Chapter 15 (END)

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Kim Jiwoong POV

He grabbed Ricky's hand and slightly dragged him towards a park, it was currently the afternoon, he brought Ricky near a beach. It was empty besides the two of them, when Ricky was distracted by the view he grabbed a bouquet of flowers the picked out himself.

"Ricky" He said making the other looked towards his direction and then looked to the flowers

"I love you, the first time I saw you I knew you were handsome, charming but I never had the thought of getting close to you. I used to always see you as just a random kid from a rich family, when you confessed to me I never knew you personally and I rejected you bluntly. The more I hung out with you, the more I got to see how great, funny, hardworking, caring, nice, generous a person that you are, I then became friends with you! I really am glad that I met you, and I wished we met earlier so that we could spend more time together and make more memories." He paused and continued

"I realised my feelings for you, and for that I have braved and braced myself to confess my feelings towards you"

"Ricky, I love you. And I want to spend time together with you for the rest of my life"

"Will you become my boyfriend?!" Jiwoong asked Ricky

Ricky let out a chuckle and he couldn't help but stare even more at the man he had loved for a long time. He smiled again and said "Yes, I will become your boyfriend Kim Jiwoong!" He said as he hugged him

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"




"I thought you were going to reject me!" Jiwoong said

"Why would you ever think that! I love you very much" Ricky said as he held Jiwoong's hand

"Well, I thought since I rejected you before, you were going to as well-" Jiwoong said and Ricky replied

"Well I didn't, do you regret that you just confessed to me-" Before Ricky could finished he was stopped by a passionate kiss from Jiwoong, after the kiss they looked and each other and smiled

"No, never don't ever think I will regret being with you!" Jiwoong said as he hugged Ricky once more.

- The End -

A/N Thank you for taking your time to read this book, I hope you enjoyed it! This once again just a fictional story, don't compare it to real life. Have a good day!

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now