04 - heated argument

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Here we were in Imola. The last races went good, but it could been better. The Ferraris were always on an level with us and therefore a battle in the constructors championship started even tough the season has just started. 

This might be the reason Carlos stopped talking to me but I didn't understand it. After our shared evening in Jeddah we had barely talked to each other. It might be the fight on track but I felt something different between us. Maybe he was as surprised as me with what happened after the bar. I still was confused about this situation but every time I thought back I got goosebumps.

"Lando stop day dreaming and focus on the meeting. We need to beat the Ferraris today.", Oscar said and boxed against my arm.

Quickly I looked at him before I paid attention to Zak again. The team was really tense the last weeks and had put much effort in developing because of the fight with Ferrari. The season by now was pretty good in comparison for our last one and therefore everybody was excited.

As soon one of the engineers mentioned Carlos my mind started drifting away again. What I would give to be back in last season. Although Ferrari would be far ahead of us, Carlos and I could laugh about it and have a normal conversation, like two friends. 

But were we friends any more? At the moment I wasn't sure about it because the event of Jeddah could have brought things in two completely different ways.

First, there was an opportunity that he also felt something between us and isn't sure about I like I was. On the other hand he could be surprised by what happened and now blame me for it and want distance from me. Somehow I had a feeling it would be option two but Oscar tipped at my arm again before I could think about it.

"Lando anything to command on this?", my engineer asked me and I raised my head.

"Yeah no, I think we just had to finish in front of Charles and... well Sainz and than we will get good points."

The team started laughing and I also smiled but it was obviously fake. It bothers me that I couldn't say his name anymore, because if I do, I always had to think back at the hotel corridor and how he called me tiger

This word still stuck in my mind and every time I thought about it I got this unknown feeling inside of my stomach. Luckily the meeting was over and I had to do my pre-race workout together with my trainer which brought my mind a bit off Carlos. 

After that I got out to the pit lane and suddenly I saw the two Ferrari drivers. The racing suit was hanging on Carlos waist and I had to bite my lower lip at that sight, he really did look good.

"Hey Lando, don't finish before we do.", the Monegasque driver shouted in my direction and laugh.

I only looked at his teammate who didn't smile at all and I therefore quickly turned around and went to the car. After the lights went out I started and the first couple of laps went really good for me. My engineer asked me to box at lap 24 and when I entered the pit lane I saw a red car in the box, which suddenly came out of it when I was driving beside the Ferrari garage. 

Of course I braked but it was to late and our cars collided. When I turned my head in anger to see who was so stupid, the white 55 appeared in my view. Of course it had to be him I thought while climbing out of my car.

"Are you for sure, it was clearly your fault.", Carlos shouted and came over to me, just to poke me.

Out of sheer surprise at his behavior, I stood still for a few moments before running after him angrily, what was he imagining.

"I wasn't the one who came out of the box without looking.", I said and he stopped and turned around.

Slowly he took of his helmet and balaclava and his eyes together with the sweaty and messy black hair got me once again but I shook my head to think straight again. It was obviously his fault and I was mad. 

Mad at him for crashing into me of course but also mad at him for not talking to me during the last weekends. Mad that he didn't say a word or tried to get in touch, after all that happened. His eyes flicked down to my lips for a second before he turned to the garage again. I didn't want to let go so easily which was why I grabbed his arm to hold him back.

"Just fuck off Lando."

His words cut my heart and I let go of him, standing there speechless while he disappeared in his garage. Was he for sure? What was wrong with him? Some of my mechanics came to me and the cars and my trainer guided my back to the McLaren garage. 

My engineer wanted to talk to me but I couldn't think clear at the moment and excused myself. I had no idea how long I was sitting on the floor in my drivers room when it suddenly knocked.

"Yes?", I said monotonous without even looking at the door.

"Hey mate, sorry for your race, are you okay? Your trainer let us in, he said you could use some encouragement.", George said and he and Alex entered my room.

"We know the incident was shit but it wasn't your fault and now you have to look forward to Monaco."

"It's not just the incident.", I said and my friends looked at me surprised.

The didn't know about what happened between Carlos and me in Jeddah because I was confused about it the whole time but now I thought it maybe wouldn't hurt that much, when the know.

"I told you about Jeddah, where Carlos and I went out on Sunday to celebrate my podium."

"Yes you told us, you had a couple of drinks and than went back to the hotel."

"Yeah, but I left something out."

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