07 - first date

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Unfortunately because of his win Carlos had dinner withe the prince of Monaco which was standard after the race every year. He had texted me earlier about it and I was disappointed for a moment and even thought he didn't want to spend time with me at all but than he said that he would pick me up from the hotel later. 

For the party and celebration afterwards he didn't want to stay in a suit so the hotel was part of his plan and therefore he could pick me easily up. I ordered in the meantime something from the room service because I wanted to have time to search for an outfit for the date with Carlos. 

Alex and George insisted to eat with me because it wasn't right to "eat alone after a second place in Monaco", that's what they said.

"Did he say where you will go?" George asked while they were sitting on my bed eating.


I responded hectically because I wasn't sure what to wear and have already looked through my clothes twice for sure. Even though we know each other for such a long time I wanted to look good, I wanted to impress him a little bit, because after all it was a date and not just a friendly get together. Frustrated I through all of my clothes out of my suitcase again before standing in front of them.

"Lando relax. He already has you seen sweaty and completely done after training and in a suit so he likes everything in between of you. Don't be so stressed out."

George agreed with Alex and I looked at them skeptically. Even if I couldn't show it at the moment I was more than happy that these two were my friends and now here, because their words calmed me somehow down and I was sure that if they weren't here I would completely freak out. With a little help from them I finally picked a white polo shirt and black jeans with white sneakers. Quickly I ate my food before said good bye to Alex and George who wanted to go out themselves.

"Have fun." Alex said and winked at me.

"And we want all the details tomorrow on our flight back." George added.

I could feel how my cheeks turned red and I quickly shoved them out of my hotel room. A look at the watch on my wrist told me that Carlos should be here any minute and I started walking trough my room nervously. Suddenly a knock on my door let my heart stop for a moment before I slowly made my way over to it.

"Hey." Carlos said and I could hear some tremor in his voice, he was as nervous as me.

"Hi, you look good."

Shyly I ran my fingers through my hair and looked over his outfit. It was similar to mine but the color where the opposite, so black shirt and shoes and white trousers.

"You look handsome too."

His voice caught me and I looked back at his face where I could see a smile. Before a awkward silence could built up between us I quickly closed my door and together we went to the elevator.

"Where are we going?" I asked interested while we were resting on the opposite walls in the elevator, looking each other.

"It's a surprise."

His deep voice with the clear Spanish accent let my feel shivers running down my back. When we left the hotel I saw a taxi waiting in front and Carlos hold the door of it open for me. I looked at him surprised but than climbed on the backseat of the car followed by the Spaniard. 

As I know he wouldn't tell me where we are going even if I would ask I was silent. When Carlos took a seat he didn't left the middle one empty and therefore was sitting now next to me while our legs were touching each other, like at the first press conference of this year. 

Despite the long and exhausting day I was a bit tired and so I laid my head carefully on his shoulder. He accepted it and I could even see a light smile in the corner of my eye. After twenty minutes the car pulled over and stopped.

"Come on tiger." Carlos said and stretched out his hand to me, which I took while jumping out of the taxi.

I didn't know if it was just a small gesture to help me out of the car or not but I didn't let it go and it didn't seem that Carlos had wanted it so we went hand in hand along the small street he guided us. After a few meters he started to talk about today and the race and it felt like we never had distance. 

It was like our talks last year, except now we were holding hands. I was a bit anxious and nervous at first of how Carlos would act in this new kind of situation but then i thawed out more and more and put my concerns aside. I was glad that he picked a place outside of the city because that meant fewer people and less attention.

"It's beautiful here, nice place." I commented the terrace and restaurant where he guided us.

It was on a small rise and from here you could look down to the sea, the sound of the waves along with the soft music sounded beautiful. A waiter guided us to a small table on the outside where we could get a glimpse on Monaco and the sea. Unfortunately Carlos let go of my hand but smiled at me like no one has ever before while we took our seats across from each other. We quickly ordered something to drink and the waiter brought us the wine two minutes later.

"To your win today." I said nervously, unsure what to toast for.

Carlos also took the glass and held it up while looking me deep in the eyes. All my nervousness and anxiety disappeared and instead a warm feeling spread in my body, especially in my stomach after Carlos said the following words.

 "To this wonderful evening and our first date."

Unexpected Feelings | Norris & SainzWhere stories live. Discover now