Chapter 5

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Kim Jiwoong POV

After finishing the practice for the school's performance I went to the nearest stationer, I arrived and started looking for the perfect apology gift. I picked a unicorn diary and got some wrapping paper. I then went ahead and paid.

I then went home afterwards.

=Next Day=

"Hi Ricky!" I heard someone called my name, I turned around and saw

"Jiwoong?"I asked surprised, "do you need anything?"I asked

" you perhaps want to grab a drink with me after school..?"Jiwoong asked while looking away

" need, I have somewhere else to go anyway, sorry!" I lied with my answer but how can I be brave enough to say yes?

"Ah, no. it's okay!" He answered disappointed

"I'll go no, bye" I slightly bowed my head, turned around and walked away



Ricky POV

I can't help myself think about what just happened earlier, why was Jiwoong so nice to me now? Why not before? I felt confused. Is he happy that I don't like him anymore?...but if he thinks of my feelings for him like that, he's wrong, I still like you Kim Jiwoong.

I brushed my thoughts away since I realized I wasn't focusing in class, I tried my best to keep my eyes away from Jiwoong's direction, but sometimes I just can't help myself and take a little glance at him from time to time. My mind started to dart towards "why did I refuse to grab a drink with him after school?" I felt like I lost my only chance, I wanted to scream in frustration but I didn't want to interrupt the class.

Kim Jiwoong POV

This was the first time in forever that I couldn't focus in class, I kept getting stressed out on how I could convince him to have a private conversation with me. That's when it hit me, I realized in Ricky's diary he said he knew my brother, so maybe Gyuvin has his number? I'll ask him at home...

I wanted to ask his number directly, but I couldn't bring myself to, so now I have to rely on my younger brother. After school ended, I went to my car and drove home.

=Kim's House=

I open the door to see Gyuvin watching netflix in the couch, I took off my shoes and went to the living room,

"Vin, I need your help"

Gyuvin turned around in shock "are you the independent Jiwoong I knew?" he joked

"I'm serious!, It's about Ricky" I swear I saw him grinning at me when I said that

"What is it, do you need help confessing to him?" he said raising his eyebrows up and down continuously

"WHAT? No way! Why would you think about such a thing" I answered while making an "ew gross" face.

"Then what is it? if it's bullying him, then I'm out!"

"No it's not that! Do you have his number?" I asked

"WAIT? YOU WANT HIS NUMBER???!! Looks like someone has a crush noww!" Gyuvin said teasingly

"It's not that, I just have to ask him for something!" I discarded his dumb jokes

"Whatever your dumb brain decides Woong! Here I already sent it"

I swung my bag again to my shoulder and walked away to my room, "Seriously not even a thank you?" I heard Gyuvin said annoyed, "anyways don't forget to buy him anything with strawberries, it's his favourite" I heard Gyuvin yelled again, I could imagine his stupid thoughts about me and Ricky.

I entered my room and locked the door, I put my bags away and turned my phone again. I clicked save on the number Gyuvin sent me, I typed a few words before deleting each and every single one of them again, I could feel myself getting more and more nervous each second. I finally typed a pretty good text and decided to just send it to him.

Ricky Shen- Contact saved

Hey there, are you perhaps free tomorrow? If you are, would you like to grab a drink with me?<

>Who are you?

Sorry! I'm your classmate Kim Jiwoong.<


>Okay sure..? Where should I meet you?

Oh it at ZROSE Cafe, it's only five minutes away from school don't worryl!<

>Okay then, I'll meet you there tomorrow

Okay!!! Bye bye<


YES! I felt myself yelling internally, I finally succeeded in my plan. I looked at the stuff I bought yesterday and decided to work on it now, I put away all my books aside so as not to ruin them in the process.

I began to wrap the unicorn diary I bought for him as a gift, the wrapping process took a while then what I was expecting. In the end I got it and I started writing an apology card, I slid it in the gift and closed the remaining unclosed part in the wrapping paper.

Putting away the wrapped gift that was in front of me, I grabbed my phone to start scrolling through Instagram, I couldn't help myself and searched 'rickyshen', I saw an account with his face on the profile and clicked it. I couldn't stop smiling when scrolling through his instagram. He looked so different from what I completely imagined the Ricky Shen was.

Before I knew it I was scrolling for too long that my brother had to call me to eat dinner, just when I was about to click out Instagram I accidentally liked one of his posts....

(I unliked it afterwards don't worry!! He won't know..)


"So Gyuvin if I liked a post on Instagram and immediately unliked it, the owner of the post won't know right?" I asked Gyuvin after dinner

"What makes you think that, of course they will still get a notification even if you unliked the post afterwards" Gyuvin couldn't help but facepalm himself, for how his brother thinks social media works.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now