricky.

I thankfully managed to stop myself from staring at just the blonde and judge everyone fairly, I pointed out some of the others flaws in their movements. I was really impressed by how everyone was super hardworking and cooperative in the whole process.

After the session was over, I dismissed everyone. I turned off the lights and air conditioner, closed the classroom and locked it. I walked over to Ricky and invited him to go get ice cream tomorrow on saturday, he started off by rejecting me but after I kept persuading him a few more times he agreed.

And then I went home, I arrived home shortly after. I saw my brother playing games on his phone, I decide now I'm going to confront him

"Gyuvin, can I talk to you right now?"

"Not right now Woong! Look, I'm super close to winning!" Gyuvin said while still focusing on his game

I waited until he finished his game

"NOoo!! I lost again for the fifth time in a row" he almost forgot his brother was there, "ah, sorry Woong! What did you want to ask me?

"What did you say to Ricky?" I asked my brother

"Whaat?" he asked back confused

"You told him that I asked you for a favor didn't you" I reminded him

"Oh that, gosh lovebirds sharing everything nowadays. Don't worry Jiwoong, I saved your image, I didn't tell him the rest of the story" Gyuvin said making a joke before answering

"Are you sure?" I asked again

"Yeah! You should believe you amazing brother more!" Gyuvin sarcastically tells, "Anyways do you have more to ask me? If not I'll continue the game"

After Gyuvin said 'game' he remembered something "One more thing, what game does Ricky like?" I asked

"Ohhh you're trying to be close with him, okay okay! We played this, this, and this game alot" he pointed to game him and Ricky played

"Okay thanks, and stop thinking about nonsense Gyuvin, focus on your study!" I told my younger brother

"Okay okay woong!! Tell me when you have a first date with him though!"

Jiwoong ignored his younger brothers comment and went to his room.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now