02 - race day

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Today was the second race of the season and I was pretty excited because the car felt very good last week, even I finished on P6, but still I got points. Oscar reached P8 so there were double points for the team, which I was very happy about. Carlos came 4th and I was also very happy for him, even though we hadn't spoken since the lunch break on Thursday back in Bahrain. When we saw each other in the paddock we smiled at each other but he never stepped to me or texted me. I therefore asked myself what went wrong that day, shouldn't I have asked about his break up? To get an answer for that I made up my mind to talk to him during the drivers parade today.

"Are you looking for Carlos?", George asked me while we were waiting inside the building and I looked around.

"Yeah what happened, we missed Carlando at the last race. Did something happen between you two?"

Alex and George look at me but I just shook my head and thankfully the drivers parade was about to start so we all went outside. That was the moment when I get a glimpse on Carlos who was talking to Checo. After we got on the truck I slowly made my way over to them, until I was standing behind Carlos. The spoke Spanish and I had to admit once again that it was pretty hot when Carlos used this language, it just sounded so perfect.

"Looks like someone wants to talk to you. See you on track.", Checo said and turned over to Nico and Zhou.

Carlos looked behind him and when he saw me he was surprised.

"Hey Lando, how are you?"

His smile and friendly voice confused me. Why was he ignoring me for one and a half weekend and now he talked to me like nothing happened. Even though I was happy to talk to him at the same time I felt some anger in me. He noticed it and raised an eyebrow.

"You tell me, you ignored me the whole week and now you smile at me like nothing happened?"

Surprised by me answer he took a step back.

"Lando. I just thought you were busy."

The way he pronounced my name gave me goosebumps but at the same time I was shook that he used such a ridiculous excuse. I turned to the side, offended, and said nothing. Carlos realized that his answer wasn't the best and honest one and he placed his hand on my lower back. I immediately shiver and bite on my bottom lip. This man gave my all kind of new feelings and I wasn't sure why I felt this way lately, considering we were friends for about four years now.

"Okay listen I am sorry I just had some things on my mind and wasn't really in the mood to talk to you."

"I thought we were friends?", I mumbled and hold my view straight on the road.

"We are, that never changed. I was just conflicted with something but know I am clear in my head again, I am sorry."

"Was it about the relationship thing?"

Slowly I looked at him again, scared I may overstep something again. But on his face appeared a smile and he take his hand away from my back.

"Yes. I thought the feelings for the person I mentioned were back but than I thought longer about it and came to the conclusion that there is actually nothing?"

"So there is no crazy girlfriend coming up?", I said and we both stared laughing.

Carlos shook his head, before he turned to the street and answered.

"No, don't worry you'll have me by the cheek for a while. And I guarantee you we will have fun the next months as singles."

I couldn't hide my grin after his command and so I just looked on the track and the fans. Even we didn't speak the rest of the drivers parade, standing next to him was enough for me to feel comfortable. After we get of the truck Carlos put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"Good luck today Lando."

"Likewise Carlos.", was the only thing that came out of my mouth even tough I wanted to say so much more, but I had to focus on the race.

The start was pretty good and I achieved to overtake two cars so that I was now behind Carlos on P5. The Ferrari was in my view for the next couple of laps and my engineer told my every lap to overtake him but somehow it didn't work. When my tries were nearly destroyed I boxed and a couple of laps later he said to me that Carlos has boxed too, which would be interesting on the pit exit. I saw the red car on the right side but it was to slow and so I was in front of him in the next corner. Suddenly Carlos fell a bit behind and it was time to look in front where Charles was next. In the last lap I managed to overtake him and finish P3. Full of joy I parked the car in front of the big 3 and jumped out of it to celebrate with my mechanics. After I turned around I saw the Ferrari of Carlos and I watched the Spaniard jumping out of it.

"Good racing out there.", I told him, referring to the laps where we battled for P4.

But Carlos only nodded and than disappeared in the building without another word or a congratulations. I was surprised by his behavior but didn't bother any longer because Max came over and hugged me, he came first. After we got our trophy and made a team picture it was time for the interviews and Clara and I went to the media area. Suddenly I spotted Carlos there with his media manger and we shared a quick look, before Clara dragged me in front of a microphone. After we finished Carlos was long gone and so I mad my way back to my drivers room where I got changed and packed my things before I left the garage.

"Lando wait!"

I stopped before I could scan my pass at the exit, his voice stopped me. I would recognize his voice anywhere, it just sounded so special, just so perfect.

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