05 - start over

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"Do you want to talk to him today?" Alex said while we were walking through the paddock.

George looked also very interested at me and I sighed. After last weeks events I wasn't sure if and what I should say to him. He clearly didn't want to talk to me and also seemed a bit frustrated and angry which I didn't understand.

"I don't know what that would do."

My friends sighed and looked at me once again before George stopped and I looked confused at him.

"Maybe he is as confused as you about his feelings and don't know how to react."

"And why doesn't he talk to me than?"

"Because he is probably scared.", Alex said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Scared? Carlos?"

As soon as I said his name a tingle went through my body and I could hear him say tiger. But this memory went from amazing to annoying because every time I thought back at it I had to thought about how this ruined our friendship. 

Before this evening we were pretty good and even with me feelings I was able to keep a professional friendship without any romantic details. Before I could share more of my feelings with them, George and Alex said goodbye and went to their garages. While shaking my head I entered the McLaren Hospitality and soon ran into Oscar.

"Hey Lando, where were you earlier? Carlos was looking for you."

When I heard his name I got goosebumps and my mind went off for a second. Quickly I swallowed and looked at my teammate again.

"What did he want?"

On one hand I was mad because he didn't talk to me since the incident last week and now wants to find me. But on the other side I was very happy that he wanted to see and talk to me. However I had mixed feeling about it because he could also just wants to shout at me again for last Sunday, I wasn't sure what to expect.

"He didn't say, but he said he would come by after the qualifying again."

Right, today was qualifying I almost forgot. The whole thing with Carlos confused me and made me crazy every race weekend since the season had started. I didn't now were my feelings come from at first and also his mixed signals were sometimes a bit too much for me. Luckily my results didn't suffer from it and I was ready to give everything today. Especially in Monaco the Saturday was really important, even more than the Sunday because the grid position here was everything.

After a good Q1 and Q2 it was time for the final segment of qualifying and my first fast lap wasn't perfect which was why I was currently on P9. The time was already over when I drove in sector 3, only a couple of corners left. When I saw my lap time after the finish line I was very surprised and happy about it.

Fantastic lap Lando, that's a front row start. P2 mate.

Yeah!!! Great job guys! Who is on pole, Max again?

No, it's Sainz.

When I heard his name from my engineer I almost crashed my car into the wall. Why had it has to be him, exactly him? No doubt I was more than happy with the second place but the fact that Carlos will be starting next to me tomorrow gave me fixed feelings. 

Thank god I reached the end of the lap and parked my car, before getting out. Quickly I congratulated Max, who came third and than went over to my bottle and cap. A couple meters next to me I saw Carlos taking his helmet of and once again I stared at his beautiful sweaty hair. 

Suddenly he turned towards me and I quickly looked away. After drinking a bit the interviews started and in connection to that there was the picture of the first three. Nervously I went over to Carlos and Max and stood next to the Spaniard who was standing in the middle. When he placed his hand on my lower back I nearly passed out because my heart jumped and than raced as fast as never before. 

These ten seconds felt like an hour and when we were finally aloud to leave I could swear that his hand brushed over my back, before he let go. But we didn't talk or say a word to each other.

"Lando please wait.", I heard his voice when I walked between the motor homes a couple of minutes later.

I stopped annoyed and sighed loud before I turned around. His racing suit was hanging around his waist and I had to admit that the Spaniard in front of me looked stunning. Even tough I was pretty mad at him and wanted to let him know.

"What do you want?" I therefore asked him with a certain undertone in my voice.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Suddenly." I mumbled before I turned around again and wanted to walk back to the paddock, but Carlos grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

By the surprising touch and turn around I stumbled back and my back was once again against the wall while the Ferrari driver was standing in front of my. His hand slowly let go off my wrist but he didn't leave my skin and connected our fingers.

"I am so sorry tiger."

When he used my nickname I could feel how I got weak even tough I was mad at him. His sudden closeness and the low voice with the Spanish accent triggered something in me but I tried to focus.

"What... What do you want from me Carlos? Why did you yelled at me last week and didn't talk to me in weeks and now look after me and want to talk?", I stuttered but tried to be calm.

"I want to start over. I know I was a dick but let me explain it"

"There is nothing to explain, for me it is pretty clear!" I shouted and snatched my hand from his.

"Let me explain it differently." he said calm and made a step up to me.

As I stood there, I suddenly felt his hands on my waist and before I knew it he was leaning in so I could feel his breath on mine. In that moment I felt a thousand things, good and bad but the butterflies in my stomach went crazy as he laid his lips lightly on mine.

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