09 - home race

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It was Carlos home race this weekend and therefore he had many appointments and media things to do which was why we couldn't see us much. Therefore after a last kiss in front of my hotel room last Sunday we hadn't done anything touchy, unfortunately. But yesterday after qualifying where I ended up 5th and Carlos 3rd, we talked in the paddock for a minute and Carlos sen. stepped to us and invited me to the dinner after the race. During our time at McLaren together I always had dinner with the Sainz's after the race weekend so therefore I was very excited, especially under the new circumstances. 

After the events of last Sunday Carlos and I didn't talked about it in more detail, we were just happy that the other one also feels the same and therefore didn't decided what label we want to put on it. But my feelings for him grew, I noticed it every time I saw him in the paddock or media I just want to ran towards him and hug and kiss him but that's obviously not possible. Suddenly there was a knock on my door while I undressed myself to put on the racing suit. 

"Yes come in." I said not looking because I thought it must be my trainer.

Because I was facing the opposite direction I only heard how the door opened and then was closed from the inside. My body began to shiver when I suddenly felt his hands on my bare waist.

"Hello tiger."

His breath was near my ear and I relaxed directly by his touch and voice. Slowly I turned around to see the Spaniard smiling.

"Carlos what... what are you doing here?"

I was surprised because it was his home grand prix and the race was about to start in about an hour so he had definitely to be somewhere else and not in my drivers room.

"I wanted to see you, I missed you over the weekend."

While he was saying that he brushed a loose hair out of my face and rested his hands on my cheeks.

"But I can go if you want me to." he said grinding and that's when my reflexes set in again.

The panic that he would leave me now was big and I missed him too so I quickly put my hands around his neck and pulled him towards my lips. The kiss deepened very fast but I sighed and let go of him when I remembered that we had to be somewhere different.

"Carlos the race is about to start, you have to go."

"But I don't want to." he grumbled while his lips went on my neck.

I gasped at the feeling but slowly pushed him away. Carlos rolled his eyes but wished me luck and disappeared after a last quick kiss. Dreamily I looked after him and asked myself once again how it was possible that he felt the same about me. With this question and all the feelings for the Spaniard I left my room and went down to my car.

The race ended early for me because someone drove into me and the damage was to big to continue. In a correspondingly bad mood, I fulfilled my media appointments and then made my way back to the hotel. Before I left the paddock I saw on the screens that Carlos came second I was happy for him but my race bothered me so I didn't want to see his happy face at the moment.

After a quick shower I scrolled trough my phone before getting dressed. The dinner with the Sainz family would start in about an hour and I still hadn't decided what to wear. Representing my mood, I opted for a black shirt and trousers together with a black cap. Nervously I plucked on my shirt while standing in front of the mirror. Of course his parents, especially his father knew me but still I wanted to make a good impression also because of the new connection between Carlos and me, which we didn't want to mention this evening I assumed, even though we hadn't spoken about it until now. A knock on my door distracted me and I was surprised because we actually wanted to meet in the lobby.

"I am so sorry for your race." Carlos said and pushed himself in my room while closing the door behind him.

I followed him towards the bed where he took a seat und than looked at me.

"You look beautiful."

His arms reached for me and I stepped closer so he could lay them around me while still sitting on the edge of the bed. My bad mood slowly disappeared because of his presence and I tender brushed a hair out of his face.

"Congrats on your second place. Sorry I left and didn't watch the ceremony I was angry with myself."

"It's okay, I understand but trust me next weekend you will finish on the podium again."

He gave me a smile and I returned it, he really was the cutest.

"But I wanted to be on the podium here, at your home race, for you." I said defiant and Carlos started laughing.

"That's very sweet of you tiger but you make me happy even without a podium."

After saying that he put his hand in my neck and pulled my down to his lips. After a moment I felt his tongue on mine and opened them gladly. The kiss deepened and I got a bit more confident which was why I carefully bite his lower lip. Carlos moaned softly in response and I felt thousands of butterflies in my stomach and had to grin slightly. It made me happy that I know he was appreciating my actions.

"Oh cariño." I heard Carlos murmur before I felt his hands on my waist again but this time he pulled my closer until I was sitting on his lap.

My legs were on either side of him and we both groaned as I sat down and Carlos pulled me even closer. This feeling was indescribable and I was more than happy. My fingers played with Carlos hair on the back of his head and I slightly pulled on them. But suddenly a question popped up in my head and I leaned back a bit.

"What are we Carlos?" I whispered and looked at him a bit anxious.

The Spaniard smiled at my expression and brushed with his finger over my cheek.

"Whatever you want. If you want to be my boyfriend than we can do this. Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

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