08 - magical night

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When we wanted to leave Carlos insisted to pay even tough I told him that I was able to pay for myself.

"I invited you to this date so I pay." was all he said before we stood up and left the restaurant.

Carlos had to go to the toilet so I waited outside the building, a couple of meters away at a parapet, from where you had a great view over the bay. How did I land here I asked myself more and more. 

Last week I was mad at him and we barley talked and now we were on a date. How long did Carlos had feelings for me? Or was this just some random activity and he wasn't sure about his emotions? All these questions were in my head and I wanted to find some answers in the next hours. 

My view went up to the sky and the thousand stars that shined beautiful. Our talks the last hour wer so loose and relaxed and I began to feel more and more comfortable around him, but in a different way than before.

"Looking at the stars? They are as beautiful as you." I heard Carlos voice behind me but didn't turn around.

Suddenly I felt his body near at mine and than his chest slightly touched my back. Automatically I leaned back to him and instantly felt his hands on my waist and his breath next to my ear.

"Why did you asked me out?"

I couldn't keep this question longer in me because I had the feeling I will explode with it. His mixed signals over the season confused me and I was wondering why he shouted at me last week and now laid his arms around me. I got a bit anxious when Carlos left my body with his hands and stepped back, did I overstep something? Slowly I turned around to face him and saw how he grabbed his neck.

"I like you, really like you Lando."

I wanted to reply something and asked him why he showed such signal if he liked me and what like means for him, but he signaled me to be quiet before he started talking again.

"Last season at the end I felt something but I convince myself that it is just the stress and adrenaline from the races but these couple of days in England showed me that it was not what I thought. I wanted to text you in the new year but than Isa got suspicious about another woman and I was so confused with all my feelings and convinced myself that the would go away until Bahrain." Carlos said but than stopped.

He looked away from me and over the sea in the background and I was a bit overwhelmed with his explanation.

"Did they go away?" I shyly asked and the Spaniard let out a laugh.

"I am here now so what do you think."

I felt that I was getting red but the sun was long gone so I hoped that he wouldn't see it. Carlos ran his fingers through his black hair that looked once again more than beautiful in my opinion.

"Lando you make my crazy. Every time I saw you in the paddock, on track or in the media panel I had those conflicting emotions inside myself and was sure that you wouldn't feel the same which was why I distanced myself, I am so sorry about that."

"I thought the same. But I thought you are Carlos Sainz you can't be unsure about something and since you didn't stepped up to me I thought that was it. I would have tried everything to get our friendship back fro last season even tough my feelings were stronger than that, but I was ready to bury than so we could be friends again."

I sighted and turned around once again to look over the dark sea and the harbor with it's small lights. Carlos didn't say a word and therefore I wasn't sure what my words had done to him. Wasn't he feeling the same? His arms which I felt around my hip said something different and I started smiling. Suddenly I felt his hot breath against my ear and he lowered his voice.

"I think we can't be friends again. It's impossible to be just friends."

His words and the unique Spanish accent gave me goosebumps and all I could reply was a silent "I agree." while I rested my head back against his shoulder. The next ten minutes we spent standing there and looking over the sea, Carlos arms around me and my back against his chest. After a while I recognized how he turned his head slightly and suddenly I felt his lips on my skin underneath my ear. I begann to shiver when he started kissing my neck.

"Carlos." I breathed and closed my eyes, the feeling was incredible.

Against my skin I could feel him smile and his arms around my waist tightened their grip and pulled me even closer to him. I laid my hands on his and tried to get a hold because I was feeling like my legs would give out. 

I took one or two deep breaths when Carlos let go of my neck before I slowly turned in his arms. When I saw the Spaniard I recognized his dark eyes and his whole look seemed hotter than an hour ago.

"You drive me crazy tiger."

This words were enough for me and I placed my hands in his neck to pull him even closer. One second later his lips crashed on mine and our grip became stronger on the others body. After a short and unsure touch of our lips Carlos stared moving his against mine and I followed. 

Suddenly I felt his tongue on my lower lip and without thinking I let him in which deepened the kiss. He released one of his hands from my hip just to put it on my cheek to deepen the kiss even more. Meanwhile my hands went from his neck a little bit up and I started playing with his hair. Completely out of breath, we broke apart after a while, smiling at each other.

"Thanks for asking me out." I whispered while brushing a strand of hair out of Carlos' face.

"Thanks for saying yes." he replied before leaning in for another kiss.

This one wasn't as passionate as the previous one but had so much feelings and emotions in it. After we parted I laid my head against his shoulder while me hands hung loose around his neck and his around my waist. This moment was perfect and I never wanted it to end.

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