10 - spanish dinner

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"Of course. You have no idea how many times I've imagined that in the past few weeks." I said and giggled when Carlos lips brushed my neck.

"Me too tiger."

"Tiger." I repeated and had to laugh.

Carlos let go of my neck and leaned back to look at me while his hands went slightly under my shirt and I froze for a moment.

"Yes you're my tiger, you like that?" he whispered in my ear and I started to shiver.

His hands on my bare skin and his hot breath against my neck underneath my ear got me goosebumps and and my seat solidified. Carlos groaned and I felt underneath me that the whole situation didn't leave him cold either, but then the dinner came back to my mind.

"Carlos." I breathed and leaned back, "The dinner, your parents are waiting."

The Spaniard quickly looked at his watch and than back at me with a stressed look on his face. Swiftly I jumped off of him and he also got up to smooth his pants, which showed his bulge. I shyly looked from it up to his face and he started laughing.

"Like what you see? You are the reason for it cariño."

Carlos winked at me while I felt my cheeks turning red and a hot feeling expanded in my stomach. After I went to the toilet again and Carlos body calmed down we were ready to leave. The restaurant which his father picked was nearby so we could go there and didn't need a taxi. Unfortunately his sisters couldn't be here tonight so it would just be his parents and us, which made me more nervous that I already was.

"Don't be nervous they already know you so nothing to be afraid." Carlos said and took my hand to calm me down.

Even it was just as a small gesture to calm me down we didn't let go of each other until we reached the restaurant. His parents were already inside and we spotted them on a table in the back of the restaurant. I panicked and pulled my hand out of his before anyone, especially his parents could see it. Carlos therefore gave my a strange look but his parents saw us before he could say anything.

"Lando, it's so nice to see you again." His mother said and hugged my.

His father did the same and smiled at me but I couldn't tell what it meant. We took a seat, I next to Carlos and the waiter brought us wine after taking our orders. His parents started talking about the race and after they congratulated Carlos again they looked at me.

"I am so sorry for the end of your race Lando, this other man was just stupid."

His mother gave me a pitying look and an encouraging smile. Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh, Carlos hand, which he gently placed on my upper leg. I almost choked but luckily his parents didn't know why as the table top was quite large and covered his touch.

"Yeah but I have to say your driving this season is really good. I mean the second place in Monaco was great, not many drivers could have done better." Carlos father said.

"No, only Carlos." I said and rolled my eyes sarcastically which caused us all a laugh.

Under the table his grip solidified and I tried to hold back my gasp which his touch caused. Pleased with my condition, Carlos just grinned and we toasted before the food was brought to us. Luckily Carlos needed both hands to eat and pulled away from my leg, whereupon I just gave him a quick scowl. 

The rest of the dinner we talked about everything and nothing like in old times and I relaxed a bit. Luckily Carlos kept his hands to himself even tough I had to admit that I missed his touches on my leg. Because I finished my dessert first and now just had the wine glass in my hand I slowly guided my hand under the table towards his thigh. Carlos gasped but tried to hide it with a clear throat. Satisfied with his reaction I leaned back and started talking to his father again, my hand still on his upper leg.

After we had finish our food Carlos mother excused herself to go to the toilet and we looked after here when his father leaned forwards to us. He cleared his throat and the smile on his face disappeared when he lowered his voice.

"Be honest with me, how long have you two been dating?"

Carlos and I looked at each other in shock and my heartbeat raised. Quickly I let go of his leg and ran my fingers through my hair. The Spaniard next to me was the first to regain his composure.

"What... What do you mean?" he said and looked at his father who started smiling.

"Oh come on boys. Carlos you are my son and Lando I know you now for what four years. Your looks during the dinner and the small touches while eating and under the table, it was definitely more than normal and more than friends do."

Still unsure what he thinks of this situation I looked at him while he said this. I felt guilty instantly for putting my hand on his leg, was it too obvious?

"Not only now, I saw it already in the paddock while you were talking and Carlos brushed you hand slightly with his." He continued and looked at me.

"I... I am sorry." was the only thing I could say even I didn't know what I was sorry for.

Both Carlos' heads snapped in my direction and they looked at me in horror. The older one was the first one who could react after my words and he smiled again.

"What are you sorry for, my son. Love is something wonderful and something that you didn't have to be sorry for."

Carlos nodded and grabbed my hand which was laying on the table before looking at his father again.

"So you are fine with it?" He shyly asked his father, who started laughing.

"Of course I am fine with it. I've always told you how much I love Lando, even though I didn't expect him to be my son-in-law, but I'm happy for you."

We smiled at each other and I relaxed again after seeing that his father really meant it and was fine with our relationship.

"What are you happy for?" Carlos mother asked as she came back from the toilet but froze for a moment when she saw our hands.

But than she started laughing and took a seat again.

"I knew it. The way you talked about him and than your looks today, you really didn't make it hard for us to guess. But I am happy for you two too."

Carlos smiled at me and I could just return it, unable to speak. The last couple of minutes wasn't exactly what I expected but I was happy that they were happy about our relationship and we didn't had to hide in front of them any more. After Carlos father paid we stood up and left the restaurant, but in different directions because their hotel was on the other side of the city.

"It was nice seeing you again Lando and I hope you join Carlos this summer when he'll visit us in Madrid." his mother said and hugged me.

His father also hugged me as a good bye and they wished us good luck for the next races but also for us, which I was very happy about, they were so kind. Hand in hand Carlos and I walked back to our hotel.

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