01 - new season

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"There will be Perez, Albon, Hulkenberg and Sainz with you at the press conference."

When my media manager Clara said the last name, my heart made a little jump. It's been a while since I had seen Carlos. Just before new year we spend a couple days together in England but after that we had barely contact. Something felt different, since he had left that day, but I wasn't sure what it was.

"Lando are you hearing me?"

Clara looked at me and I began to stutter but no words came out.

"Please stick to our points and don't make any funny jokes, not at the first press conference of the year, okay?"

I node quickly before I disappeared in the room. Alex and Nico already sat there on the small sofa and I joined them with a smile on my face. While we were talking about the winter break and the new cars, Checo arrived. Just before the interviewer wanted to start, Carlos came in and it looked like he had been in a hurry. We share a look and handshake after he sat down in between of me and Alex. Immediately I felt his leg against mine and my body somehow began to shiver. I don't know what was going on with me lately but when Carlos was near me I reacted differently. It was nothing new that we were friends but this kind of feeling was new for me. I also recognized that he had recently shaved and cut his hair, to which I usually did not pay attention.

"Question for Lando, do you think the gap to Ferrari is closer this year?"

I quickly looked at Carlos next to me, who had a smile and an expectant look on his face. Both was more than beautiful but I managed to distract myself from it and focus on the interviewer again.

"No, yeah I mean. I don't know for sure, I guess we have to wait for Qualifying and the race but I am sure you will have your first answer by Sunday night."

The next questions went over and I didn't pay much attention to them. On my mind was only the man next to me and our nearness. After the last question the interviewer thanked us and we were allowed to leave.

"Mate what happend to you, why were you so nervous in there. Looked like you were in your rookie season.", Carlos said and laugh.

"Yeah, no I am just a little bit tired that's all."

Carlos wanted to answer to that but unfortunately, or should I say thank god, someone interrupted him and we parted our ways. On my way back to the hospitality Cara talked to me about some random things and I quickly answered, thinking of something else the whole time, or should I say someone else. I don't know what was going on but since this morning when I first saw Carlos walking through the paddock my feelings were completely distracting me from everything else. Although I have to admit that the Spaniard was on my mind days before today. Since he had posted his breakup a couple of weeks ago my mind often went to him and the fact that he's single now.

"Uh someones in a good mood today."

My head shot in the air and I saw Oscar, who I completely ran over.

"Sorry mate, I didn't see you."

"Yeah I noticed that. Was the press conference really that bad?"


"Yes.", I answered quickly before making my way to my drivers room.

No, on the contrary the press conference was nice, because Carlos was there. Even tough I didn't pay much attention to the questions and the interviewer I always listened to him and his funny way of answering made my smile sometimes. Even now where I was thinking about him I started to grin. I shook my head with a sigh, I had to stop thinking about him or how else should I survive a whole season with seeing him every week or two. To distract myself a bit I got up again and left the hospitality to find George or Alex. Unfortunately both were in the media and I had to went back through the paddock.


I froze immediately and turn slowly just to see the Ferrari driver waving at my. His beautiful smile gave my a warm feeling inside my body and I went over to him. He quickly finished his conversation with one of the Ferrari employees and came a couple of steps in my direction.

"I know that you are tired but what do say about getting lunch together? We haven't seen us since last year, I missed you the last weeks."

Even though he meant it in a friendly way, his words made me shiver and I started to smile.

"Sure.", it was the only thing that came out of my mouth because I was unable to say more.

Carlos started talking about the upcoming race and his hopes while we made our way over to the food area. After we go some salad and meat we sat down on a table in the sun.

"What happened to the girl George told my about, from new years eve? Are you two dating or anything?"

I nearly chocked with my food when Carlos asked me this. Yes, I met someone that night and we hooked up but I didn't see her after that. And also I was thinking about someone else this evening, who supposed to be sitting now next to me.

"No, I didn't see her again after that night."

The Ferrari driver made a sad face but didn't command on my answer. Because of the upcoming silence I wanted to ask about his breakup. Luckily he brought the topic of relationships up so it wouldn't be that bad, but I still was a bit anxious about it. On the other hand I was a bit hurt about the fact, that he didn't mentioned anything although we are friends. But to be fairly we hadn't much contact in the last weeks because we both were pretty busy.

"What happened with your girlfriend, I saw you broke up."

"She thought I cheated on her, we argued and than broke up."

"Oh.", I wasn't sure what I should say, "Did you cheat on her?"

He stopped eating and looked at my with a bit of surprise.

"No Lando, of course not. There was someone I thought I had feelings for but I didn't cheat or do anything like that."

I nodded silently and continued eating while Carlos seamed to think about something before he also finished his food. After that he quickly said good bye and disappeared in the paddock, left me speechless on the table. What just happened? I thought he was my friend and friends talk about relationships, why did he just left? My thoughts were quickly distracted by Clara who came to pick me up for other media things.

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