11 - home win

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One month later was my home race and I was more than excited. The last weeks were pretty stressful for McLaren and Ferrari and therefore for Carlos and me why we couldn't spend much time together. 

Apart from quick kisses behind the garages or short make out sessions in my drivers room we hadn't done anything and I noticed how I slowly want more. Kissing Carlos wasn't sometimes enough for me and I was glad that the summer break was near.

Fifteen seconds.

I closed my visor and looked at the lights in front of me. Starting second and next to Verstappen was a big achievement for me, especially at my home race in Silverstone. After all lights went out I accelerated. The start went good and I followed Verstappen into the first corner. Behind me I could see the two Ferraris and instantly got goosebumps thinking about the Spaniard behind me. But I managed to focus on the race again.

After 52 laps I reached the finish line and my emotions came through considered that Verstappen was behind me.

Lando you are a formula 1 race winner! Congratulation!

I nearly crashed because I shouted and was absolutely happy. With tears in my eyes I jumped out of the car and ran over to my engineers to celebrate. Then I turned around and saw Verstappen coming over to hug and congratulate my. The next minute I was just standing there and trying to realize what I just had done, I fucking won a race.

My grin widened as I saw the Ferrari with the number 55 driving in front of the third place sign. I was so happy that I wanted to ran over to him and kiss him but I suppressed this desire and just smiled at him. Carlos jumped out of his car and before he ran over to his team he stepped towards me and hugged me.

"I am so proud of you Lando, so proud."

Regrettably the interviewer pulled me over and put a microphone in me hand. Without any interest I answered the questions while while my gaze was past the interviewer to Carlos, who was standing there proudly smiling at me. Luckily it was quick done and we went to the cool down room where Verstappen talked nonstop. 

Carlos and I didn't bother because we weren't listening anyway, just looking at each other and smiling. I couldn't image something better than my first win at my home race and than sharing the podium with Carlos.

After listening to the anthems and getting our trophy we were aloud to spray the champagne. While Verstappen and Carlos started directly I did my jump and opened the bottle with a bang. The next few minutes were pure fun and when we went back to the paddock we were soaked. Verstappen disappeared quickly and so Carlos and I got a moment alone in the small corridor.

"You did so well out there today cariño." whispered Carlos and pushed my back against the wall.

I gasped and looked surprise at him, seeing his dark eyes who showed how much he missed this and me the last days. I quickly peered around but since I couldn't see or hear anyone I pulled Carlos closer and connected our lips. The kiss turned heated very fast and I started to smile.

"Let's quickly get our interviews done and then meet at the hotel."

Carlos eyes lit up at my suggestion and I wanted to let go of him but he had other plans. Before I could say anything else his lips connected to my neck and he started to place kisses underneath my ear. I tried to stifle my moans but when he bit down carefully I had to exhale loudly and my fingers clawed into his strong upper arms.

"Carlos." I gasped and suddenly I heard him laughing against my neck.

Then he let go of my skin and stepped away.

"Just a little foretaste of later."

With these words he winked at me and turned around and left me standing there with goosebumps and a comfortably warm feeling in my stomach. What was he doing to me that I had these kinds of feelings? Quickly I shook my head and followed the Spaniard in the paddock where Clara was already looking for me. 

Together we went to the media panel and I prepared myself for the interviews.Because my spot was occupied we had to wait and I suddenly felt a person behind me.

"Do you miss me or why did you follow me here?"

A shiver ran down my spine when I heard the Spanish accent and I slowly turned around. His grin was big on his face and Clara said quickly hello before started talking to Carlos media manager, which left us alone.

"Yes, I just didn't have enough after your touches before and that's why I followed you." I whispered and winked at him.

Surprise by my words Carlos gasped and I smiled at his reaction. Before he could reply Clara pulled me on my arm in front of the microphone and and i had to take my eyes off Carlos. Again I wasn't paying much attention to the questions and the interviews and was glad when they finally were over.

After a short debrief with my engineer and some mechanics I was ready to leave the paddock and grabbed my stuff. Carlos had just texted me that his meetings would take longer than expected and he would meet me at the hotel later. I wasn't particularly happy about this but answered him quickly that he should pack his things and text me when it's done.

When I got back to my hotel room I stared packing myself because I had something in mind and wanted to take Carlos somewhere, to be exact to London and my apartment. Since the next race was two weeks away I had the idea of spending some days with Carlos in London. 

Because I knew Charles had knowledge of our connection I asked him if there are any team things Carlos need to be and the Monegasque guaranteed me that Carlos has nothing to do. Therefore it would be a surprise for him and I was curious about his reaction, hopefully he would be happy.

After an hour and a half there was a knock on my door and when I opened I saw Carlos with his suitcase in front of me room. When he asked what I had planned I said he should follow me and we went down to my car.

"What are we doing Lando?" Carlos asked me impatiently, looking a little nervous while sitting next to me on the passenger seat.

"It's a surprise."

I winked at him and laid a hand on his leg while smiling at him. The Spaniard sighed and leaned back but put his hand on mine and brushed with his fingers over it. With the home win in my pocket and the wonderful man next to me, I raced towards the sunset and London.

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