Chapter 13

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Ricky POV

Ricky just finished getting ready to go and meet up with Jiwoong, he was about to go when he received a phone call, he answered the phone

} Mom? Is everything okay?" Ricky asked his mother who sounded distressed from the call

} Ricky, your father is in the hospital" Mrs Shen told Ricky while sobbing

} Is dad okay? I'll go there now! Mom, which hospital is it!?" Ricky asked his mother

} Hospital ×××××, bring Yujin as well alright?" His mom said

} Yes mom! I'll go there now" Ricky said while getting his car key

} Be safe!"

} I will mom, don't worry!"

Call ended

Ricky called his brother hurriedly and explained they have to go now, his brother understood and hurriedly put his shoes on. Ricky and Yujin left the house in a panicked state, Yujin got in the car and Ricky drove the car.

Jiwoong POV

Jiwoong was now waiting for Ricky at the Bowling place, he had been playing by himself for the past 40 minutes, he thought Ricky was late and waited. After waiting for almost an hour, he decides to text him

Ricky (my friend) 🌞

> Ricky, are you late? 04.55

> Ricky? 05.10

> Hey? Are you okay?! Do you need help, Ricky? 05.23

Jiwoong texted him a few times, and got worried by the sudden no replies. Even if Ricky cancelled the plan last minute, he would've at least responded to his text message. He then had an idea and texted his brother

Gyuvin 👎

> Vin, try texting Yujin for me

Why? 😮<

> Just do it

Okay, already texted him <

> Did he respond?

Nah, he's probably busy? 🥺 <

When Jiwoong realized that Ricky wasn't just ignoring him, but his brother was also not responding, he panicked and went to Ricky's house.

He arrived at Ricky's house and knocked at his front door, one knock and no answer, he knocked several times and got no answer. He realized the lights were still on and pushed the door open, the door was unlocked. He looked inside of the house to see if there was a burglar, thankfully he spotted no intruders, but he also didn't spot Ricky or his younger brother. He went outside of the house again and looked at his phone in despair.

Ricky POV

He was relieved to find out it was not a major injury, and his father was going to recover soon. He sat himself down and suddenly panicked, because he hadn't informed Jiwoong that he couldn't make it today, he hurriedly opened his phone to see a bunch of messages from Jiwoong

Jiwoong 🎤

> Sorry! I didn't mean to ignore you. My father is in the hospital, and me and my brother went there hurriedly. 😿

OMG, It's okay! I'm glad you're fine 🙂 <

> I'll make it up to you next time! 😁

No need! <

Stay safe to you and your family! <

> Thank you! Stay safe as well


> 🙇🏻‍♂️




~(Time Skip)~

Yujin and Ricky got home safe the next day after his father was discharged, they arrived safely and got inside the house, he was thankful that Jiwoong informed him yesterday that he forgot to lock the door. He was about to go to his room when his brother spoke

"Ricky!" Yujin called out

"Hm? What is it?" Ricky turned around

"You still like him don't you?" Yujin straightforwardly asked his brother

"Who's him?" Ricky pretended to not know

"Kim Jiwoong" Yujin said



"Yeah, but you don't need to worry about me okay, Yujin" Ricky answered

"Okay, I'm sure he likes you too as well" Yujin said

"No, that's impossible he rejected me before" Ricky answered

"That was back then, but now it's different!" Yujin said

"How is it different?" Ricky questioned

"You were chasing him back then, but now it seems that he is the one chasing you" Yujin said

"That's not true, we are just getting close as friends!" Ricky reminded

"Believe me or not, it's clear to the eye" Yujin told Ricky before going to his room

Ricky brushed it off and went to his room, he jumped onto his bed and laid there staring at the ceiling, he was reminded by his younger brother's words. He wanted to believe it but at the same time he also didn't, he didn't want to have false hope and get rejected again. He distracts himself by playing his favourite game on his computer.

Kim Jiwoong POV

"OH MY GOSH!! You totally like Ricky!" Gyuvin screamed to his older brother

"What are you talking about" He ignored his brothers comment

"Don't run away now! Just look at how panicked you were yesterday!" Gyuvin couldn't help but teased his older brother for yesterday events

"I was just worried for my friend okay!" Ricky denied all his brother's assumption of him and Ricky's relationship

"You can't get away with that excuse now! It was so obvious yesterday, did you realized that since you and Ricky got close you have been asking me for favours!" Gyuvin added

"I don't see him in that way, and it was all just probably your imagination Gyuvin" Jiwoong said before going to his room and shut his door

"God you're so blind!" Gyuvin said before leaving

'Aish that kid has nothing else to do but make assumption of my feelings for Ricky' he couldn't help to think that to himself

He wanted to do some work to kill the time, but when he saw Ricky was online on the game, he immediately joined the game. He played the game with Ricky for multiple hours, the first time they played together he barely played the game for an hour before getting exhausted and tired, but now he can play for longer hours.

They ended the game and he was not too tired, he got up and was about to go out but stopped since he didn't want to see his brother again and get teased once again. He jumped onto his bed and started reading a book, he cringed at the book but he continued reading, he finished half of the book and every information in the book was just out of his style. He closed the book and realized which book he had just read, it was the "How to get close to someone (FAST)". He was shocked at himself for being able to read half of the contents in the book, he put it down and laid on his bed in a daze.

He was thinking about everything that happened yesterday,

Why was he so worried about Ricky, when he barely knew him? Is it normal to be so worried about someone you barely know?

Do I like Ricky? In a more than just friends way? No? Yes? I'm confused, I don't know if I like him that way or not.

He recalled his memories with Ricky, even if I like him...he would probably reject me now, since I rejected him first before.

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now