Chapter 9

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~ 1 week later ~ - (timeskip)

Kim Jiwoong POV

It's been a week since I have been figuring out my feelings and actions towards Ricky, and maybe yesterday I found out the reason. I assume since childhood I have been very careful of getting close to people that I don't know, but now Ricky made me want to change my perspective, it's not like he did anything out of the ordinary to get to know me, he just became himself now. I realized how much he had changed, and now I know I was very wrong thinking that Ricky is just an annoying rich spoiled kid that gets everything he wants, I now understand he's just a normal person that tries his best and he did his best to get close to someone like me.

Upon everything I have realized, I think I'm going to change our relationship between me and Ricky, I now want to be friends with Ricky Shen.


I bought some strawberry chocolate bar and a strawberry milkshake, I went to the cafeteria and looked for Ricky, I spotted him sitting at his usual spot

"Hey Ricky! Good morning" I greeted him while going to sit down beside him

"Good morning Jiwoong!" he said while making space for Jiwoong to sit beside him

"Here, I brought your favourites!" I said giving him the food and drink I bought for him

"Thanks, you don't have to do this every time though" He thanked

"Ah! It's not a big deal, I have a question for you and you have to answer it honestly, okay?" I said making sure he will not lie while answering my question

"Okay, tell me the question you want to ask"

"Ricky you perhaps want to be friends with me!"




"I know I rejected your confession and all, but I realized how great you actually are and I really want to be friends with you!" I added after the silence

"Sure, I want to be friends with you as well. You don't have to be so formal while asking me that" Ricky smiled at his action

"It's okay, since I'm very happy I can be friends with Ricky!" I said while happily eating my lunch

I have never felt happier, I felt all my worries went away when he accepted my offer to become friends. Today I had my first friend, it was Ricky!

=After School=

I waited at the front gate for Ricky, I waved at him, and then asked him if he wanted to go to the Internet cafe with him now, Ricky accepted and they both went to the Internet cafe.

They arrived at the internet cafe shortly after, when they went it Jiwoong was very nervous to see so many people sweating while just playing a game, Ricky reassured him saying it was not something to be surprised of. Ricky led him to where he sat usually and he followed by sitting next to him.

Ricky sent Jiwoong a friend request in the game and he accepted, they then began playing Ricky's favourite game, at first Jiwoong didn't understand anything else besides the controls he had learned previously, he wasn't a complete fool but he definitely let down Ricky. He felt bad and apologised to Ricky for how terrible his game play is. Ricky was not mad at him and taught Jiwoong little by little until Jiwoong became much better than before.

They both played a few rounds and eventually won one round, they celebrated their first win and shortly after they both had to go home since it was quite late already, they said goodbyes and went home separately.

=Kim's Home=

Jiwoong went into his house and ran straight to his room not even replying to his brother's "Hey", he closed his door and screamed silently, he was both happy and mad at himself, he felt very bad for losing all the game rounds except for only one where they won. He grabbed his phone and text Ricky

Ricky (my friend) 🌞-

>Heyy!! Want to grab pizza with me tomorrow, it's my treat btw no need to pay!

Sure! I just have to go to somewhere at late morning, so maybe at the afternoon?<

>Yeah! 5.00 pm?

Sounds good<

>Okay see you tomorrow! Have a nice dinner

See you as well, have a nice dinner too!! byee<


He smiled at his text before his brother Gyuvin barged into his room

"Why are you smiling at the phone like a fool!?" Gyuvin questioned his older brother

"It's none of your business, now why did you just barge into my room!" I quickly hide the fact I was in fact smiling at my phone just now

"Why would I not when I heard you laughing and giggling like a weirdo in your room, I thought you were possessed!" Gyuvin jokes

"You heard wrong, who knows how much you lost your hearing already after using airpods everyday!" I lied to him

"Hey! My hearing is fine, okay!" Gyuvin defended

"Whatever not get out of my room!" I said while signing him to get out

"Wha- okay then if you don't want the spaghetti I just ordered for both of us" Gyuvin quickie shut the door

"Wait! I want it" he quickly put his phone down and got out of his room

He ran to the dining room and grabbed himself a bowl of spaghetti. He ate in silence while eating, but his brother joked and talked while eating. He was sure bothered since he had told his younger brother Gyuvin to stop talking while eating.

He finished his dinner and went to his room to get ready for bed.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now