13 - family hike

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The sun was shining when we jumped out of the car. The dog ran after me and I therefore grabbed his leash before he could escape. A couple of meters further a second car was parking and Carlos parents already went over. The Spaniard saw me still standing next to the car a little bit nervous and took my hand.

"My parents already love you so don't worry, they will be fine with it."

Of course I had met Ana and Blanca but meeting them as my sisters-in-law was a complete different thing, at least for me. I took a last deep breath before Carlos and I walked over to them.

"Lando, hello! It's so nice to see you again, especially as Carlos's boyfriend." Ana said and hugged me followed by her sister.

After a short chat we started walking up the rocky path from the parking lot. While Carlos was in front chatting with his father, I walked next to Ana in the middle of our small group. We always got on well and it didn't change despite the latest changes in Carlos and mine relationship. 

"Do you think you can beat Carlos this season, I mean you are only twelve points behind him." she suddenly asked which caused me laugh.

The dog stopped and I nearly fell over him because I was looking at Carlos in front of me. The beautiful Spaniard had completely messed up my emotions, but in a good way. Formula and beating him on the track had become a side issue. 

Of course we made fun of each other and teased each other when the other was ahead, but fortunately there wasn't a real fight. Even if Ferrari and McLaren were sometimes surprised at our relaxed attitude towards the given fight in the constructors. Luckily the didn't came up with romantic connection between us until yet.

I looked at Ana again who was waiting for me answer and I quickly apologized before I told her my opinion.

"Yeah I mean why not. If I couldn't catch him on track I have to find other ways but I will try my best." I said and we started laughing.

"I don't even want to know about these other ways."

When I realized what she meant I blushed and turned quickly away. She just laughed and shouted something toward the two man in front of us but in Spanish so I couldn't understand. But Carlos stopped and while his sister went to her father my boyfriend waited for me.

"I heard you need me." Carlos said while he took the leash of the dog from me.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. What had Ana told him? Carlos saw the questioning look on my face and laughed. 

"Yeah very badly but unluckily there are no bushes where we could jump in." I said clear sarcastically and passed the Spaniard, who now looked at me in horror.

A couple meters further his father and sister stopped and I saw that we were on top of the little mountain. The Spanish sun was shining bright and I suddenly felt thirsty and hungry. I was startled as the dog ran between my legs towards the older Carlos and as I wanted to say something I felt two strong arms around me.

"You really got me there. For a moment I didn't know what to do: drag you into the tall grass or pounce on you right there." Carlos whispered in my ear from behind which caused me shiver.

He laid his head on my shoulder and I put my arms around his that were still hanging around my waist. I sighed and leaned back against his chest. The view was amazing and with this man behind me everything was perfect for a moment. Suddenly I felt something wet on my leg and when I looked down I saw the dog.

"Looks like someone else would like to lick you off." whispered Carlos and broke away from me.

When I also turned around I saw that the others had take a place on the big rocks and started eating something. Carlos joined them followed by me.

"You two are so cute together."

I felt how my cheeks turned red after Ana comment and looked at Carlos who just smiled at me and laid an arm around my waist. After we finished eating I made some pictures of the view and the landscape when Carlos mum offered to take our picture. As I mentioned before I didn't like my self in pictures but Carlos insisted and so we positioned ourselves a couple meters away of the camera.

"And what was so bad now?" Carlos asked me after his mother did some photos.

I turned towards him and pouted a little but the Spaniard took my face in his hands and stepped closer to me.

"My tiger."

After these words he lowered his face and laid his lips on mine. At first it was a bit uncomfortable for me thinking that his family was still next to us but than I felt his tongue on my lower lip and  I blocked out everything except from him of course. The kiss deepened for a moment but before it could get too heated Carlos parted and smiled at me.

"Was that my reward for the photo?" I asked jokingly and wanted to step away, back to his family.

"As you know, my rewards are different. Further down." Carlos whispered in my ear and I got goosebumps while my face was for sure dark red.

Luckily no one saw it or they thought it was from and the sun and we continued our little hike. This time I was going in front with Carlos father and we talked about Formula 1 but also drifted apart sometimes. He really seemed to like me and I was happy that he approved our relationship. 

At this moment I remembered that I haven't told my parents yet, but I was sure they were suspecting something. The last weeks I often sent them pictures of Carlos and me at different activities. Although we were friends before I usually texted them pictures with only me in it so this was a massive hint.

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