Chapter 2

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Kim Jiwoong POV

I looked at the boy running away after confessing to me, getting confess was normal to me now but this is Ricky Shen the boy who's probably a spoiled brat, he comes in a rich family just like me but he acts so recklessly, he wears overly scented perfume with his has hair slicked back. That's just his appearance, but he's always late to class, does he want to fail? The way he wears his uniform is messy, he's been writing 'anonymous' love letters to me for the past few months now, and it's not really anonymous if he writes "from : R.Shen" does he think i'm that dense to now notice who he was? There could only be 2 people in this school that was his brother and him, but obviously it's him since his younger brother's name doesn't have the letter R.

He looked at Ricky, the boy he just rejected, he looked like he wanted to cry. Does he finally understand that he can't own everything just because his rich and all? I bet now he understands, I might be rich also but don't compare to those rich spoiled brats.

All he does to come to school is just to slack off, stare at me, be annoying, tell everyone he's "young and rich, tall and handsome", and even shows off his new car or whatever he was showing off. I guess now he learns that being rich isn't a personality"

Ricky POV

I arrived at school not late like before since now I don't stress out myself to look "good" in the morning anymore, I put my hair down now since my scalp has probably become tired of how much product I put in it. I wear glasses today since to be honest my vision isn't that good anymore, I was prescribed this 5 months ago but I haven't worn them since, I thought I look goofy in them.

I put my books on my table and waited until the class starts. Now, I'm finally paying attention in class just like before I started crushing on Jiwoong...

=After School=

I waited in the school lobby to pick up Yujin and his friend Gyuvin. They ran to my car looking like the most happiest person in the world,

"Hey brother, thanks for waiting, Gyuvin just had to inform his brother first!" Yujin told me

"Yeah sorry, Yujin's brother" Gyuvin added after Yujin

"It's fine it wasn't long anyway, my name's Ricky btw!" I said before driving the car to the arcade

"Thank you Yujin's brother Ricky!" Gyuvin replied

(Gyuvin & Yujin conversation in the car)

"Omg your brother's so cool Yujin, I mean look at his blonde hair!" Gyuvin whispered to Yujin

"What? No way he's not all that cool, and I thought your brother was so cool and amazing" Yujin replied back

"Him? Cool? Amazing? No Yujin, don't get fooled by my brother ,he's all cool on the outside but at home he's very very strict. I think stricter than my parents and he also snitched on me when I was playing games at midnight" Gyuvin disagreed with Yujin's words.

=they continue bickering until they both arrive=

"Thanks brother! Don't worry about picking us up okay, Gyuvin's brother is gonna pick us up!!" Yujin reminded me

"Thank you!" Gyuvin said bowing his head

"Alright then, have fun!" I replied before driving off

=06.00 PM=

Kim Jiwoong POV

I drove to the arcade to pick up Gyuvin and his friend Yujin, I called Gyuvin to let him know I was there already.

"Thanks for picking us up, Jiwoong!" Gyuvin said while shutting the car door

"Yeah! Thank you Gyuvin's older brother Jiwoong!!" Yujin also thanked

"Just Jiwoong would be fine Yujin, it's no problem btw, take it as a sorry for not being able to drive you here and making you take public transportation" I said while starting the car.

"Oh we didn't Jiwoong, my brother drove us here!" Yujin replied back confuse thinking there's a misunderstanding

"Shhh!! Gyuvin quickly tell Yujin, "He's just joking woong!" Gyuvin said with a suspicious smile

"What? Ricky drove you here? You were lying Gyuvin?!"

"Well I knew you wouldn't agree so I went behind your back, sorry brother!" Gyuvin quickly apologised not wanting to get in trouble

After lecturing Gyuvin in the car ride they finally arrived at the Shen's house

"Thank you for driving me back home Jiwoong!" "And see you tomorrow at school next monday Gyuvin!! Byee!" He said before going inside his house

"Byeee, see you Yujin" Gyuvin replied back while waving goodbye at him

"Gyuvin, we'll talk at home okay?" I said wanting to clear up everything and make sure this doesn't happen again

"Okay okay!" Gyuvin shortly replied

=At Kim's House=

Jiwoong sat on their living room sofa, with Gyuvin across.

"Don't do anything stupid like that again, okay?" I told him

"Why? Is it because the one driving me there was Ricky, Your annoying 'secret' admirer?" Gyuvin shot back a reply

"...Yeah, he could've crashed the car or something. He can't even pay attention in class, so why would I expect him to pay attention to the road." I replied to Gyuvin while massaging my temples

"Brother! Have some faith in him, you can't judge him without knowing him clearly. Besides, he was super chill when he was with me and Yujin" Gyuvin replied back defending Yujin's brother.

"You say that but I probably know him more than you do, I'm in the same class as him, while you just met him Gyuvin." I shot back a reply again

"Yeah you are right, but you're also blind to see the positive side in him. I'm gonna go now Woong, goodnight." He said before running up the stairs

"...Goodnight Gyuvin" I replied while getting up from the sofa

Before going to bed I went and threw all the 'trash' that's in my bag from today, I got a lot of love/confession letters daily. I signed thinking about what Gyuvin said "Brother! Have some faith in him, you can't judge him without knowing him clearly."

Alright Gyuvin, I'll try to give him some faith.Let's see if you're right...

I'll Try to have some faith in you | Kim Jiwoong x Ricky ZB1 | FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now