Chapter 10

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Ricky POV

Ricky just finished getting ready because he's going to a bookstore today since it's the weekend. He planned to go alone at first but when he saw how his younger brother Yujin was sulking in his room, he decided to invite him to go to the bookstore with him. Yujin agreed and they both went to the bookstore,

They arrived at the bookstore at 1.00 Pm, the place wasn't too crowded and they both went in. Ricky looked for the book he was dreaming about buying since last week, his brother Yujin, who wasn't a big fan of fantasy books, decided to go to the video game aisle.

Ricky eventually found the book he was looking for and on his way he grabbed a few more books to buy, his brother Yujin got a few video games books that were supposed to "enhance his gaming skill" and make him a "pro". They went to the cash register and paid for the books they wanted.

They both left the bookstore and went back home,


He was putting his brand new books down before he realized it was already 4.00 Pm, he picked out a presentable outfit and went to get ready. He changed into the clothes he just picked out, and was about to leave the house when he remembered Jiwoong had forget to gave him the address of the pizza place they were going to, he opened his phone and texted Jiwoong

Jiwoong 🎤

>Hey! About the pizza place we are going to go today, can you send me the address?

Oh, I didn't give you my bad!<

But, I think I will just pick you up<

>Are you sure? Wouldn't I trouble you?

No no it's really no trouble for me, you don't live too far from me anyways!<

See you soon! 🤩<

>Thank you! See you soon aswell 👍




Kim Jiwoong POV

Jiwoong arrived at Ricky's home at 4.45 Pm, he knocked at the door to see Yujin

"Hey Yujin, do you know where Ricky is?" I asked Ricky's younger brother

"Oh him? He's just getting his stuff ready, he'll come out anytime soon! But, where are you going to go with Ricky?" Yujin asked him

"Ah!! We are going to grab some pizza together!" I replied

"Oh, for what occasion-" before Yujin could complete his question to him, Ricky arrived and greeted him

They greeted each other, Ricky didn't forget to say goodbye to his brother and told him to be safe, they then both drove away

The car ride was comfortable and there were a few jokes along the conversation. They both soon arrived at the pizza place, they went in and picked a seat. As they sat down on their seat across of each other, a waiter came up to them and greeted them

"Good evening sirs" the waiter greeted them,"what can I get you two?" he then passed both of them the menu

"I'd like to have a pepperoni pizza, with extra cheese please" Ricky went and looked at Jiwoong after ordering, signalling him a question if 'he wants to share or not'

"What would you like sir" the waiter asked towards Jiwoong's direction

Jiwoong saw Ricky's signal and understood "We would like to share that" he said

"Anything else?" the waiter asked both of them

"I'll just get a cup of tea, please" Ricky tells the waiter

"As for you sir?" the waiter asked Jiwoong again

"I'll get a cappuccino, please" Jiwoong answered the waiter

The waiter repeated their order, asking for their confirmation. They both nodded at the order that was read to them,"Your order will be coming up soon, sir!" the waiter said before walking away

The rest of the dinner was great, they both joked around with each other and became more comfortable with one and another. They finished off their dinner with each other, paid and then left the pizza place. Jiwoong drove to Ricky's house first before going to his house.




Han Yujin who saw the whole event of his brother Ricky and Kim Jiwoong couldn't help but spill some gossip about it to his best friend Gyuvin, he opened his phone and texted his best friend Gyuvin

Gyuvin 😮

>I need to tell you something!!!!

>Awh come one! Be online, pause your game right now!! 😵

OKayy Yujin, what is the thing you need to tell me? 😡<

>I think I just saw Ricky and Kim Jiwoong going to a pizza place together 🧐

Whaaaat? Are you sure you are not hallucinating?<

>I swear I'm still sane!! I saw them LIKE REALLY SAW THEM! 🤐

OMGG! I mean I knew Jiwoong liked Ricky already but, HE made a MOVE this EARLY GOSH! 😲 😏<

Gyuvin couldn't help but grins while getting to know the latest Kim Jiwoong and Ricky information, he was sure ready to bombard his brother Jiwoong with questions, just as he was thinking that the door opens, revealing his brother

"OMG! How was your date!" Gyuvin asked while wiggling both of his eyebrows

"What are you talking about?!" Jiwoong asked confused by his younger brother words

"Don't act like you forgot! Your date with Ricky!!" Gyuvin said while smilling

"HUH? Who tells you such things" he couldn't help but pull his younger brother's ears

"HEEY!! I got it from a good friend of mine! Now let go" he said while moving his brothers hand away

"Don't trust such fake information next time!" Jiwoong said before going to his room

"It's not fake though, right!!" Gyuvin couldn't help but be proud of himself for annoying his older brother

He couldn't help to thanked his amazing friend, before continuing to play his video game..

A/N : I am sorry if this looks rushed! I was busy today, I apologise.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now