15 - our love

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I slowly opened my eyes the next morning and found myself on top of Carlos who has his arms around my waist. Last night was amazing and I got goosebumps when I thought back at it. From Carlos I could hear a soft snoring but it didn't bother me, it was beautiful like the man himself. My head was laying on his bare chest and I startet to slowly draw circles on his stomach. 

The blanket barely covered our bare lower bodies, so I had a great view of his upper body and six-pack. When my fingers went further and further down his strong arms pulled me even closer. The same strong arms I clung to last night as we both cum loudly. For me it was the first experience of this kind but Carlos guided me through and it was perfect, I never felt better than in that moment and with this man.

Lost in thoughts of last night, my hand wandered further down, under the covers and Carlos's snoring suddenly stopped.

"What are you doing tiger." he whispered to me in his deep morning voice and a tingling spread in my stomach.

"Nothing." I answered but had to smile, luckily he couldn't see it.

My hand stopped just a few inches above from his sensitive part. Carlos moved quickly and turned us around so that he was hovering over me. I gasped in surprise but a second later I felt his lips on mine and stopped thinking. The kiss deepened very quickly and between our bodies was it clear how much we were turned on by the situation.

"Oh cariño, I've only been up a minute and you're already driving me crazy." Carlos groaned when he felt my hard one on his.

Because he had done the main part yesterday I wanted to give him something back and therefore gathered all my strength so that I could turn around. I made it and was sitting on Carlos hip with his hands on my tights. He didn't say anything just looked at me with so much love I could have melt.

"Thank you for showing me everything last night. I know I am a baby when it comes to such things." I said and looked away in embarrassment, after all I had little to no experience in such things until now.

Carlos big smile disappeared and he softly looked at me.

"Hey Lando don't say such things. You were amazing, we were amazing. I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, leaning down to join our lips.

However, I didn't get up afterwards, I just slid down his legs while I distributed light kisses over his upper body, down over his six-pack. After one last look at his eyes I closed mine and put my lips around him. Carlos moaned loud and his hands went straight into my hair.

Three hours and two rounds of sex later we were standing in front of the house and saying goodbye to his parents. I thanked them for everything and they said we should visit them anytime soon if possible. I hugged his father and mother one last time before I followed Carlos towards the taxi that was waiting for us to take us to the airport.

Carlos would fly to Maranello while my destination was London. The whole ride I therefore hold his hand in mine not wanting to leave him. Luckily he offered me a shirt this morning and I therefore would have his odor longer with me. The taxi ride ended after forty minutes and we were guided to the VIP area on the airport.

"I will miss you so much Carlos." I said and hugged him in a private zone.

"It's only two weeks until we see each other again in Zandvoort."

I pouted a little and looked up at Carlos sadly.

"Yeah but there I can't hug and kiss you when I want to. You would be so near but also so far away."

The Spaniard smiled and brushed a strand out of my face. We didn't say a word for the next five minutes and only starred at each other but this was exactly what we needed before our goodbye. The next two weeks would be very busy for both of us but I was sure that I would miss Carlos a lot. After that the second half of the season would start and I was very excited about it, especially about the duel between Ferrari and McLaren.

"I think your flight is about to start." Carlos said after a long hug and I looked around.

He was right and therefore I had to say goodbye to him, my boyfriend. Luckily not many people were here and therefore I pulled him closer and laid my lips on his. It was a short kiss but with so much feelings and a little tears ran down my cheek. I quickly turned around and grabbed my stuff so Carlos couldn't see it.

"Text me when you land." I heard Carlos shouting behind me and I only nodded unable to reply something because otherwise my tears would come through.

I sighed when I sat down next to the window. The last days were beautiful, with Carlos and his family. We could be ourselves without hiding our feelings and relationship. Race weekends would be challenging again, with secret meetings and unobtrusive touches. Moreover there was the fight in the constructors and we must be very carefully so they would not suspect something.

With all these thoughts I was scrolling through my social media because the plane was still standing on the ground and I had internet. I saw that Carlos had a new story and had to smile because I was curious if it was a airport selfie or something. But when I opened it and saw the picture he had posted I caught my breath.

Already missing summer...

The text wasn't the problem it was the photo. It was one from our hike a week ago and it showed Carlos from behind, but in front of him was standing another person, who couldn't really be seen in the picture because you could only see a little of the hair. Besides the fact that it was obvious that it was a man for me it was also clear who that person was, it was me. Carlos arms laid around me waist and we watched the beautiful landscape of Spain.

What would this picture trigger? I wasn't sure about it but I wasn't mad at Carlos. It was a really cute gesture and I loved it but at the same time I was scared what people would think and if they would judge him for being in a relationship with a man, what was clear to see on that picture.

I had mixed feelings about this and now the upcoming races. What would people say and think and what would would our teams think about this? I didn't now but what I knew was that I loved the Spaniard. 

If someone had told me that last season, I wouldn't have believed it, but now it was. I had romantic feelings for Carlos Sainz, even if they were different feelings at first, unexpected feelings.


Thank you for reading this story!

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Also tell me if you want another LandoxCarlos story or a second part of this story.

thanks <3

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