12 - london pleasure

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After we had put our luggage in my apartment we decided to go for a little walk trough London. It was already late so there weren't much people on the streets and luckily nobody recognized us. When we went over the Themse I felt how Carlos took my hand and I smiled at him. He just made me so happy I didn't know how I was happy before him. I mean yes I had known him before but now it was different and everything he does is just special.

"London is so beautiful." Carlos suddenly said and stopped. "But not as beautiful as you."

He pulled me back on my hand and turned me so that I was facing him. Since we were still on the bridge, a little later I was standing between the handsome Spaniard and the stone parapet. Slowly I guided my hands to his face and cupped it.

"Thank you for coming with me Carlos."

"Of course, I mean my tiger  won today and I definitely don't want you to celebrate alone here in London." He said with a grin.

"So there is no other reason besides the celebration thing?" I asked mock disappointed.

We both had to laugh and Carlos brushed a hair out of my face.

"No, should there be another reason?"

I didn't want to play this game any longer and leaned towards him to put my lips on his. It looked like Carlos had waited for this to happen because he quick pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. A sigh left me when he pressed his body even closer to mine. A few moments later we parted and smiled at each other before Carlos took one step back and reached out for my hand.

"You are the reason. And now let's go, show me more of this beautiful city."

Happy like a six year old after the first day of school I jumped towards him and took his hand. Together we started walking again and left the bridge soon. The longer we walked, the heavier my legs became and I felt the exertion of the day. However, I tried not to let it show because I didn't want this evening with Carlos to end yet.

When we passed the Big Ben or the London Eye Carlos took some photos, also some of me which didn't make me happy because I hated myself in pictures. It therefore annoyed me quite a bit and I also walked away when he once more stopped to take a picture.

"Oh come on Lando only one more." Carlos shouted because I already went on.

I sighed and turned around ready to smile for the camera but Carlos winked me towards him and than turned the camera to make a selfie. Quickly I stepped next to him and hugged my arms around his waist before he took the photo.

"But now let's go home please I am cold and tired." I grumbled and started walking again.

Quickly Carlos ran after me and took my hand again while trying to make me smiling but I was just mad. Not at him but I was cold and quite tired after the race and car drive towards London today. 

My mood instantly changed after closing the door of my apartment as Carlos pushed me back against the closed door and placed his lips on my neck. He caught me by surprise and I moaned loud when he begann to kiss my skin. We quickly got rid of our shoes and jackets before I showed Carlos the way to my bedroom.

When we reached the room he didn't went towards the bed, instead he pushed me back against the wall before pressing himself against me. I wanted to feel his lips on mine and therefore grabbed his head from my neck. The kiss turned passionate very quickly and I bit his bottom lip in pleasure. During our kiss Carlos pulled on my shirt and two seconds after it was gone.

"Now comes the price for your victory today."

Before I could process and understand his words he pulled my trousers and boxers down and lowered himself in front of me. I wanted to say something but my tired head wasn't fast enough instead I closed my eyes in pleasure when I felt his lips around my already hard cock. I blinked once and looked down at Carlos, who was glancing up at me at that exact moment, and the sight alone made me groan loudly.

"Oh fuck Carlos." I moaned and leaned my head back against the wall.

He started to move his lips and suddenly I felt his tongue which sent thousand shivers through my body. When he also used his hand for the remaining part I could feel my legs shaking and therefore grabbed his hair to hold on. This made him go even faster and I felt my orgasm building. Suddenly he removed his lips and looked at me.

"Your moans alone make me almost cum cariño."

I wanted to reply something but wasn't able to and before I could catch my breath I felt his mouth around me again. This time I couldn't hold it as long as before and when I suddenly hit his throat my fingers buried in his hair while I loudly groaned his name and cum. Carlos swallowed everything and then slowly stood up while holding me because my legs gave out.

"Fuck Carlos that was..."

I wasn't able to speak and the Spaniard carefully placed me on the bed.

"You're welcome." He said and laughed while he tucked me in.

After he quickly went to the bathroom he undressed himself except his underwear and than jumped next to me in the bed. Tired, I snuggled up to him and immediately got a good feeling when I felt his hot skin under me. We had never fallen asleep next to each other before and I was happy that today was the day. After this pleasure I was sure that I would sleep very well especially because of the man next to me.

"I love you." I mumbled before my eyes closed.

Carlos tenderly stroked a strand of hair from my face before he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too tiger."


Hey, I wanted to ask you who I should write the next stories about? Charles, Carlos, Lando, George, Max, Pierre? And do you prefer bxg or bxb? 

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