03 - evening events

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I turned around to see the Ferrari driver coming up to me.

"What do you want Carlos?", I asked pretty annoyed because of earlier.

He looked a bit surprised by my tone but than smiled.

"What are you doing tonight?"

While he asked me we started walking again and went through the gates at the exit of the paddock. I didn't understand why he was catching up with me now but ignored my just before in the media area and after the race.

"Nothing planned yet.", I answered indifferent and didn't even look at him.

"What why? Lando you got a podium at the second race of the year this needs celebration.", he said and was getting excited even tough I didn't understand why, "We need to go drinking or something."

Because of the close distance of the hotel we could easily walk without taking a care which was why I had no chance to escape form him. Also I wasn't very in the mood for a party tonight even tough I got a podium. His ignorance and behavior before somehow bothered me and didn't make me particularly happy. Carlos seemed to notice my mood and stopped in surprise.

"What's wrong Lando, why are you so cold to me?"

My anger came up and furios I turned around.

"Are you for sure Carlos?! You are the one who ignored me before and now you want to go on a drink with me, the question is what's wrong with you."

I wanted to go further but Carlos grabbed my wrist and turned me. Startled, I stumbled back and bumped my back against the wall of the house in the alley we were in. Suddenly the Spaniard was standing in front of me with not much space between us. My breathing stopped for a moment when I realized who close he was. Carlos noticed it and was surprised too, which was why he took a couple of steps back and looked at the ground.

"Sorry.", he mumbled before he looked me in the eyes again, "I had so much things on my mind before, because there is something bothering me and somehow I can't ban it from my brain. I am really sorry Lando."

The pronunciation of my name was once again more than beautiful and his voice sounded like an angel but I quickly shook my head to push away these thoughts. He was my friend and therefore such things aren't right. Carlos cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow.

"So what do you say, are you forgiving me and we can go out tonight?"

"Only you and me?", I heard myself say and than realized what I just said, but luckily Carlos started laughing.

"Relax tiger I will ask the others don't worry. So I will pick you up at eight be ready by then."

Without another word he turned and disappeared in the hotel next to us, left me speechless at the wall. Tiger. He had called me tiger and every time I thought back at it I got goosebumps. Even tough I knew it was just a funny gesture it gave me new kind of feelings which I had never before. 

Time passed by when I realized I had to be ready at eight when Carlos would come to pick me up, which is why I ran into the hotel, up to my room to get changed. I was unsure what to wear and tried a couple of shirts on, unhappy with every single one. It wasn't a date, I remembered myself, other drivers would come with us

One minute before eight I was semi pleased with my outfit and therefore through everything back in my suitcase. Promptly Carlos knocked on my door and I quickly opened, just to see the Spaniard in a white polo shirt with dark jeans. His hair looked once again stunning and together with the smile on his face it was perfect.

"You look good.", I heard him say and was surprised but returned the compliment.

"Where are the others, are they waiting down stairs?", I asked him while looking over the corridor.

Carlos nervously ran his fingers through his hair and gave a short laugh.

"Charles and Pierre had no time and Alex and George were already out so looks like it's just the two of us.", he told me and looked in my eyes again, "I hope that's okay?"

His shy smile and look gave me a warm feeling inside my stomach and I slowly nodded my head. I wasn't sure what to say because I was more than happy, that it was just the two of us but I clearly couldn't tell him that. There was an awkward silence and I felt a certain tension emanating from both of us.

"Okay than let's go.", Carlos quickly said and together we went over to the elevators.

Luckily we found some topics, starting with the race today and moving over to private things, so the silence didn't last long. Carlos navigated us to a small bar a couple of streets away from the hotel but I didn't care, all I could see and think of was Carlos. 

His eyes were looking at me the whole evening and I never saw something more beautiful. The table we were sitting at was very small so we sat across from each other which I didn't enjoy this much, thinking of our contact at the press conference last race.

"It's getting late, we probably should go back to the hotel.", Carlos said after a small silence between us.

We had been starring at each other for the last five minutes without blinking and therefore I was a bit sad when he broke the eye contact but I agreed and we stood up. Outside it was quite dark and there very only a few people around. 

Neither of us said a word or looked at the other and the awkward silence from before was back. After a couple of corners I suddenly felt something at my hand and when I realized what it was my hearth nearly stopped. 

Carlos fingers brushed against mine but he didn't say a thing and we kept walking. My breathing was definitively no longer normal especially when he didn't move away and touched the back of my hand with his small finger. 

Without thinking I slowly turned my hand and grabbed his. My heartbeat went crazy and I flicked my eyes down to our hands which were now entangled. A little smile appeared on my face but I tried to act normal and control my breath.

When we arrived at the hotel still neither of us was saying a word and we went inside silently. Luckily the hall was dark and only a old woman was sitting behind the reception but wasn't paying much attention to us. As soon we were standing in front of the elevators I could hear Carlos deep breaths and suddenly he let go of my hand. Our eyes went from the hands up and the Spaniard shyly smiled at me.

"Goodnight Lando."

Without another word or look he turned around and disappeared behind the next corner. Speechless I was standing in front of the elevator which opened his doors at this exact moment. Like frozen I couldn't move and nearly missed it, but before the doors could close again I put my hand between them. My mind went crazy until I was back at my room and laying on my bed, thinking about the good looking Ferrari driver. What just happened?

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