14 - last evening

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It was our last evening in Spain, Carlos and I had to fly back to Italy and England and therefore it was our last night together. His parents were invited so nobody was at home tonight. We spent the last hours cooking and eating together and it was really romantic even I have to admit that I am not a really romantic person but Carlos is and I loved it.

"I am done, you can take a shower now." I said and walked back in the bedroom where Carlos was sitting on the edge of the bed and was on his phone.

"Okay, I will be quick."

Without saying another word or looking at me Carlos disappeared into the bathroom. I sighted and grabbed some shorts to put on over my underwear. Because of the warm temperatures I decided against a shirt and opened the door to the balcony. A fresh breeze came through and I stepped out on the cold tiles.

Because Carlos put the lights out when he left the room it was dark and I had an amazing view on the stars. The night sky here was so much more beautiful than when I did a night walk in England. Maybe it was the fact that I was here in Spain with Carlos and therefore was everything beautiful, the man in the shower included.

My gaze wandered over the large garden of the Sainz up to the starry sky. There wasn't any cloud and therefore a million stars were shining. I leaned against the railing and closed my eyes. My thoughts went over the last few days were I had really fun with Carlos and his parents. They didn't treat my any different than last year or back in McLaren times and I therefore felt completely comfortable.

"Aren't you cold cariño?" I heard Carlos voice next to my ear and two seconds later I felt his arms around my bare torso.

When I leaned back at him I could feel that his upper body was also naked and I had to grin. His hot skin definitely felt better than every shirt and I was happy that he hadn't put one on. But because of his comment about my health I turned around.

"Says the man who also only wears shorts."

Directly after I finished my sentence I saw that what I said wasn't quite right. Carlos hadn't put on any clothes and only had his towel around his waist, very low. I had to exhale deeply when I noticed it and Carlos just had to laugh when he noticed my gaze on his lower abdomen. I could feel how I blushed and quickly looked back at his eyes.

"You don't have blush just because I am only wearing a towel tiger."

His deep voice together with the sparkle in his eyes gave me goosebumps and I felt a warm feeling inside my stomach even the temperature wasn't that high out here. I quickly looked down again and Carlos laugh before he took away his hands that were hanging around my waist. Instead of placing them on my face or somewhere else he slowly guided them towards his towel and untied the knot but still hold it.

"If you don't like the towel I can put it away." Carlos whispered and without thinking my hands went towards his and I took the towel.

The Spaniard smiled and let go of it. He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss. Still overwhelmed with the situation and his towel in my hands that was still around his waist I couldn't move my lips at first. However, when Carlos bit my lower lip in pleasure, I was jolted out of my trance and immediately let his tongue in, which deepened the kiss.

"You're so cute when you're overwhelmed Lando." Carlos said during a short break and the way he rolled the L gave me goosebumps again.

Slowly I felt the desire in my body but I didn't wanted to let go of his towel.

"And you know what, you"

"Shut up Carlos and kiss me." I said decisively and after a brief surprise, Carlos grinned and joined our lips once more, but this time with a lot more pressure.

Guided by my emotions, I bit Carlos' bottom lip, which made him groan. I wasn't sure if it was in pleasure or pain but his sound let me let go of the towel, which fell silently to the floor. With my eyes still closed I wrapped my hands around his body to pull him even closer towards me. The kiss seemed endless and I slowly let my hands wander down to his naked butt.

"Oh cariño." Carlos groaned as I held onto it, feeling like I was melting away.

My back was pressing against the railing of the balcony and the wind was blowing around our legs. I moaned softly as Carlos started pulling the hair on the back of my head while he pressed himself more and more against me. The situation didn't leave me cold either, but I was still wearing underwear and shorts, so it wasn't as noticeable as it was with Carlos, whose erection was already pressing against my lower abdomen.

I groaned a bit louder when I felt it for the first time and Carlos giggled against my lips before leaving them. A moment later I felt his tongue and lips on my neck and closed my eyes while my head fell back. However, since I didn't want to just look useless, I let one of my hands wander from his butt to the front.

"Carlos." I gasped when he suddenly bite into my neck.

After I had recovered from that feeling I put my hand around his hard cock and Carlos groaned loudly. Happy with his reaction I slowly started to move my hand along his length. The Spaniard moaned once again and let go of my neck to through his head in his neck with eyes closed.

"I think we should move inside." I suggested but Carlos wasn't able to answer and therefore only nodded his head.

I let go of him and his eyes opened quickly, starring directly into mine. The lust and desire were clearly to see, so I gently took his hand and led him through the large balcony door back into the bedroom.

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